Trump argues like a five year old

What's the difference?

FYI, Cruz was calling Trump's wife a whore.
What would be a better word? Golddigger? It's not as though it's believable that she'd be attracted to a pudgy comb over salesman who didn't have lots of money.
They've been married for years. Trump used to be pretty handsome when they met...1998.

Nice looking couple

Bill likes this pic....he's in a sandwich between two women. One of them is a Lesbian......3 guesses who.

Looks like Bill is copping a feel on Trumps wife

Must be great for her to be held by manly hands...Trump has the hands of a five year old
Ewwwwww gross.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

You think he can take Hillary?
Care to make it interesting?

Time to Separate the Men From the Boys. Lets have some fun!!!
Hillary has way to much baggage. Trump would devestate her in a debate.

So, do we have a bet or are you a pussy?
Trump argues like a five year old

...and what pisses the WE-GOP and Liberals off is that this '5yo' is / has been kicking their ass. (Arf, arf, arf...)

None of them have figured out that 'taking Trump Down' is NOT a 'win-able' tactic - every time they attack him they only bolster the resolve of the Anti-Establishment/Anti-Career politician Trump Supporters.

Winning back the American people THEY have ignored, insulted, abandoned, refused to represent, and over whom they have appointed themselves 'ruler' is the key. It may be too late, but their only chance.

No matter what Trump does now they can only speculate how he will be once he is in the WH. They already know what the others will be like. So their option is 'same ol' same ol' non-representative, non-listening, Oligarchist-ruling self-serving rulers or 'this guy'. Politicians have remarkably pissed off the American people SO BADLY that they are willing to go with 'THIS GUY' over them.

So far they have made no effort to make amends and get the American people to trust them again. Instead they have only OPENLY schemed, plotted, and acted to steal the nomination / ensure they get THEIR choice of Nominee, no matter what the American people say.

Trump is not "kicking the ass" of liberals

He has been kicking the ass of far right conservatives by beating them at their own game. Against liberals like Hillary and Bernie he is losing by a wide margin
Trump argues like a five year old

...and what pisses the WE-GOP and Liberals off is that this '5yo' is / has been kicking their ass. (Arf, arf, arf...)

None of them have figured out that 'taking Trump Down' is NOT a 'win-able' tactic - every time they attack him they only bolster the resolve of the Anti-Establishment/Anti-Career politician Trump Supporters.

Winning back the American people THEY have ignored, insulted, abandoned, refused to represent, and over whom they have appointed themselves 'ruler' is the key. It may be too late, but their only chance.

No matter what Trump does now they can only speculate how he will be once he is in the WH. They already know what the others will be like. So their option is 'same ol' same ol' non-representative, non-listening, Oligarchist-ruling self-serving rulers or 'this guy'. Politicians have remarkably pissed off the American people SO BADLY that they are willing to go with 'THIS GUY' over them.

So far they have made no effort to make amends and get the American people to trust them again. Instead they have only OPENLY schemed, plotted, and acted to steal the nomination / ensure they get THEIR choice of Nominee, no matter what the American people say.

Trump is not "kicking the ass" of liberals

He has been kicking the ass of far right conservatives by beating them at their own game. Against liberals like Hillary and Bernie he is losing by a wide margin

He has been kicking republican ass. The party is imploding. He has most of them finally agreeing with the Dems about bush. Yes it was bushes fault.
Sounds like we're gonna have a "romper room" election this time around. We're already down to the five year old level and testing for lower. Incredible!
Trump is not "kicking the ass" of liberals

I beg to differ - 'Lassie' launched the 1st salvo against Trump and within an hour or so he fired back with a HUMILIATING response that involved footage of her barking like a dog! If you have noticed, Hillary's team immediately shut it down and has not targeted Trump in the same way since.

Hillary needs to forget about trump and focus on Bernie, the 74yo Socialist about to kick her ass.
Trump is not "kicking the ass" of liberals

I beg to differ - 'Lassie' launched the 1st salvo against Trump and within an hour or so he fired back with a HUMILIATING response that involved footage of her barking like a dog! If you have noticed, Hillary's team immediately shut it down and has not targeted Trump in the same way since.

Hillary needs to forget about trump and focus on Bernie, the 74yo Socialist about to kick her ass.

Oh us from your dramatics

Hillary has no reservations going head to head against Trump

Trumps optics of making faces, mocking POWs and the Handicapped and openly mocking women will have much more impact than your 20 sec barking soundbite
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

I say if Hillary just didn't open her mouth for the whole campaign she would probably still win....

Trump is marginalizing and Hillary is not... Hillary is a center politician with after decades in politics and endless false scandals and accusations has managed to keep it together.

I think the Right will not be able to help themselves this summer and will goto town. This will turn off the the American people in much the way that Benghazi was seen as a witch hunt. Clinton just need to get Trump in a room and ask nice polite questions and watch Trump have a song and dance...

Only the rabid right thinks Hillary is some kind of monster...

Hillary is a self-centered elitist that just like her pseudo husband and the Bush crime family, are "above the law". If you or I did the shit that she has? We would never see the outside of a prison ever again.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

I say if Hillary just didn't open her mouth for the whole campaign she would probably still win....

Trump is marginalizing and Hillary is not... Hillary is a center politician with after decades in politics and endless false scandals and accusations has managed to keep it together.

I think the Right will not be able to help themselves this summer and will goto town. This will turn off the the American people in much the way that Benghazi was seen as a witch hunt. Clinton just need to get Trump in a room and ask nice polite questions and watch Trump have a song and dance...

Only the rabid right thinks Hillary is some kind of monster...

Hillary is a self-centered elitist that just like her pseudo husband and the Bush crime family, are "above the law". If you or I did the shit that she has? We would never see the outside of a prison ever again.

Been hearing the Republican threats for 25 years. When are they actually going to get something to stick?

The problem is, courts require more than conspiracy theories (you know all about those don't you?)....they require facts
Anderson Cooper tells Donald Trump he argues like 'a five-year-old'

Cooper asked Trump about his ongoing feud with rival Ted Cruz, which started after an anti-Trump super PAC circulated a racy image of Trump's wife, Melania. Trump later retweeted an image of Melania next to Cruz's wife, Heidi, in what Cooper called an "unflattering" pose. Trump said he thought the photo of Heidi was "nice," and when pressed by Cooper, said, "I didn't start it."

Cooper responded by telling the Republican frontrunner "with all due respect, that's the argument of a five-year-old,

I saw that last night. I quickly realized why there were none of his “loyalty battalions” on here defending it. About 5 minutes later he said that healthcare was a function of the Federal government…which is exactly what these losers have been bitching about for the past 8 years or so.
Sonny Clark pro universal healthcare now? Youuuuu betchya!
I'm 110% pro "affordable healthcare" for every single U.S. citizen, without exception. We're presently forced to concede to, and abide by, the corrupt healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, hospitals, labs, clinics, doctors, health insurance companies, and medical technicians. We have no choice other than to seek medical treatment or die.

The necessities of life are food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper healthcare. ( ** transportation has become a necessity when looking at the big picture )

Without exception, the major issue in the healthcare industry is "Price Gouging". It's beyond sensible reasoning to expect the general public to pay $1,800 a day for a tiny filthy hospital room. Hospitals charge $5.00 for a single aspirin. A ten minute conversation with a doctor cost $350, and is considered to be a mere "follow up" office visit, nothing more. A simple blood test consist of 20 or more different tests, and can cost upwards of $2,000. And most of the test are unnecessary. Most of the cost of proper healthcare is nothing more than a scam, a con, and legalized theft.

Regardless of the avenues that must be taken, we need "affordable healthcare", or else continuing down the present path will lead to a national crisis. The government can not afford to continue paying astronomical charges incurred through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Both programs are infested with fraud and corruption. And, John Q. Public can not continue to pay a major portion of their income for healthcare. Something has to give, and it is vital that it happens sooner rather than later.

Your beloved "gubermint" is the major shareholder in big pharma and the major insurance companies and they have the power to ration care. Barrypuppetcare forced people that did not need anything but catastrophic insurance into the system of the ACA where their healthcare plan had to pass the "sniff test". You are not entitled to a fucking thing because you are nothing but a human resource, an indentured debt slave whose labor was made surety on the debt due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 with a bond that was created the day you were born that matures when you turn 18...they then collect the balance on that bond with the death certificate when you think that they give a shit about prolonging your life when there is money to to be made and the robotic age is upon us? USA.INC has over 90 TRILLION dollars in unfunded liabilities that they are responsible for that have already been paid in to take care of their slaves....but guess what? They spent it and even though the international bankers have the wealth stolen from us placed in Swiss bank accounts and the Cayman Islands to remedy this, they look at you/us like a used battery for a flashlight...discard and plug in another. You are fucked. Personally, I am glad that I am not going to be around much's a friggin' blessing to me.
I'm gonna love to see how Hillary reacts to the 5 year old.

With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

I say if Hillary just didn't open her mouth for the whole campaign she would probably still win....

Trump is marginalizing and Hillary is not... Hillary is a center politician with after decades in politics and endless false scandals and accusations has managed to keep it together.

I think the Right will not be able to help themselves this summer and will goto town. This will turn off the the American people in much the way that Benghazi was seen as a witch hunt. Clinton just need to get Trump in a room and ask nice polite questions and watch Trump have a song and dance...

Only the rabid right thinks Hillary is some kind of monster...

Hillary is a self-centered elitist that just like her pseudo husband and the Bush crime family, are "above the law". If you or I did the shit that she has? We would never see the outside of a prison ever again.

Been hearing the Republican threats for 25 years. When are they actually going to get something to stick?

The problem is, courts require more than conspiracy theories (you know all about those don't you?)....they require facts
The courts are under admiralty law, dumb fuck...the ones that are above them don't have anything to worry about.......I know more than you.
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

It goes beyond the bizarre. Graydon Carter, Trump and the "short fingered vulgarian" story:

Why Donald Trump Will Always Be a “Short-Fingered Vulgarian”
Why Donald Trump Will Always Be a “Short-Fingered Vulgarian”

"""....Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers."""
Well, whatever, but Dale is right that Obamacare forced a lot of kids to buy comprehensive care, and the justification wasn't that they needed it, but rather old people needed them to buy in to lower the cost of their comprehensive care. If the GOP was remotely sane, they'd have rammed this down the dems throat so far that Obama would have been a one termer.
Republicans have held more investigations of Benghazi than were held on 9-11

They have yet to show Hillary could have prevented the attacks

Uh, by giving Stevens the protection he begged her for for months? Or how about being sober enough to advise a punch-drunk president to get wheels up in an effort to give the defenders some air-cover? Amazing you're still trying to peddle their lies.
With a spanking and leaving him in the corner, probably.
He won't be quiet like other republicans have. He will destroy her and I can't wait.

I say if Hillary just didn't open her mouth for the whole campaign she would probably still win....

Trump is marginalizing and Hillary is not... Hillary is a center politician with after decades in politics and endless false scandals and accusations has managed to keep it together.

I think the Right will not be able to help themselves this summer and will goto town. This will turn off the the American people in much the way that Benghazi was seen as a witch hunt. Clinton just need to get Trump in a room and ask nice polite questions and watch Trump have a song and dance...

Only the rabid right thinks Hillary is some kind of monster...

Hillary is a self-centered elitist that just like her pseudo husband and the Bush crime family, are "above the law". If you or I did the shit that she has? We would never see the outside of a prison ever again.

Been hearing the Republican threats for 25 years. When are they actually going to get something to stick?

The problem is, courts require more than conspiracy theories (you know all about those don't you?)....they require facts
The courts are under admiralty law, dumb fuck...the ones that are above them don't have anything to worry about.......I know more than you.

Sure ya do skippy

You are smarter than anyone else on this board
Republicans have held more investigations of Benghazi than were held on 9-11

They have yet to show Hillary could have prevented the attacks

Uh, by giving Stevens the protection he begged her for for months? Or how about being sober enough to advise a punch-drunk president to get wheels up in an effort to give the defenders some air-cover? Amazing you're still trying to peddle their lies.

Even the Republican Benghazi witch hunts found no such fact, they found there was nothing Hillary could do
Trump has the mentality of a small child

No taunt goes unchallenged. Every criticism must be retaliated against with an attack that is worse

It goes beyond the bizarre. Graydon Carter, Trump and the "short fingered vulgarian" story:

Why Donald Trump Will Always Be a “Short-Fingered Vulgarian”
Why Donald Trump Will Always Be a “Short-Fingered Vulgarian”

"""....Just to drive him a little bit crazy, I took to referring to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in the pages of Spy magazine. That was more than a quarter of a century ago. To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him—generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers."""

Trump has the hands of a five year old


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