trump approval rating dives to lowest in seven years while Biden's climbs

I’m sure it’s hilarious to BDS morons who get their news from gatewaypundit.
It's on you tube unedited, a reporter asked about the Afghanistan withdrawal. The eater bunny heard it and got between Biden and the reporter and swooshed Biden back. Pretty pathetic, but that's your demented, pedofile leader.
It's on you tube unedited, a reporter asked about the Afghanistan withdrawal. The eater bunny heard it and got between Biden and the reporter and swooshed Biden back. Pretty pathetic, but that's your demented, pedofile leader.

How did I know that I was going to find your stupid shit on gatewaypundit?

How did I know that I was going to find your stupid shit on gatewaypundit?
Lol, attack the source but don't watch the video. That's how you loons roll.
Because they’re CNN. You know, attacking the source.

I smell hypocrisy.
I don't watch cnn, but their reporting Trump v/s Biden. Trump couldn't do anything right and Biden can't do anything wrong. If Trump got flagged down by the Easter bunny. You loons would've impeached him.
I don't watch cnn, but their reporting Trump v/s Biden. Trump couldn't do anything right and Biden can't do anything wrong. If Trump got flagged down by the Easter bunny. You loons would've impeached him.
Did you think this pivot was going to work?

You called me a loon for attacking a source. Have you ever attacked CNN?

I smell hypocrisy.
Seems like I was hearing the same thing right before Trump obliterated Hillary, the Dems and the FAKE NEWS.
Chump lost to Hillary by 3 million votes, elected to office due to a technicality called electoral college, only to be twice impeached and suffer humiliating defeats against President Biden and mid terms...
I understand your frustration and anger.
ah, the ol public school motto.
No red wave and your orange messiah is finished politically
No red wave but plenty of red faces, and the only reason trump was president was because of the lack of a worthy opponent, if Biden ran in 16 he would have won, but he was determined unqualified by socially educated whites due to his genitalia, so folks like yourself anointed someone they felt had the proper qualification...
Now you no longer have to pretend you understand. about that?
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Chump lost to Hillary by 3 million votes,
No he didn't. Leftist idiots like you took the state totals and added them all up to create this fake figure you call the "popular vote" which does not exist in law, and because it totalled about 2.7 million more, mostly within a few city blocks of LA, you use that to wrongly claim Hillary won when that isn't at all how our elections work.

elected to office due to a technicality called electoral college
The Electoral College is the LAW, you sad clown nitwit, decreed by the actual founders of this country to ensure a true republic so that everyone had a voice in their governance and so that no one state or region could dictate to the rest of the country! Sucks to be you: wrong 100 out of 100 times again.
I understand your frustration and anger. No red wave and your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2015: your orange messiah won't ever get off the ground
  • 2016: your orange messiah doesn't stand a chance
  • 2017: your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2018: your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2019: your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2020: your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2021: your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2022: your orange messiah is finished politically
  • 2023: your orange messiah is finished politically
Keep it up! Sooner or later, one of these years you are bound to get it right! :lmao:

Meantime the red wave was just fine. The GOP held onto 23 offices in congress, took several more and Trump won about 93% of all his endorsements, we control the Judiciary, we control the legislation, we control the finance and money, Nancy Pelosi is done, people are leaving the democrat party in droves threatening your senate hold, and Joe Biden is still a pathetic old fool who is about to get his ass impeached in just a few more months. :lmao:
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ah, the ol public school motto.

No red wave but plenty of red faces, and the only reason trump was president was because of the lack of a worthy opponent, if Biden ran in 16 he would have won, but he was determined unqualified by socially educated whites due to his genitalia, so folks like yourself anointed someone they felt had the proper qualification...
Now you no longer have to pretend you understand.

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