Trump Announces Brutal Changes to Gov’t Worker Pay

There’s no one left in the military from a draft . We have a professional military. They are government employees too.

And how does this merit thing work? Is it all political ?

Look up "up or out", someone who stays in the same grade for too long, especially officers usually take the hint and leave the service.

Look up “Afghanistan war”. 16 years later and it’s the same old shit as pretty much when we started . All the pentagon should be fired .

You are talking policy vs employee retention. Try discussing the point for once.

No. We are talking about doing a good job. I pointed out how the war has been a failure . Heads should roll . ( I realize that was a poor choice of words as soon as I typed it. Lol!)

For some fed agencies its about doing any job, or doing just enough to not get noticed. Its about bloat of the federal employment rolls.

Again, the political decisions made are made by political people. Or at least that's how it should be. Civil Servants should be cogs in a wheel, not the driver of policy.

But 50+ years of progressive and often progressive-lite policies has gotten us to where we are now,
The public sector has contacted a great deal over the past 50 years. A lot of things are privatized. This new attack on civil servants is just rehashing out dated memes.
Dems ain't gonna like it. The federal government has become their own employment agency with bureaucracies created to monitor other bureaucracies who monitor other bureaucracies and so on. Raises are awarded for coming to work (and voting for democrats). . Drain it.
Look up "up or out", someone who stays in the same grade for too long, especially officers usually take the hint and leave the service.

Look up “Afghanistan war”. 16 years later and it’s the same old shit as pretty much when we started . All the pentagon should be fired .

You are talking policy vs employee retention. Try discussing the point for once.

No. We are talking about doing a good job. I pointed out how the war has been a failure . Heads should roll . ( I realize that was a poor choice of words as soon as I typed it. Lol!)

For some fed agencies its about doing any job, or doing just enough to not get noticed. Its about bloat of the federal employment rolls.

Again, the political decisions made are made by political people. Or at least that's how it should be. Civil Servants should be cogs in a wheel, not the driver of policy.

But 50+ years of progressive and often progressive-lite policies has gotten us to where we are now,
The public sector has contacted a great deal over the past 50 years. A lot of things are privatized. This new attack on civil servants is just rehashing out dated memes.

That still counts as government growth, and a lot of the growth is as the State level using federal $$

‘Big Government’ Is Ever Growing, on the Sly
This should surely drain the swamp - quickly. Pay raises based upon merit for federal workers? Unheard of.

Senior officials with the Office of Management and Budget who spoke anonymously with The Washington Times said the plan aimed to put a stop to regular, tenure-and merit-based raises for more than 1.5 million federal workers and instead focus on performance-based raises.

In other words, federal employees will now have to work hard for their raises, and those who do not perform well could be fired.

From Drain It: Trump Announces Brutal Changes to Gov't Worker Pay

Thanks to Trump, DC Bureaucrats Are About to Get a Huge Wake-Up Call @ Thanks to Trump, DC Bureaucrats Are About to Get a Huge Wake-Up Call

Trump Proposes Biggest Civil Service Change In 40 Years @ Trump Proposes Biggest Civil Service Change In 40 Years

Say it aint so. The current requirement is whether or not you nod your head in agreement. I once worked for a govt. agency that was privatized. As a govt. agency they played their games. My evals were standard to above standard, based on intangibles. Once they privatized the evals were based on tangible results.......Go figure I was rated outstanding, but you know, wasn't good enough beforehand, and I was overlooked for promotions in favor of those who nodded their heads well and made an 8-hour day appear 12. I did it in 6.
Same with military too?
In the military, you do your duty or they throw you in jail.

Maybe we should implement that for the civilian side too. What do you say?

Depending on what you do, civilians can also see jail time .
Look up dereliction of duty. I guarantee that the punishment is always the same. You do your duty or you pay the price. Period.

Shall we apply that to the civilian workforce too?
It already is applied to civilian workers, do your job or pay the price, the price is being fired

It is almost impossible to fire a civilian employee who is covered by the civil service system. It requires a minimum of two years of documentation, additional training, and intense supervision to justify a firing for non performance. A firing for cause such as sleeping on the job, stealing, etc. is an exercise in futility. A good lawyer will get his/her job back with back pay for the time he/she was out of the job.

There is a legal tenet that prohibits unequal treatment, and just about every thing that you can imagine as cause for firing has been negated by other civil servants not being fired for the same offense.

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