Trump Asks Are We Bettter off Now than we Were 5 Years Ago.

no it is not...........these prices will never fall is the rate of increase is decreasing some on current prices

i laugh and love to see any liberal have financial difficulties, get beaten unrecognizable by thugs......have some young illegals rape and slice your women to fuck, or find your child dead of an overdose.., or see your deliberately confused gender confused children jump 50 voted for it, you deserve it

it is the conservatives i pray for...they did not vote for this........,they pay the taxes to keep this god damned mess running

2 yrs ago i would never wish this kind of horror on anyone...but now i see a lot need a lot off vermin to be eliminated.....
You’re an idiot

average gas price $3.09

So yeah.

About half the country is under 3
You’re an idiot

average gas price $3.09

So yeah.

About half the country is under 3
i remember slightly less than 2 and gas half than now

lesh this is only nickels and dimes to me.....i'd give anything to see 10 bucks a gallon this yr
Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Chris Hayes says the Biden campaign should embrace that argument because "it is nearly impossible to say that we were better off with Donald Trump as president in 2020."

Well, the last time the question was asked prior to a presidential election, people told the pollsters that, under Trump they were better off, by a record amount. The same poll found that, again by a record amount, when asked who they thought their neighbor was voting for, it was trump again

Strange huh?
i remember slightly less than 2 and gas half than now

lesh this is only nickels and dimes to me.....i'd give anything to see 10 bucks a gallon this yr
Yeah… and all it took was a global pandemic and an economy shut down to achieve that
Fucking moron
Because he wants us to forget how it was 4 years ago. This is how it was 4 years ago.

These Photos Show the Staggering Food Bank Lines Across America​

America’s hunger is being captured by photographers across the country.

APRIL 13, 2020

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I have to admit, you spin very well! But, if you believe this nonsense, and believe this is on him, then everyone should vote their conscience; which is a whole lot better than you thought the response you would get from MAGA Republicans-)
I have to admit, you spin very well! But, if you believe this nonsense, and believe this is on him, then everyone should vote their conscience; which is a whole lot better than you thought the response you would get from MAGA Republicans-)
Trumps bungling of the pandemic led to this.
Because he wants us to forget how it was 4 years ago. This is how it was 4 years ago.

These Photos Show the Staggering Food Bank Lines Across America​

America’s hunger is being captured by photographers across the country.

APRIL 13, 2020

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We can ask that question too…and a majority of Americans have said no, we aren’t better off today then we were before xiden was elected
How did he bungle Covid? Be very specific.
He fucked it up so bad he contracted the virus himself & almost took a dirt nap because of it.

Shit for brains couldn't even protect himself. :cuckoo:
We can ask that question too…and a majority of Americans have said no, we aren’t better off today then we were before xiden was elected
A majority who have not paid attention to whats has gone on. To begin with, the great economy trump took credit for was created by Obama and Biden. And we definitely were not better off wearing masks and watching thousands die each day..
It's true.

O feel sorry for you, and that is an honest statement. We can all believe what we want to/or just believe, but what we DO know, is your peeps just want to control. No people from either side, have the ability to know ANYTHING. All they do is listen. Are you listening?

Yes you are, and you BELIEVE what you hear from the LEFT. Get a clue, nobody else does!
Because he wants us to forget how it was 4 years ago. This is how it was 4 years ago.

These Photos Show the Staggering Food Bank Lines Across America​

America’s hunger is being captured by photographers across the country.

APRIL 13, 2020

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The party in power needs to convince voters they are better off now or why/how things are better and will get better. It’s that simple.
We can ask that question too…and a majority of Americans have said no, we aren’t better off today then we were before xiden was elected
What? I
Of course we are

You are really out there
O feel sorry for you, and that is an honest statement. We can all believe what we want to/or just believe, but what we DO know, is your peeps just want to control. No people from either side, have the ability to know ANYTHING. All they do is listen. Are you listening?

Yes you are, and you BELIEVE what you hear from the LEFT. Get a clue, nobody else does!
I believe what I see and read and I am looking at this from sources coming from all sides. Like this for example

Trump told Bob Woodward he knew in February that COVID-19 was 'deadly stuff' but wanted to 'play it down'​

President Donald Trump acknowledged the dangers of the coronavirus pandemic in a February interview with journalist Bob Woodward and acknowledged downplaying the threat in an interview a month later, according to an account of Woodward's new book.

“I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic," Trump said in a March 19 call with Woodward, according to an audio clip posted Wednesday on The Washington Post's website. The newspaper obtained a copy of the book, "Rage," which is scheduled to be released next week.

In the same interview, Trump acknowledged that the disease was more deadly than he previously thought.

"Now it's turning out it's not just old people, Bob. But just today, and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It's not just old, older," Trump said, according to an audio clip, and then added, "young people, too, plenty of young people."

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action.​

Trump ignored multiple warnings about the threat of a pandemic, and spent the last 2 years slashing the programs responsible for handling this outbreak

  • US intelligence officials were warning Trump about a pandemic as early as January, The Washington Post reported, as more information emerged on the respiratory virus spreading in China. The president was receiving the briefings at the same time that he publicly downplayed the risk of the virus.
    • By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, the report said.
    • "The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. "Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it."
    • On Jan. 31, the Trump administration restricted most Chinese travelers from flying to the US. The president and his allies also repeatedly referred to the disease as the "Chinese virus," which public health experts warned was racist and did little to help the situation.
  • Politico reported that the administration declined to use a nearly 70-page pandemic playbook that the National Security Council's health unit put together under the Obama administration.
    • The document instructed federal officials on how to prepare for many of the same obstacles the Trump administration is now facing, including medical equipment shortages and a lack of coordination.
    • Current officials told Politico they decided not to use the playbook because it was outdated and many of the procedures had been revised since it was first created.
  • Trump spent the last two years slashing many of the government agencies responsible for handling such an outbreak. According to Foreign Policy:

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