Trump argues like a five year old

Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol
With the amount of times he had been bankrupt, I highly doubt it.
You're being facetious, right? You do know that while a few of his companies went bankrupt, Donald himself has never been? There is a difference.

Bankruptcy and foreclosures are built right into the system of this fraudulent monetary system foisted upon by the international bankers that run the Fed central bank.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol
With the amount of times he had been bankrupt, I highly doubt it.
You're being facetious, right? You do know that while a few of his companies went bankrupt, Donald himself has never been? There is a difference.

That is why corporations are formed, to protect your personal wealth

The corporation formed and managed by Donald Trump went bankrupt. It still reflects on the poor fiscal skills of the CEO
Or circumstances beyond his control. You know, things like rapacious union demands, lackluster markets, a bad economy, that sort of thing. It does happen, even to the best.
Over the years, America has produced its fair share of rabble-rousers and demagogues; certain politicians have always said offensive things. But when Trump talks, he doesn’t sound like any other presidential candidate in U.S. history. It’s not just his pungent Queens accent; it’s not just his short, simple, fourth-grade-level sentences. It’s the novel syntax. The free-form grammar. The repetitive cadence. The eccentric phrasing.

“This is a story that seems to be more and more happening,” Trump said of the March 22 bombing in Brussels.

“So, just to sum up, I would do various things very quickly,” he said near the end of his presidential announcement speech.

“I know words,” he said in South Carolina late last year. “I have the best words.”

At times, Trump seems to be speaking a different language than the rest of the political world. Sure, Trumpese may be derived from American English. Yet it doesn’t appear to obey the same set of rules.

Which is not to say, however, that it doesn’t obey any rules whatsoever.

At this point, Trump has become such a fixture on TV that it’s easy to take his speech for granted; his barbaric yawp is the soundtrack of 2016, for better or worse.

They used the same playbook every single election for the last 40 years:

  1. __________ is stupid
  2. __________ hates women
  3. __________ hates blacks
  4. __________ can't be trusted with nukes
  5. __________ wants to take away your abortions
We've seen this shit too many times before.
Over the years, America has produced its fair share of rabble-rousers and demagogues; certain politicians have always said offensive things. But when Trump talks, he doesn’t sound like any other presidential candidate in U.S. history. It’s not just his pungent Queens accent; it’s not just his short, simple, fourth-grade-level sentences. It’s the novel syntax. The free-form grammar. The repetitive cadence. The eccentric phrasing.

“This is a story that seems to be more and more happening,” Trump said of the March 22 bombing in Brussels.

“So, just to sum up, I would do various things very quickly,” he said near the end of his presidential announcement speech.

“I know words,” he said in South Carolina late last year. “I have the best words.”

At times, Trump seems to be speaking a different language than the rest of the political world. Sure, Trumpese may be derived from American English. Yet it doesn’t appear to obey the same set of rules.

Which is not to say, however, that it doesn’t obey any rules whatsoever.

At this point, Trump has become such a fixture on TV that it’s easy to take his speech for granted; his barbaric yawp is the soundtrack of 2016, for better or worse.

They used the same playbook every single election for the last 40 years:

  1. __________ is stupid
  2. __________ hates women
  3. __________ hates blacks
  4. __________ can't be trusted with nukes
  5. __________ wants to take away your abortions
We've seen this shit too many times before.
The Republican nominee, no matter who it is, will be called a racist, bigot, homophobe, and be accused of wearing white after Labor Day. It is to be expected. Witness as well the concerted effort to provoke Trump supporters into violent confrontations.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol
With the amount of times he had been bankrupt, I highly doubt it.
You're being facetious, right? You do know that while a few of his companies went bankrupt, Donald himself has never been? There is a difference.

That is why corporations are formed, to protect your personal wealth

The corporation formed and managed by Donald Trump went bankrupt. It still reflects on the poor fiscal skills of the CEO
Or circumstances beyond his control. You know, things like rapacious union demands, lackluster markets, a bad economy, that sort of thing. It does happen, even to the best.

The CEO makes the strategic decisions. Those decisions need to be made based on labor, markets, the economy and that sort of thing

If Trump can't make the correct decisions with his company, how can we trust his judgment to run the country?
yeah sure fartwhistle, trump's red meat rhetoric is the same old same old...
Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol
With the amount of times he had been bankrupt, I highly doubt it.
You're being facetious, right? You do know that while a few of his companies went bankrupt, Donald himself has never been? There is a difference.

That is why corporations are formed, to protect your personal wealth

The corporation formed and managed by Donald Trump went bankrupt. It still reflects on the poor fiscal skills of the CEO
Or circumstances beyond his control. You know, things like rapacious union demands, lackluster markets, a bad economy, that sort of thing. It does happen, even to the best.

The CEO makes the strategic decisions. Those decisions need to be made based on labor, markets, the economy and that sort of thing

If Trump can't make the correct decisions with his company, how can we trust his judgment to run the country?
Using that logic, we can't trust Hillary to run the country's foreign policy because she did not accurately foresee and prevent the events in Benghazi. Sometimes things happen that we can neither foresee nor prevent.
Well, it is very telling that Trump has to sink to that level to be on par with his rivals.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

And that is what this is about.

Libs like it when Republicans don't defend themselves against the constant lies and propaganda that the left pushes.

Thus they get to create the false impression, since the lies are not challenged, that the lies are true.

THis is a logical fallacy and propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition. "

Trump is right to not let the insults and personal attacks go unchallenged.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

And that is what this is about.

Libs like it when Republicans don't defend themselves against the constant lies and propaganda that the left pushes.

Thus they get to create the false impression, since the lies are not challenged, that the lies are true.

THis is a logical fallacy and propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition. "

Trump is right to not let the insults and personal attacks go unchallenged.

I expect Trump to defend himself...just do it like an adult

Calling opponents silly names, making funny faces while they speak, mocking someone's handicap, posting unflattering pictures of their wives is not how adults defend themselves
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

And that is what this is about.

Libs like it when Republicans don't defend themselves against the constant lies and propaganda that the left pushes.

Thus they get to create the false impression, since the lies are not challenged, that the lies are true.

THis is a logical fallacy and propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition. "

Trump is right to not let the insults and personal attacks go unchallenged.

I expect Trump to defend himself...just do it like an adult

Calling opponents silly names, making funny faces while they speak, posting unflattering pictures of their wives is not how adults defend themselves

Except that that has not been how it has worked.

I recall seeing it on Crossfire back in the day. LIberals would fill their time with insults and crazy accusations that the conservative could NOT reply to in the time allowed.

To any viewers, this might create the illusion that the accusations were true, because they were not denied.

And thus a liberal is born.

That limited example was the norm in our society for too long.

Trump is the answer to your liberal propaganda machine.

I hope.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

And that is what this is about.

Libs like it when Republicans don't defend themselves against the constant lies and propaganda that the left pushes.

Thus they get to create the false impression, since the lies are not challenged, that the lies are true.

THis is a logical fallacy and propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition. "

Trump is right to not let the insults and personal attacks go unchallenged.

I expect Trump to defend himself...just do it like an adult

Calling opponents silly names, making funny faces while they speak, posting unflattering pictures of their wives is not how adults defend themselves

Except that that has not been how it has worked.

I recall seeing it on Crossfire back in the day. LIberals would fill their time with insults and crazy accusations that the conservative could NOT reply to in the time allowed.

To any viewers, this might create the illusion that the accusations were true, because they were not denied.

And thus a liberal is born.

That limited example was the norm in our society for too long.

Trump is the answer to your liberal propaganda machine.

I hope.

Why are you bringing liberals into this?

It is conservatives attacking Trump, not liberals. Either way, it does not excuse Trump for acting like a five year old

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Lets look at how a five year old reacts...

An opponent posts an offensive picture of your wife. Here is your response

Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!

Rather than act like an adult and calling Ted Cruz out for a low brow attack, Trump insists on using the childish name calling "Lyin' Ted" and makes a threat against his wife

Trump's childishness here is contrary to his own claims of moral outrage for an attack on his wife

Why would an adult use a name like "Lyin' Ted" in a post defending your wife?
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol
With the amount of times he had been bankrupt, I highly doubt it.
You're being facetious, right? You do know that while a few of his companies went bankrupt, Donald himself has never been? There is a difference.

That is why corporations are formed, to protect your personal wealth

The corporation formed and managed by Donald Trump went bankrupt. It still reflects on the poor fiscal skills of the CEO
Or circumstances beyond his control. You know, things like rapacious union demands, lackluster markets, a bad economy, that sort of thing. It does happen, even to the best.

Corrupt NJ taxes the crap out of the state, the highest taxes in the country, and Trump's Atlantic City casino goes bankrupt when competing casino's spring up in neighboring states with much lower taxes, shocker.
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

did you see what Colbert did with that last night? it was hysterical
So we all agree then? The left argue like 5 year olds.

True? Yeah, true.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

Trump has a net worth in the billions, you? lol
With the amount of times he had been bankrupt, I highly doubt it.

^^^ ignorance

your own

Welcome to the Ignore lounge, a room reserved for dumb asses who's posts are utterly without value. Ahhh that's better its like you no longer exist. :laugh:
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

And that is what this is about.

Libs like it when Republicans don't defend themselves against the constant lies and propaganda that the left pushes.

Thus they get to create the false impression, since the lies are not challenged, that the lies are true.

THis is a logical fallacy and propaganda.

Proof by assertion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction.[1] Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam).[2] In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belieffallacies.[citation needed]

This fallacy is sometimes used as a form of rhetoric by politicians, or during a debate as a filibuster. In its extreme form, it can also be a form of brainwashing.[1]Modern politics contains many examples of proof by assertions. This practice can be observed in the use of political slogans, and the distribution of "talking points", which are collections of short phrases that are issued to members of modern political parties for recitation to achieve maximum message repetition. "

Trump is right to not let the insults and personal attacks go unchallenged.

I expect Trump to defend himself...just do it like an adult

Calling opponents silly names, making funny faces while they speak, mocking someone's handicap, posting unflattering pictures of their wives is not how adults defend themselves

Perhaps he can bark like a dog or speak in a fake southern accent?

That's very presidential.

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