Trump argues like a five year old

Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.

Your beloved "gubermint" is the major shareholder in big pharma and the major insurance companies and they have the power to ration care. Barrypuppetcare forced people that did not need anything but catastrophic insurance into the system of the ACA where their healthcare plan had to pass the "sniff test". You are not entitled to a fucking thing because you are nothing but a human resource, an indentured debt slave whose labor was made surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 with a bond that was created the day you were born that matures when you turn 18...they then collect the balance on that bond with the death certificate when you think that they give a shit about prolonging your life when there is money to to be made and the robotic age is upon us? USA.INC has over 90 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities that they are responsible for that have already been paid in to take care of their slaves....but guess what? They spent it and even though the international bankers have the wealth stolen from us placed in Swiss bank accounts and the Cayman Islands to remedy this, they look at you/us like a used battery for a flashlight...discard and plug in another. You are fucked. Personally, I am glad that I am not going to be around much's a friggin' blessing to me.

Its too sad for words….

Oh wait, no it isn’t.

ha ha.

9/11 Truther checklist:

Foreign bankers …… check
Baseless claims …… check
Matrix Reference ….. check
Martyrdom ploy ……. check
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11
You mean the 3000 lives that could've been saved if Clinton killed bin laden when he had the chance?
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11

The Libs have proof that Bush knew exactly the day, the minute, the hour, the location, and the means by which
the attacks on 9-11 would occur.
They have babbled about this for years....

That's what they seem to imply all the time.
And if pressed the Libs will suggest that Bush when given the chance to stop the attack
replied ....Fuck em, Let them all die,die die.....

Typical Libs....
Throw shit out there.
The low information voters suck it up like Michelle
wishes the kids would do with her crappy lunch menus...

Republicans have held more investigations of Benghazi than were held on 9-11

They have yet to show Hillary could have prevented the attacks
The red cross did when they got their guys out. So you are saying a private citizen knew more than the secretary of state? Thanks for proving the fact that Hillary is incompetent.
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?
Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11

The Libs have proof that Bush knew exactly the day, the minute, the hour, the location, and the means by which
the attacks on 9-11 would occur.
They have babbled about this for years....

That's what they seem to imply all the time.
And if pressed the Libs will suggest that Bush when given the chance to stop the attack
replied ....Fuck em, Let them all die,die die.....

Typical Libs....
Throw shit out there.
The low information voters suck it up like Michelle
wishes the kids would do with her crappy lunch menus...

Republicans have held more investigations of Benghazi than were held on 9-11

They have yet to show Hillary could have prevented the attacks
The red cross did when they got their guys out. So you are saying a private citizen knew more than the secretary of state? Thanks for proving the fact that Hillary is incompetent.

Stevens himself wanted to stay. Heard that in one of the nine Benghazi investigations
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11

The Libs have proof that Bush knew exactly the day, the minute, the hour, the location, and the means by which
the attacks on 9-11 would occur.
They have babbled about this for years....

That's what they seem to imply all the time.
And if pressed the Libs will suggest that Bush when given the chance to stop the attack
replied ....Fuck em, Let them all die,die die.....

Typical Libs....
Throw shit out there.
The low information voters suck it up like Michelle
wishes the kids would do with her crappy lunch menus...

Republicans have held more investigations of Benghazi than were held on 9-11

They have yet to show Hillary could have prevented the attacks
The red cross did when they got their guys out. So you are saying a private citizen knew more than the secretary of state? Thanks for proving the fact that Hillary is incompetent.

Stevens himself wanted to stay. Heard that in one of the nine Benghazi investigations

Obama should be impeached and Hillary jailed for agreeing the neocons to try and arm the Syrian rebels. (I'm only half joking btw)
With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?
You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?
I like this candycorn person.

No man she said till inauguration day. Thats nov, dec and most of jan.
You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?

No, about 80 days; November 9 2016 to January 20 2017
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?
I like this candycorn person.

No man she said till inauguration day. Thats nov, dec and most of jan.

Full disclosure: I did have “election day” on there and changed it.
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?

No, about 80 days; November 9 2016 to January 20 2017
Beat ya to it :banana::funnyface:
So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?
I like this candycorn person.

No man she said till inauguration day. Thats nov, dec and most of jan.

Full disclosure: I did have “election day” on there and changed it.
Full disclosure means dont wanna doodatt round here.
You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11
You mean the 3000 lives that could've been saved if Clinton killed bin laden when he had the chance?

Yes because terrorism died with bin laden...
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?

No, about 80 days; November 9 2016 to January 20 2017
Okay I accept it.
  • Thanks
Reactions: GT
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11
You mean the 3000 lives that could've been saved if Clinton killed bin laden when he had the chance?

Yes because terrorism died with bin laden...
You do realize he was the master mind of 911?
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

I say if Hillary just didn't open her mouth for the whole campaign she would probably still win....

Trump is marginalizing and Hillary is not... Hillary is a center politician with after decades in politics and endless false scandals and accusations has managed to keep it together.

I think the Right will not be able to help themselves this summer and will goto town. This will turn off the the American people in much the way that Benghazi was seen as a witch hunt. Clinton just need to get Trump in a room and ask nice polite questions and watch Trump have a song and dance...

Only the rabid right thinks Hillary is some kind of monster...

Hillary is a self-centered elitist that just like her pseudo husband and the Bush crime family, are "above the law". If you or I did the shit that she has? We would never see the outside of a prison ever again.

Been hearing the Republican threats for 25 years. When are they actually going to get something to stick?

The problem is, courts require more than conspiracy theories (you know all about those don't you?)....they require facts
The courts are under admiralty law, dumb fuck...the ones that are above them don't have anything to worry about.......I know more than you.

Sure ya do skippy

You are smarter than anyone else on this board
No, but I have invested the time to learn the things that I know so I can share it and I am always open for contrary opinions because I am open-minded and I did what I believed to be the proper vetting but if someone can prove that I have erred? I will always be grateful because life is a learning process. What I get, when I try and tell someone that they are wrong and might want to do a little research (for example "climate change") I get attacked and I return fire. People have got to get out of this "left versus right" paradigm because it's nothing but a device to keep us divided. They want us weakened to the point of exhaustion and then they move in and clean up. It's like two lions fighting over a piece of meat but the third wise lion hangs back and waits until the victor is bloodied and weakened before he moves in..that is exactly what is happening to us. I have done the heavy lifting and I have many that came before me that lifted heavier weight than me and I owe them. I don't give a shit about the color of your skin, what your ideology is if you believe that people should be free to make their own choices in life and that their way through this world is not that of an alleged "benevolent" rulers that pass down laws from on high while refusing to subject themselves to the same standards. My right to exist on this planet doesn't come from elitists and neither does yours. I don't need "permission" to exist here and as long as we do no wrong to others and honor our agreements, we are not bound to a higher power than our creator. But what we have is a ruling class that believes that they should be able to rule us by divine right. Stand up to it....the biggest fear of the ruling class is that we will see what has been done to us.
So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
What do you want to bet?

Four years ago, I did a bunch of bets where the loser left the board. Nearly 100% of the Romney supporters welched on them so I don’t do them any longer. teapartysamurai welched on the sig-line bet so I don’t worry about that either….

How about an Avatar bet? I have listed two 200 x 200 mp reasonably good pictures of both presumptive nominees below. The term of the bet is from 11:59 PM on election day evening to Noon 1/20/17 after the next President is sworn in.

The two avatars meet the requirements for USMB and they aren’t ugly pictures of the person who will be the President-Elect. It won’t embarrass anyone. So lets stick to those two. Lets keep it fun!!!

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

Simply by whomever is duly elected President.

You talking about using the avatar for 4 years?

No, about 80 days; November 9 2016 to January 20 2017
Okay I accept it.

  • Thanks
Reactions: GT
Trump does not have the level of understanding of the issues that Hillary does

Hillary just has to make sure she does not allow Trump to get her down in the mud like the Republicans did. Just make it clear she is above that level of politics
You mean the type of understanding to let four Americans die, when it could've been prevented?

Sure it could...and Bush could have prevented 3000 deaths on 9-11
You mean the 3000 lives that could've been saved if Clinton killed bin laden when he had the chance?

Yes because terrorism died with bin laden...
You do realize he was the master mind of 911?

You are sure it was all his idea? Since his death it is quite clear he was just a figure head. Terrorism didn't die with him, your claim has been proven false by time. Just listen to trump, all bushes fault.

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