Trump announces more jobs

"The jobs you fools are giving Obama credit for creating were actually created by business leaders" in accordance with Obama and his economic council's leadership.

Trump will cause a recession: huge tax cuts, huge building programs, borrowing on the government credit card.

The stocks are overvalued, they will collapse, they money will run into the banks and housing, and we know where that leads.
"The jobs you fools are giving Obama credit for creating were actually created by business leaders" in accordance with Obama and his economic council's leadership.

Trump will cause a recession: huge tax cuts, huge building programs, borrowing on the government credit card.

The stocks are overvalued, they will collapse, they money will run into the banks and housing, and we know where that leads.
Chicken Little says "The sky is falling!"
If he applies tariffs from certain countries like China, Mexico and Canada, it will force businesses to move back to America especially those companies who have government contracts. It has been suggested that he wants 10%, I don't know if that is enough to make a major dent, but it would make a difference. I have no doubt that Trump will use every bit of leverage to ensure jobs move back to America.

I believe in free trade and minimal government intervention, but there is a clear imbalance of jobs leaving to China and other nations who are artificially subsidising industries and not treating the U.S in the same manner they are being treated, a la free market access. In turn, countries like China are even building military threats closer to American allies, all on the backs of taxes they generate from U.S businesses there.

Something has to give to correct this, appears Trump is going hard to get jobs back. Once he's in office I am certain this will be his main day to day objective, to rebuild the U.S economy one job at a time until there is a much broader tax base and revenue source than is currently in place. If he does that and decreases government slush programs and programs of perpetual dependence, America will be the place to be in 2017!
"The jobs you fools are giving Obama credit for creating were actually created by business leaders" in accordance with Obama and his economic council's leadership.

Trump will cause a recession: huge tax cuts, huge building programs, borrowing on the government credit card.

The stocks are overvalued, they will collapse, the money will run into the banks and housing, and we know where that leads.
Chicken Little says "The sky is falling!"
I am saying a pattern is emerging as you well know. However . . . I was ready the last two times, and we did extremely well: hit the jackpot the second time. So be stupid like the others and I will clean up again.
If he applies tariffs from certain countries like China, Mexico and Canada, it will force businesses to move back to America especially those companies who have government contracts. It has been suggested that he wants 10%, I don't know if that is enough to make a major dent, but it would make a difference. I have no doubt that Trump will use every bit of leverage to ensure jobs move back to America.

I believe in free trade and minimal government intervention, but there is a clear imbalance of jobs leaving to China and other nations who are artificially subsidising industries and not treating the U.S in the same manner they are being treated, a la free market access. In turn, countries like China are even building military threats closer to American allies, all on the backs of taxes they generate from U.S businesses there.

Something has to give to correct this, appears Trump is going hard to get jobs back. Once he's in office I am certain this will be his main day to day objective, to rebuild the U.S economy one job at a time until there is a much broader tax base and revenue source than is currently in place. If he does that and decreases government slush programs and programs of perpetual dependence, America will be the place to be in 2017!
You contradict yourself as you are well aware. Can we win a trade war with China is one question? Will Trump punishes business is another?
If he applies tariffs from certain countries like China, Mexico and Canada, it will force businesses to move back to America especially those companies who have government contracts. It has been suggested that he wants 10%, I don't know if that is enough to make a major dent, but it would make a difference. I have no doubt that Trump will use every bit of leverage to ensure jobs move back to America.

I believe in free trade and minimal government intervention, but there is a clear imbalance of jobs leaving to China and other nations who are artificially subsidising industries and not treating the U.S in the same manner they are being treated, a la free market access. In turn, countries like China are even building military threats closer to American allies, all on the backs of taxes they generate from U.S businesses there.

Something has to give to correct this, appears Trump is going hard to get jobs back. Once he's in office I am certain this will be his main day to day objective, to rebuild the U.S economy one job at a time until there is a much broader tax base and revenue source than is currently in place. If he does that and decreases government slush programs and programs of perpetual dependence, America will be the place to be in 2017!
You contradict yourself as you are well aware. Can we win a trade war with China is one question? Will Trump punishes business is another?

Of course you can win a trade war with China. America can rally people to punish China for their expansion in the South China sea and produce sanctions. They can in a swipe of a pen place heavy tariffs on Chinese goods and drive businesses to other cheap labour sources, they are abundant. From Vietnam to Indonesia. A trade war would easily be won from America, this is a guarantee. Quite frankly, if this confrontation is going to occur with China, the earlier the better, before China expands further militarily and economically.

This has been a war of attrition for China because they know they have a massive labour class with low skill and low wages. They conned their way into the WTO, thanks to Bill Clinton supporting them they got their way. This isn't about high tech businesses, innovation, R&D, having the best and brightest businesses. Furthermore, how have Chinas human rights record improved since entry into the WTO? Not much if any.

This isn't as dire as even I once believed it would be, all things considered. If you want to talk about buying cheap products from one enemy country or the long term National Security risks for America AND the world, it should be an easy decision and Americans are beginning to understand this.
Of course you can win a trade war with China. America can rally people to punish China for their expansion in the South China sea and produce sanctions.


crazy sounding and delusional No other nation will enact sanctions, and it takes lots of countries imposing sanctions together for anything to work at the level of punishing China

Of course you can win a trade war with China. America can rally people to punish China for their expansion in the South China sea and produce sanctions.


crazy sounding and delusional No other nation will enact sanctions, and it takes lots of countries imposing sanctions together for anything to work at the level of punishing China


You want to bet? Embargos and sanctions are legitimate tactics that any free and democratic have and SHOULD use against enemy states. Quite simply, if other nations won't restrict trade with China than America will restrict trade with that nation doing business with China. You simply maintain a higher standard of living by refusing to continue to engage in the race to the bottom. There are still dozens of other countries who can do what China can do, but they don't pose the same threat, nor engage in these Communist tactics.

Ultimately access to the U.S market is what everyone still wants, so use this to your advantage. I am sure Trump doesn't need to be told this, he understands it quite well. Build strong unilateral trade agreements with Japan and other First World nations, place clauses in place to have it revisited and open to addressing geopolitical challenges, such as that which China is posing with it's expansion. There will be businesses who are impacted sure, but they either realise the long term risks involved in America defaults on their debt due to no jobs or tax base, and/or, China becomes a military threat; or, another business will simply come in and fill the vacuum.

I am not an isolationist, far from it. However I am also not so insane and blind as to not see that there as been one nation in particular who has economically exploited America and the rest of the world seems eager to watch it happen without much ambition to stop it, that nation is China. It's not personal, China is trying to expand it's own Communist power at the sake of other nations, especially America, but it is necessary to confront this danger sooner rather than later. This isn't fear mongering, I'd say it's fairly clear based on their latest foray into the Southern China Sea among many other metrics.

Put it this way, if you don't think China at it's current trajectory isn't going to be a security threat to America now or in the future, then I have a bridge to sell you. It has to be dealt with, plain and simple. Even at the expense of some short term ideological wavering, since these "free markets" for America have not been free at all.
You want to bet? Embargos and sanctions are legitimate tactics that any free and democratic have and SHOULD use against...
China is a trade partner, not an 'enemy' nation


you are stupid. proof? your misconceptions on trade

China is an enemy state. Otherwise they wouldn't be expanding into the Southern China Sea and threatening the American allies there, nor would it take a U.S drone from the water, or tell America that it cannot speak to Taiwan.

Nor would it artificially devalue it's currency to steal American jobs, or sitting back when North Korea launches more nuke tests. Nor would China steal from America via cyber warfare at an alarming rate stealing sensitive American government secrets and military plans.

China is an enemy state, the biggest enemy they have at the moment. It's the price to be paid when a nation becomes a Superpower and is run by Communist who arbitrarily harm their own citizens.
Sprint called him to say they were bringing back 5k jobs.
New company "one web" will be hiring thousands.
Short video at link
Trump says Sprint to bring 5,000 jobs back to U.S.

BFD... there were 208,000 new jobs added in September, 143,000 in October, and 178.000 new jobs in November. All this after 15.6 million new jobs over the last 81 months. Especially after losing 800,000 per month under Bush. What do you think a measly 5,000 jobs will do against the 150,000 jobs per month that we need to grow?
Yeah, sounds good, looks great on the pretty little graph

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