Trump Asks Are We Bettter off Now than we Were 5 Years Ago.

Hahaha. Well 5 years ago the economy was still coasting along on the Obama successes. The Trumpybear had yet to be tested with a real crisis. We saw how he handled a crisis in his final year too.

Never again Benedict, never again.
Because he wants us to forget how it was 4 years ago. This is how it was 4 years ago.

These Photos Show the Staggering Food Bank Lines Across America​

America’s hunger is being captured by photographers across the country.

APRIL 13, 2020

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When democrats closed the stores, the businesses and put everyone out of work.

I follow the principles of the dead white men who won the nation from tyrants.

COVID closed the stores. Doctor of terror Anthony Fauci closed the stores. Follow the science so they can blame Trump.
I follow the principles of the dead white men who won the nation from tyrants.
Thoe dead white men were tyrants themselves. Ask their wives. Or in Jeffersons case, the woman he owned and raped repeatedly in the back room, Sally Hemmings.
Thoe dead white men were tyrants themselves. Ask their wives. Or in Jeffersons case, the woman he owned and raped repeatedly in the back room, Sally Hemmings.
Ohhh the woman that loved him so much, she left France where she was free to return to "slavery". Brother James stayed in France AS A FREE MAN. He attended culinary school, that Jefferson paid for. Upon graduation, James returned to be head chef at the white house. He voluntarily chose slavery? Is that what you say? Now address Sally's other brother Phillip. Jefferson set Phillip up as an independent businessman in Philadelphia, a talented tailor. Still nominally "a slave". Sally Hemings, herself, was referred to as Mrs. Jefferson. For that reason, Sally Hemings never came to Washington and never set foot in the white house.

History is your enemy, dindu.
Obviously, Trump is not responsible for the creation of the COVID virus. But as prez he is responsible for the government's hideously botched response to it. Beginning with his concern for how the economic impact would reflect poorly on him and thus delaying measures to prepare the nation.
more people died from covid during the Briben admin .
If America is doing so great, why are homeless druggies everywhere shitting on the streets?

Everyday new homeless camps spring up in areas that never had homelessness before.
Trump won't make things better because Trump didn't create the economy he had to begin with and the economy began to decline before COVID hit thanks to Trump.
you're paying 8,000 more a yr individually this past 2 yrs...lolol........2YRS.......for the same shit......lolol

you have no idea rhe economic problems showing up this
Too bad Trump left office FOUR years ago

And oh by the way… I’m doing better than either year
Do you know corporations are gouging us? At first they said they had to raise prices because of covid but when covid was done, they kept the prices high. They are making a fortune. What do you want Biden to do about it?

Only you can do something about it. Stop buying!!!! That will solve 2 of your problems. It will bring prices down and slow down Biden's economy. Give you a chance in November.
this inflation ratcheted up 2 yrs ago.....we were at 1.1% before your disaster

sop buying......presidents have only affected my pocket change dude...i'm shitty president proofed
BECAUSE TRUMP BUNGLED COVID. Biden cleaned up Trump's mess. Hosting super spreader parties. Telling people not to wear masks. Not social distancing. What a fucking leader. Remember that dumb son of a bitch looked into the eclypse? Remember he suggested we drink bleack and get gamma raise? Dumb fuck and you want him to be commander in chief again? YOu fucking nazis. Yidnar? I'll remember you're a piece of shit. Probably white and uneducated too.

None of that actually happened you ignorant, stupid, ass.
I love her, and I don't blame her, but she's a bit of a gold digger. I would be too if I was a woman. She got a college degree but she never wanted to work. If she married me she would have had to work too. Plus he's from the same part of Greece she's from. Very important to people from that part of Greece. They don't think of themselves as Greek. They think of themselves as people from that part of Greece. That's all I'm going to say about them I don't want you figuring out who they are and threaten them. You're a nazi and all. Probably a Proud Boy

I call bullshit.
There is no way that you're not a woman.
Hell no. Even with COVID 2020, Hell no. The OP is intellectually dishonest, obviously. He blames Trump for COVID, I guess COVID throughout the world was his fault, fucking Trump.

And it was the Democracks who shut our economy down, only to reopen it with Biden running shit, despite the U.S. experiencing twice the cases as a year earlier.

Demonicrats lie. It's what makes them Demonicrats. That and twisted brains, head injuries? Maybe it's in the food and their tolerances are low.

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