Trump Approval Rating Plummeting at a Record Rate

Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.

We do not support the rioters at blm rallies. You support the rioters last week right?

Who is this "we" you talk about? Who gave you authorization to be the spokesperson of "we"?
Many people
Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.

We do not support the rioters at blm rallies. You support the rioters last week right?

Who is this "we" you talk about? Who gave you authorization to be the spokesperson of "we"?
Remember trump would go to the UN and speak for us? Now we speak for you. Who speaks? The speaker of the house, president and majority leader in the senate.

Us liberals speak for you at least for 2 years.
Debating politics on Facebook provides me with the patterns that occur in real life.
Hes using the present tense.

Minutes ago he said he dumped his facebook account a year ago.

Fucker is too stupid to lie eh?
You are correct; I used the incorrect word.
I gave up on the retards a long time ago.
Caught like a rat. Can't even lie well
I'm still waiting to now how Trump ruined your life.
How did Obama ruin yours? How will biden ruin yours?
Twitter and YouTube.
Good dump facebook too. It's rotting your brain

I don't use twitter or facebook and only use youtube to look up how to change a carburetor or sew my sails.

I recommend you do the same.

Everyone's life will be more peaceful.

You ought to watch a doc called The Social Dilemma. Those sites analyze your clicks and feed you more of the same and worse...just to get more ads in front of you.

Click on a vaxxer article and you'll get hundreds of crazy conspiracy posts tailored just for you. The more of those you click...the more you get and deeper down the rabbit hole you go

The thing about Fecesbook and Twatter dumping the Rump is, it's five years too late. He used them to sow all this shit, literally 24 hours a day. Never trust an asshole who does not sleep.

Years ago when it was supposed to be a trendy thing friends tried to get me onto Fecesbook. Like they were all drug addicts and needed the echo. I asked them, "what will this give me, that I don't already have?", Nobody had an answer. I concluded that I really DIDN'T need to know in the moment that some idiot I worked with for three weeks back in 1972 is about to take a shower, nor did that idiot need to announce it to the world. It's like Fuckerberg, who was a notorious voyeur in college, invented this system where everybody would be what we used to call a "peeping Tom", so that it would be "normalized" and he wouldn't get busted.

That's why Fuckerberg has that tight-lipped look all the time. Like he's looking around for cops.
I actually know Libs; they run away like emasculated pigs when confronted with logic on Facebook or in real life.
You wouldn't last 10 minutes if your identity wasn't hidden.

You're debating politics on facebook? That's your first problem, you're one of those obnoxious people.

You're hidden here, why not unmask yourself, Marx?
Debating politics on Facebook provides me with the patterns that occur in real life.
Liberals have nothing to say except express their outrage at being alive.

Unmask myself here among so many obviously mentally ill users such as yourself?
I would be assaulted and it would be labelled by your fellow Liberals as beneficial to mankind.
Im sure you have some liberal friends on Facebook so you’re already on our list. Our local liberals brothers will get you don’t worry. You’ve outed yourself on Facebook?
What kind of crap is that? Are you the school yard bully? Someone does not think like you for a myriad of good reasons. And has better ideas. LET"S GET HIM. :nono:
You lose an election, threaten violence and that you’re going to secede from the union.
No one has threatened violence. That is your job, that and arson and murder.
A cop died last week. Are you kidding?
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude

Don't know what alternate university this was posted from but my healthcare went up and so did my taxes. And my porfolio went the other direction.

Course, I live in the Real World so maybe that explains it.
How did your taxes go up when they were lowered?
Corporations saw their income tax rates fall from 35% to 21%. Have you seven the debt? What about infrastructure spending? What about social security and Medicare?

I don’t think the crumbs you got were worth it.
Have I seven the debt? What about the other two? What crumbs? I directly benefitted from the cuts.
How much do you make and how many kids?
Two kids

AGI is mid six figures
Well no wonder you’re a republican.
I am an Independent. I don't belong to political parties. And Jeff Bezos is a Democrat. How does that correspond with your statement?

Bezos isn't a Democrat and is probably more independent than you are.

Who was the last Republican he voted for in your opinion?


I have no idea who he voted for and I don't care. I have seen no proof that he is a Democrat.
Outstanding. You're dismissed. He owns WAPO....pretty sure that paper leans far left.
It’s only as left as he allows. Does it write articles explaining why amazon should pay more taxes? How workers are underpaid? Then it’s not fiscally liberal
How are his workers underpaid when they are paid market? Why should Amazon pay more taxes than other corporations? He is a Democrat. He is not a Socialist Idiot.
Remember, many republicans endorsed biden. So when you say republican do you mean romney republican or trump conservative? Two different things. Bezoar could have voted for biden and still be a republican.

Bezos has worked to block income tax on the wealthy. That makes him a republican.

Bezos has worked very hard to stay out of politics aside from one thing, gay marriage. Big fucking deal. He can keep gay marriage let’s get some tax money from jeff. Who gives a fuck about gay marriage except unhinged trump supporters.
He owns WAPO

He is a Democrat. Unless its a masquerade.
You got it. WAPO is owned by a corporation. It’s sensored. Not like the old days the news department didn’t answer to the advertising department
Owned by Bezos, who is a Democrat. So before you vilify me. Vilify him.
Hes not a democrat. Not fiscally which is most important to me. Social wedge issues are what we should discuss when both parties care about a strong middle class. If he is for corporations paying less taxes then he’s a conservative. I don’t care what his paper writes about gays.

This is proof the rich use social wedge issues to divide us. If not for social issues you’d have no business voting republican.

Is he for going green? Is he for healthcare for all? Is he for raising taxes on the rich? No? Then he ain’t a democrat sorry
You agree with me. News Entertainment Media has divided us. You don't get to define who is or isn't a Democrat. Fair?

Who posted this?

He is a Democrat. Unless its a masquerade.
My meaning is what defines a Democrat. You knew that and decided to troll anyway. Thank you.

Using your own words you don't get to define who is or isn't a Democrat. Fair?
If you own a Newspaper that leans far left you're a Democrat. I don't get to define the fact that if Bezos leans fiscally conservative but left on social issues it makes him a Democrat. His actions define him as a Democrat.

If AOC owned the Daily Wire, would she be a Democrat or Republican? Hmmmm...Fair?

There is no evidence Bezos is a Democrat and the Washington Post (not far left) is read, cited and used as a source by Democrats, Independents and Republicans.

I would agree the Post, Bezos and most Americans are not in favor of Trump.
Debating politics on Facebook provides me with the patterns that occur in real life.
Hes using the present tense.

Minutes ago he said he dumped his facebook account a year ago.

Fucker is too stupid to lie eh?
You are correct; I used the incorrect word.
I gave up on the retards a long time ago.
Caught like a rat. Can't even lie well
I'm still waiting to now how Trump ruined your life.
He hid what he knew about corona in February because he didn’t want to panic us and my grandmother died. She wasn’t warned to social distance and wear a mask.
Twitter and YouTube.
Good dump facebook too. It's rotting your brain

I don't use twitter or facebook and only use youtube to look up how to change a carburetor or sew my sails.

I recommend you do the same.

Everyone's life will be more peaceful.

You ought to watch a doc called The Social Dilemma. Those sites analyze your clicks and feed you more of the same and worse...just to get more ads in front of you.

Click on a vaxxer article and you'll get hundreds of crazy conspiracy posts tailored just for you. The more of those you click...the more you get and deeper down the rabbit hole you go

The thing about Fecesbook and Twatter dumping the Rump is, it's five years too late. He used them to sow all this shit, literally 24 hours a day. Never trust an asshole who does not sleep.

Years ago when it was supposed to be a trendy thing friends tried to get me onto Fecesbook. Like they were all drug addicts and needed the echo. I asked them, "what will this give me, that I don't already have?", Nobody had an answer. I concluded that I really DIDN'T need to know in the moment that some idiot I worked with for three weeks back in 1972 is about to take a shower, nor did that idiot need to announce it to the world. It's like Fuckerberg, who was a notorious voyeur in college, invented this system where everybody would be what we used to call a "peeping Tom", so that it would be "normalized" and he wouldn't get busted.

That's why Fuckerberg has that tight-lipped look all the time. Like he's looking around for cops.
I actually know Libs; they run away like emasculated pigs when confronted with logic on Facebook or in real life.
You wouldn't last 10 minutes if your identity wasn't hidden.

You're debating politics on facebook? That's your first problem, you're one of those obnoxious people.

You're hidden here, why not unmask yourself, Marx?
Debating politics on Facebook provides me with the patterns that occur in real life.
Liberals have nothing to say except express their outrage at being alive.

Unmask myself here among so many obviously mentally ill users such as yourself?
I would be assaulted and it would be labelled by your fellow Liberals as beneficial to mankind.
Im sure you have some liberal friends on Facebook so you’re already on our list. Our local liberals brothers will get you don’t worry. You’ve outed yourself on Facebook?
What kind of crap is that? Are you the school yard bully? Someone does not think like you for a myriad of good reasons. And has better ideas. LET"S GET HIM. :nono:
You lose an election, threaten violence and that you’re going to secede from the union.
No one has threatened violence. That is your job, that and arson and murder.
A cop died last week. Are you kidding?

Not to mention the threats about hanging Mike Pence, the hand cuffs and the nooses. I think Lackluster needs a new argument.
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.

He would be our President now if it wasn't for the filthy Democrats stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

China Joe is an embarrassment to this country.

The US is laughing stock of the world now with our blatant stolen election and dufus President Elect.
*Trump would be president if it weren't for you meddling Negroes!!*


This Scoody Doo villain defense will be what all Trumpers are taught to say moving forward -- to help them cope with loss....
Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.

We do not support the rioters at blm rallies. You support the rioters last week right?

Who is this "we" you talk about? Who gave you authorization to be the spokesperson of "we"?
Remember trump would go to the UN and speak for us? Now we speak for you. Who speaks? The speaker of the house, president and majority leader in the senate.

Us liberals speak for you at least for 2 years.

You are not Trump, Biden or Pelosi, you don't speak for anyone, you are just a turd on the internet like myself, you have absolutely no power or authority. You are not a liberal, I know liberals, you are a left wing Democrat.
Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.

We do not support the rioters at blm rallies. You support the rioters last week right?

Who is this "we" you talk about? Who gave you authorization to be the spokesperson of "we"?
Remember trump would go to the UN and speak for us? Now we speak for you. Who speaks? The speaker of the house, president and majority leader in the senate.

Us liberals speak for you at least for 2 years.

You are not Trump, Biden or Pelosi, you don't speak for anyone, you are just a turd on the internet like myself, you have absolutely no power or authority. You are not a liberal, I know liberals, you are a left wing Democrat.
Really? I tend to see myself as a moderate because I see both sides of every argument.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude

Don't know what alternate university this was posted from but my healthcare went up and so did my taxes. And my porfolio went the other direction.

Course, I live in the Real World so maybe that explains it.
How did your taxes go up when they were lowered?
Corporations saw their income tax rates fall from 35% to 21%. Have you seven the debt? What about infrastructure spending? What about social security and Medicare?

I don’t think the crumbs you got were worth it.
Have I seven the debt? What about the other two? What crumbs? I directly benefitted from the cuts.
How much do you make and how many kids?
Two kids

AGI is mid six figures
Well no wonder you’re a republican.
I am an Independent. I don't belong to political parties. And Jeff Bezos is a Democrat. How does that correspond with your statement?

Bezos isn't a Democrat and is probably more independent than you are.

Who was the last Republican he voted for in your opinion?


I have no idea who he voted for and I don't care. I have seen no proof that he is a Democrat.
He owns the Washington Post, you NAZI numbskull.

So what?
So is Ruppert Murdoch a Democrat or Republican?
My question is “are you a normal republican or trump republican. Two different animals. The corporatists vs the racists. The globalists vs the nationalists.
Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.

We do not support the rioters at blm rallies. You support the rioters last week right?

Who is this "we" you talk about? Who gave you authorization to be the spokesperson of "we"?
Remember trump would go to the UN and speak for us? Now we speak for you. Who speaks? The speaker of the house, president and majority leader in the senate.

Us liberals speak for you at least for 2 years.

You are not Trump, Biden or Pelosi, you don't speak for anyone, you are just a turd on the internet like myself, you have absolutely no power or authority. You are not a liberal, I know liberals, you are a left wing Democrat.
Really? I tend to see myself as a moderate because I see both sides of every argument.

Now, that is some funny BS right there. Thanks for the laughs!
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude

Don't know what alternate university this was posted from but my healthcare went up and so did my taxes. And my porfolio went the other direction.

Course, I live in the Real World so maybe that explains it.
How did your taxes go up when they were lowered?
Corporations saw their income tax rates fall from 35% to 21%. Have you seven the debt? What about infrastructure spending? What about social security and Medicare?

I don’t think the crumbs you got were worth it.
Have I seven the debt? What about the other two? What crumbs? I directly benefitted from the cuts.
How much do you make and how many kids?
Two kids

AGI is mid six figures
Well no wonder you’re a republican.
I am an Independent. I don't belong to political parties. And Jeff Bezos is a Democrat. How does that correspond with your statement?

Bezos isn't a Democrat and is probably more independent than you are.

Who was the last Republican he voted for in your opinion?


I have no idea who he voted for and I don't care. I have seen no proof that he is a Democrat.
Outstanding. You're dismissed. He owns WAPO....pretty sure that paper leans far left.
It’s only as left as he allows. Does it write articles explaining why amazon should pay more taxes? How workers are underpaid? Then it’s not fiscally liberal
How are his workers underpaid when they are paid market? Why should Amazon pay more taxes than other corporations? He is a Democrat. He is not a Socialist Idiot.
Remember, many republicans endorsed biden. So when you say republican do you mean romney republican or trump conservative? Two different things. Bezoar could have voted for biden and still be a republican.

Bezos has worked to block income tax on the wealthy. That makes him a republican.

Bezos has worked very hard to stay out of politics aside from one thing, gay marriage. Big fucking deal. He can keep gay marriage let’s get some tax money from jeff. Who gives a fuck about gay marriage except unhinged trump supporters.
He owns WAPO

He is a Democrat. Unless its a masquerade.
You got it. WAPO is owned by a corporation. It’s sensored. Not like the old days the news department didn’t answer to the advertising department
Owned by Bezos, who is a Democrat. So before you vilify me. Vilify him.
Hes not a democrat. Not fiscally which is most important to me. Social wedge issues are what we should discuss when both parties care about a strong middle class. If he is for corporations paying less taxes then he’s a conservative. I don’t care what his paper writes about gays.

This is proof the rich use social wedge issues to divide us. If not for social issues you’d have no business voting republican.

Is he for going green? Is he for healthcare for all? Is he for raising taxes on the rich? No? Then he ain’t a democrat sorry
You agree with me. News Entertainment Media has divided us. You don't get to define who is or isn't a Democrat. Fair?
if he agrees with trickle down economics he’s a republican. He votes for republicans.

He agrees with you fiscal positions. And you get to claim he’s a liberal because he supports gay marriage? No way. Will he pay more taxes for gay marriage?
When did I say "gay marriage"?

I said he is a Democrat because he owns WAPO.
So he’s more liberal than bush mccain and Romney but not as liberal as Hillary biden and Bernie.
Hillary isnt as liberal as Bernie
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude

Don't know what alternate university this was posted from but my healthcare went up and so did my taxes. And my porfolio went the other direction.

Course, I live in the Real World so maybe that explains it.
How did your taxes go up when they were lowered?
Corporations saw their income tax rates fall from 35% to 21%. Have you seven the debt? What about infrastructure spending? What about social security and Medicare?

I don’t think the crumbs you got were worth it.
Have I seven the debt? What about the other two? What crumbs? I directly benefitted from the cuts.
How much do you make and how many kids?
Two kids

AGI is mid six figures
Well no wonder you’re a republican.
I am an Independent. I don't belong to political parties. And Jeff Bezos is a Democrat. How does that correspond with your statement?

Bezos isn't a Democrat and is probably more independent than you are.

Who was the last Republican he voted for in your opinion?


I have no idea who he voted for and I don't care. I have seen no proof that he is a Democrat.
Outstanding. You're dismissed. He owns WAPO....pretty sure that paper leans far left.
It’s only as left as he allows. Does it write articles explaining why amazon should pay more taxes? How workers are underpaid? Then it’s not fiscally liberal
How are his workers underpaid when they are paid market? Why should Amazon pay more taxes than other corporations? He is a Democrat. He is not a Socialist Idiot.
Remember, many republicans endorsed biden. So when you say republican do you mean romney republican or trump conservative? Two different things. Bezoar could have voted for biden and still be a republican.

Bezos has worked to block income tax on the wealthy. That makes him a republican.

Bezos has worked very hard to stay out of politics aside from one thing, gay marriage. Big fucking deal. He can keep gay marriage let’s get some tax money from jeff. Who gives a fuck about gay marriage except unhinged trump supporters.
He owns WAPO

He is a Democrat. Unless its a masquerade.
You got it. WAPO is owned by a corporation. It’s sensored. Not like the old days the news department didn’t answer to the advertising department
Owned by Bezos, who is a Democrat. So before you vilify me. Vilify him.
Hes not a democrat. Not fiscally which is most important to me. Social wedge issues are what we should discuss when both parties care about a strong middle class. If he is for corporations paying less taxes then he’s a conservative. I don’t care what his paper writes about gays.

This is proof the rich use social wedge issues to divide us. If not for social issues you’d have no business voting republican.

Is he for going green? Is he for healthcare for all? Is he for raising taxes on the rich? No? Then he ain’t a democrat sorry
You agree with me. News Entertainment Media has divided us. You don't get to define who is or isn't a Democrat. Fair?

Who posted this?

He is a Democrat. Unless its a masquerade.
My meaning is what defines a Democrat. You knew that and decided to troll anyway. Thank you.

Using your own words you don't get to define who is or isn't a Democrat. Fair?
If you own a Newspaper that leans far left you're a Democrat. I don't get to define the fact that if Bezos leans fiscally conservative but left on social issues it makes him a Democrat. His actions define him as a Democrat.

If AOC owned the Daily Wire, would she be a Democrat or Republican? Hmmmm...Fair?

There is no evidence Bezos is a Democrat and the Washington Post (not far left) is read, cited and used as a source by Democrats, Independents and Republicans.

I would agree the Post, Bezos and most Americans are not in favor of Trump.
WAPO is a far left newspaper. Not sure how you can debate that.
He's done. Politically, legally, financially. His name is shit. He once had a shot to build a media empire. Now, outside of his willing sheep, there will be no one to give him money or a platform. Like the response to the virus, I can't see another way that Trump could have fucked things up worse than he did.
But the border wall!
Trump did more for black people than any other president including Lincoln
And I should be feeling what at this point in time?
Trump made your healthcare more affordable. He raised wages so much people people still couldn’t get by 2 months without paychecks. He raised growth from 2.2% to 2.3%. He stopped 1000 mexicans from getting in with his expensive wall. He pissed off muslims by taking out an Iranian general, for you. Bin Ladin no biggy though. He stopped Obama’s illegal wars and started his own, for you. You’re welcome.

What should you feel? Gratitude

Don't know what alternate university this was posted from but my healthcare went up and so did my taxes. And my porfolio went the other direction.

Course, I live in the Real World so maybe that explains it.
How did your taxes go up when they were lowered?
Corporations saw their income tax rates fall from 35% to 21%. Have you seven the debt? What about infrastructure spending? What about social security and Medicare?

I don’t think the crumbs you got were worth it.
Have I seven the debt? What about the other two? What crumbs? I directly benefitted from the cuts.
How much do you make and how many kids?
Two kids

AGI is mid six figures
Well no wonder you’re a republican.
I am an Independent. I don't belong to political parties. And Jeff Bezos is a Democrat. How does that correspond with your statement?

Bezos isn't a Democrat and is probably more independent than you are.

Who was the last Republican he voted for in your opinion?


I have no idea who he voted for and I don't care. I have seen no proof that he is a Democrat.
He owns the Washington Post, you NAZI numbskull.

So what?
So is Ruppert Murdoch a Democrat or Republican?
My question is “are you a normal republican or trump republican. Two different animals. The corporatists vs the racists. The globalists vs the nationalists.
Why do you troll? I have told you like 10x that I am an Independent and don't belong to a political party.
80 million Americans love Trump for being the best President this country ever had.

He would be our President now if it wasn't for the filthy Democrats stealing the election with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in the Democrat controlled swing districts.

China Joe is an embarrassment to this country.

The US is laughing stock of the world now with our blatant stolen election and dufus President Elect.
Nope...not every one who voted for Trump loves him..not by a long shot.~

I suspect that most of the world isn't laughing at all...they're aghast at the hot, steaming, mess our politics have become.
Wow! A Captain Obvious thread, how insightful!

Captain Obvious brought numbers.

Good for him. That's a rare find, a liberal that actually backs up their bullshit with something resembling facts. The only problem is....nobody claimed otherwise.

So yep, captain obvious has left the building.

Actually ---- I AM the OP. Observe much?

I even got me a red sash on my avatar.

You referred to yourself in the 3rd person so I did as well.

We do not support the rioters at blm rallies. You support the rioters last week right?

Who is this "we" you talk about? Who gave you authorization to be the spokesperson of "we"?
Remember trump would go to the UN and speak for us? Now we speak for you. Who speaks? The speaker of the house, president and majority leader in the senate.

Us liberals speak for you at least for 2 years.

You are not Trump, Biden or Pelosi, you don't speak for anyone, you are just a turd on the internet like myself, you have absolutely no power or authority. You are not a liberal, I know liberals, you are a left wing Democrat.
Really? I tend to see myself as a moderate because I see both sides of every argument.

Now, that is some funny BS right there. Thanks for the laughs!
I can see why you would feel that way

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