Trump asked aides if he could pursue a wild plan to replace the Electoral College with loyalists who would ignore the vote, report says

"Uninformed sources told this reporter..."

Yeah, because Trump's going to win! It's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really gonna happen!
They have some honor and dignity. They know right from wrong.

The only person who didn't immediately recognize and rise to the gravity of their office is Trump.
‘Republican leaders in four critical states won by President-elect Joe Biden say they won’t participate in a legally dubious scheme to flip their state’s electors to vote for President Donald Trump. Their comments effectively shut down a half-baked plot some Republicans floated as a last chance to keep Trump in the White House.

State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory. Such a move would violate state law and a vote of the people, several noted.

“I do not see, short of finding some type of fraud — which I haven’t heard of anything — I don’t see us in any serious way addressing a change in electors,” said Rusty Bowers, Arizona’s Republican House speaker, who says he’s been inundated with emails pleading for the legislature to intervene. “They are mandated by statute to choose according to the vote of the people.”

The idea loosely involves GOP-controlled legislatures dismissing Biden’s popular vote wins in their states and opting to select Trump electors. While the endgame was unclear, it appeared to hinge on the expectation that a conservative-leaning Supreme Court would settle any dispute over the move.

Still, it has been promoted by Trump allies, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and is an example of misleading information and false claims fueling skepticism among Trump supporters about the integrity of the vote.’

Still, Biden’s legal team would be wise to monitor this nonetheless; Republicans are infamous for their dishonesty and corruption.

I am highly skeptical of this report....Seems like a conspiracy theory to me....
Wait til they see the polls of what their base will to do them if they don't

Rusty won't be so confident when he thinks arizona will flip blue because he's pissed so many republicans off they no longer vote.

Yes I’m sure they are terrified by a handful of fringe nut jobs:laughing0301:

Who do you think their voters are? The "fringe" 70 million who voted for trump. Q candidates now hold office. I saw a fucking NYPD union rep with a q anon mug during an interview.

lol this whole Q shit scares them to death

What a dumbass comment my god, all the ones with sense are very scared. They don't know how to please their base. How does one prosecute pedo rings no one has any real evidence exists? In this instance the base is pretty clear tho

Rusty will change his tune when the death threats start rollllin in en masse
Wait til they see the polls of what their base will to do them if they don't

Rusty won't be so confident when he thinks arizona will flip blue because he's pissed so many republicans off they no longer vote.

Yes I’m sure they are terrified by a handful of fringe nut jobs:laughing0301:

Who do you think their voters are? The "fringe" 70 million who voted for trump. Q candidates now hold office. I saw a fucking NYPD union rep with a q anon mug during an interview.

lol this whole Q shit scares them to death

What a dumbass comment my god, all the ones with sense are very scared. They don't know how to please their base. How does one prosecute pedo rings no one has any real evidence exists? In this instance the base is pretty clear tho

Rusty will change his tune when the death threats start rollllin in en masse

70 million people don’t think the election was stolen and no, you people aren’t scaring the shit out of anybody. You’re a national laughing stock suffering from delusions of grandeur
Wait til they see the polls of what their base will to do them if they don't

Rusty won't be so confident when he thinks arizona will flip blue because he's pissed so many republicans off they no longer vote.

Yes I’m sure they are terrified by a handful of fringe nut jobs:laughing0301:

Who do you think their voters are? The "fringe" 70 million who voted for trump. Q candidates now hold office. I saw a fucking NYPD union rep with a q anon mug during an interview.

lol this whole Q shit scares them to death

What a dumbass comment my god, all the ones with sense are very scared. They don't know how to please their base. How does one prosecute pedo rings no one has any real evidence exists? In this instance the base is pretty clear tho

Rusty will change his tune when the death threats start rollllin in en masse

70 million people don’t think the election was stolen and no, you people aren’t scaring the shit out of anybody. You’re a national laughing stock suffering from delusions of grandeur

The pot calls the kettle black

Hillary claimed the election was illegitimate, and polling suggested democrats found teh process illegitimate.

Stacey Abrahms another example just two years later, she's still blaming voter suppression even tho it's never been easier to vote.

You are not nearly on the high horse you imagine yourself to be

Russiagate? Surprise that was all bullshit with no evidence

It's not 2008 dude you have no horse, both sides are mired in teh same sort of shit. In my lifetime democrats have been a lot less trusting of our election process than republicans.
Wait til they see the polls of what their base will to do them if they don't

Rusty won't be so confident when he thinks arizona will flip blue because he's pissed so many republicans off they no longer vote.

Yes I’m sure they are terrified by a handful of fringe nut jobs:laughing0301:

Who do you think their voters are? The "fringe" 70 million who voted for trump. Q candidates now hold office. I saw a fucking NYPD union rep with a q anon mug during an interview.

lol this whole Q shit scares them to death

What a dumbass comment my god, all the ones with sense are very scared. They don't know how to please their base. How does one prosecute pedo rings no one has any real evidence exists? In this instance the base is pretty clear tho

Rusty will change his tune when the death threats start rollllin in en masse

70 million people don’t think the election was stolen and no, you people aren’t scaring the shit out of anybody. You’re a national laughing stock suffering from delusions of grandeur

The pot calls the kettle black

Hillary claimed the election was illegitimate, and polling suggested democrats found teh process illegitimate.

Stacey Abrahms another example just two years later, she's still blaming voter suppression even tho it's never been easier to vote.

You are not nearly on the high horse you imagine yourself to be

Russiagate? Surprise that was all bullshit with no evidence

It's not 2008 dude you have no horse, both sides are mired in teh same sort of shit.

So you’re saying you’re as nuts as those people. I would agree. Thanks for making my point. Have a nice day
Wait til they see the polls of what their base will to do them if they don't

Rusty won't be so confident when he thinks arizona will flip blue because he's pissed so many republicans off they no longer vote.

Yes I’m sure they are terrified by a handful of fringe nut jobs:laughing0301:

Who do you think their voters are? The "fringe" 70 million who voted for trump. Q candidates now hold office. I saw a fucking NYPD union rep with a q anon mug during an interview.

lol this whole Q shit scares them to death

What a dumbass comment my god, all the ones with sense are very scared. They don't know how to please their base. How does one prosecute pedo rings no one has any real evidence exists? In this instance the base is pretty clear tho

Rusty will change his tune when the death threats start rollllin in en masse

70 million people don’t think the election was stolen and no, you people aren’t scaring the shit out of anybody. You’re a national laughing stock suffering from delusions of grandeur

The pot calls the kettle black

Hillary claimed the election was illegitimate, and polling suggested democrats found teh process illegitimate.

Stacey Abrahms another example just two years later, she's still blaming voter suppression even tho it's never been easier to vote.

You are not nearly on the high horse you imagine yourself to be

Russiagate? Surprise that was all bullshit with no evidence

It's not 2008 dude you have no horse, both sides are mired in teh same sort of shit.

So you’re saying you’re as nuts as those people. I would agree. Thanks for making my point. Have a nice day

I'm saying you're no better than them


Stacey Abrhams, illegitimate election right? Rigged

Hillary, russian interference because Russians spent a couple million in an election where billions moved around.

Look in the mirror you pathetic sack of shit

Who has undermined belief in the democratic process? You think 2000 undermined Republicans views on these things? An election with real complaints
I can't name my sources but they are saying Trump plans to lift the White House off it's foundation and haul it down to Florida next to one of his golf courses, leaving Biden a vacant lot in DC.
Hoping for a Hail Mary to hijack the electoral college
Yahoo News dumpster dive. Your own citation says Trump doesn't seem enthused by the idea, which may or may not be true at all.
Does China have you on their payroll churning out these endless bullshit threads?
Jesus Christ, how gullible are you Lefties? Is there any limit to what you will believe?
Let's pause for a moment, and allow the irony to wash over us, like a cool ocean wave on a hot summer's day.
But one thing we learned in the last 4 years is that the left leaning parts of the MSM will run with any outrageous bs the Orange Big Mac blurts out in passing no matter how half heartedly. Trump is somewhat unique in that most politician don't subscribe to the mantra of a three year old "any attention is better than no attention." And those who felt the most aggrieved in 16, were hanging on every kindergarten moment.

And now that its over, I admit I am nervous about how much the gop really wants to be a constructive part of govt in increasing HC and educ access. Perhaps its just being in Miss where any role of govt and even any national corporation is unwelcome … I mean its ok if they sell and buy some agricul product and move it out of state. But beyond that …. not much.

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