Trump at funeral service

He was quoting GHWB's mother; I doubt she knew Trump. Jesus.
Oh...Did H.W's mother deliver the eulogy? No. It was Simpson who referenced a quote that his mother/Bush's mother used. As such, we can be sure that H.W used it.

Your claim about an 'unintentional' jab is off base. Rest assured, every speaker used tact and subtlety to throw barbs at the moron sitting in the front row with his arms folded across his chest...knowing the idiot never had a clue that he was being lampooned.
He squats with his hands in an ........I have a vagina pose

Wow..he looks particularly constipated in that photo.
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
Trump seems to be scowling through the entire ceremony

Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump
Please, no politicizing the man's funeral. Have at least THAT much respect.
^ that, says a Trump supporter
Compare GHW Bush's resume with the slug in our WH now

Neither bush 41 or Trump ever transmitted classified documents on an illegal unsecure server, neither of them gave billions in cash to the Iranian mullahs that chant death to America, neither of them hated America, neither of them had sex with an intern in the oval office, neither of them was born in Kenya, neither of them had a money laundering foundation used for political bribes.

slug???? the slugs have the last names of Clinton and Obama.
Trump seems to be scowling through the entire ceremony

Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

sorry, but no one ever would pay Hillary for sex. lesbian slut maybe, but prostitute, never.
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump
The people in Spain, France and Mexico scream We Want Trump at their leaders.

The left is the left world wide.
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump

you are dumb as a sack of turtle toes. Respect comes from strength and resolve, it is earned. Obama was the least respected president in American history, he was the laughing stock of the world, a complete joke, worst president ever.

Comedians mock all foreign leaders, its what they do, its funny. But if a comedian in NK, China, or Iran mocked their leader, they would be executed----------see the difference?
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
So, is that the point where you started feeling like the whole world was laughing at you?
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump
Did you see the Mexican and Canadian leaders laughing at him during the G20 signing ceremony? :71:
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump

you are dumb as a sack of turtle toes. Respect comes from strength and resolve, it is earned. Obama was the least respected president in American history, he was the laughing stock of the world, a complete joke, worst president ever.

Comedians mock all foreign leaders, its what they do, its funny. But if a comedian in NK, China, or Iran mocked their leader, they would be executed----------see the difference?
Nope...only in the sad little imaginations of deplorables.
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump
Did you see the Mexican and Canadian leaders laughing at him during the G20 signing ceremony? :71:
-------------------------------------- i think i did , to me it looked like nervous laughter as the laughers understood that the TRUMP had them all by their widdle bitty balls . Post the video if you have it or maybe i'll try to get it Bode .
I did not mean going after Trump IN GENERAL. I am talking about IN THIS VENUE, during Bush's funeral / memorial.

I know Trump is abrasive, rude, crude, and does his own thing....which drives elitists, Washington Insider career politicians, and those politicians who consider themselves above the Constitution / laws / the average American citizen...but it makes it seem to many that Trump is closer to their level, one of them.
trump's attributes definitely attract the angst of those who approve of proper decorum, even in the midst of heated political debate. It also attracts the adoration of a scant few who don't understand the importance of the former.
Each time we have a situation where past presidents have been called upon to set differences aside for just one moment, and unify the country, trump fails miserably. For him, everything revolves around arousing the 30% of the country who adore a rude, incompetent buffoon at the helm.

I wouldn't call it hatred per se. It's more like embarrassment for the entire nation, as the world now scoffs at us.
The US was made a laughing stock when Slick Willy declared to the world, "I did NOT have sex with that woman" ... and did.

The US was made a laughing stock when Barry declared to the world, "That 'RED LINE' I just backed down from is not MY 'RED LINE' - it is the WORLD'S 'RED LINE' ... and while laughing they said back to him, "Oh NO it's not!"

The US was made a laughing stock when Hillary was exposed to the world as having paid thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rallies, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stole a Party Nomination she could not win, violated Election and Campaign Finance laws, illegally colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, while being protected from indictment and prisonand still lost. She and Barry / the DNC made the US look like some corrupt 3rd World nation.

President Trump has done nothing by comparison. He has delivered the strongest economy in decades, forced nations to more fairly trade with the US, and forced NATO to pay their fair share.

Hillary and Barry are more polished than Trump, yes, but a polished TURD is still just a shiny TURD.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Want to see Trump Baby?

Foreign comedians have a field day mocking Trump
Did you see the Mexican and Canadian leaders laughing at him during the G20 signing ceremony? :71:
So you are siding with the 'incredible' nations of MEXICO and CANADA?! :p

Mexico is such a joke people either pass through it on the way here or leave the ... and Canada ... is CANADA. It's bogged selling point is it is attached to the US.

The Trumps handled themselves professionally and respectfully during the service. They were presidential and showed respect to 41 and his family. Hillary Clinton was an arrogant disrespectful bitch, which is her normal persona.
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.
Trump seems to be scowling through the entire ceremony

Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

sorry, but no one ever would pay Hillary for sex. lesbian slut maybe, but prostitute, never.
Many, many paid Melania

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