Trump Asks Supreme Court To Intervene In Mar A Lago Documents Scandal

It's the mode or mechanism that defines fascism. The left uses the Democratic method of the voting process. The far-right has attempted violence to overthrow our government. That is fascism
Bullshit. The left is the party embracing fascism. And nobody on the right has done shit to overthrow our government.
Bullshit. The left is the party embracing fascism. And nobody on the right has done shit to overthrow our government.
They are corrupting the government to the extreme right. That's what fascism is all about. Making innocent people criminals for who they are or what they do to themselves.
They are corrupting the government to the extreme right. That's what fascism is all about. Making innocent people criminals for who they are or what they do to themselves.
Zzz. No “they” aren’t. The government is corrupt. And it’s presently a left wing Democrap Party government.

And nobody on the right is making innocent people criminals. Jeez, you talk empty shit.
I'd much prefer to be dull and stubborn then stupid any day.
Too bad you’re so stupid on top of being dull and stubborn. Now, get your lazy ass on topic, Stanley.

What exactly is wrong with any citizen petitioning the SCOTUS for a redress of a grievance, again?
Zzz. No “they” aren’t. The government is corrupt. And it’s presently a left wing Democrap Party government.

And nobody on the right is making innocent people criminals. Jeez, you talk empty shit.
Since the Texas abortion law went into effect 3,842 women have been wrongfully charged with abortion. Some had miscarriages, other cases or because of incest, rape and to save the life of the mother. I'm surprised it's still in effect. I guess they're waiting till the kids 10,000 then they'll slam the state with a multi-billion dollar loss or maybe the first trillion dollar lawsuit.
Since the Texas abortion law went into effect 3,842 women have been wrongfully charged with abortion. Some had miscarriages, other cases or because of incest, rape and to save the life of the mother. I'm surprised it's still in effect. I guess they're waiting till the kids 10,000 then they'll slam the state with a multi-billion dollar loss or maybe the first trillion dollar lawsuit.
Great sources you offer.
The dictionary is stuck on politically stupid. But if it helps you sleep, feel free to live life in your veil of ignorance.
It seems like people who think the dictionary is political are politically stupid.

What the hell? Using words as defined by the dictionary is living in a veil of ignorance?

Good grief.
It seems like people who think the dictionary is political are politically stupid.

What the hell? Using words as defined by the dictionary is living in a veil of ignorance?

Good grief.
News flash. If the dictionary buys into some liberal bullshit, it doesn’t make it a fact. The fucking Nazi Party was fascist. They defined themselves as socialists.

And socialism embraces fascism. You’re a victim of it. You cannot think outside of the box. You’re not allowed to.
So Trump packed up these documents himself. Earlier he said he didn't know what he threw in together. Once a liar always a liar. At any rate, a liar should not be trusted nor given any special rights.

At this point, the Traitor has told so many lies that he can longer keep track of them.

Asking your lawyer (as an officer of the court) to knowingly and willingly and with intent to the same to make a fraudulent claim not only lead your lawyers losing his/her licence, he/she could go to jail as well.

Bobb is now turning on the Traitor, she knows her goose is cooked. She lied to the F.B.I. (a felony) and attempted to perpetrate against fraud against the United States.
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News flash. If the dictionary buys into some liberal bullshit, it doesn’t make it a fact. The fucking Nazi Party was fascist. They defined themselves as socialists.

And socialism embraces fascism. You’re a victim of it. You cannot think outside of the box. You’re not allowed to.
This isn't about the Nazi party or socialism. This is about the fact that liberalism and fascism are mutually exclusive. You evidently have gotten your definition of liberalism from your right wing media masters...a big mistake.

This is a link to the 1828 version of the Webster dictionary for the word fascism. The definition has been the same for almost 200 years yet you claim the dictionary is a liberal conspiracy.

Just man up and admit you were duped by your right wing media masters into thinking liberalism could coexist with fascism...unless you think liberals plotted 200 years ago to trick Trump supporters...?
News flash. If the dictionary buys into some liberal bullshit, it doesn’t make it a fact. The fucking Nazi Party was fascist. They defined themselves as socialists.

And socialism embraces fascism. You’re a victim of it. You cannot think outside of the box. You’re not allowed to.
You actually watch a dictionary to reflect extremist political viewpoints rather than facts. That's like asking science to behave like magic and illusion. I'm sorry it's not going to work that way no matter how much you want it to work. It simply wouldn't make any sense.
This isn't about the Nazi party or socialism. This is about the fact that liberalism and fascism are mutually exclusive. You evidently have gotten your definition of liberalism from your right wing media masters...a big mistake.

This is a link to the 1828 version of the Webster dictionary for the word fascism. The definition has been the same for almost 200 years yet you claim the dictionary is a liberal conspiracy.

Just man up and admit you were duped by your right wing media masters into thinking liberalism could coexist with fascism...unless you think liberals plotted 200 years ago to trick Trump supporters...?

You're asking a lot. At this point in time, they so engaged by their leaders that definitions do not matter. They believe what they told.
Logic and Truth only work when the people are resceptive to understanding and accepting them. Radical Ideology does not embrace Logic and Truth because at their root, they in are not indusive to radical thinking. Logic and Truth fly out the door when hate takes over. Believing the lie is all important. Remember Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister for Prooaganda said, "You Tell A Lie Ofen Enough and It Becomes The Truth."

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