Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
/——-/ Wasn’t there a 16 year old wearing a red hat that was savagely attacked by the left when a deranged injun banged a drum in his face? They accused him of smirking. Any fake outrage over that?

Wrong is wrong. Right?
Maybe the left should stop hiding behind 16 yo munchkins.

Like everyone she should have a right to say what she wants to say.

But I'll note your selective outrage.
/----/ She's being used by the left like a tool.

How is it that you know she doesn't actually believe in the things she says?
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump won Person of the Year already in 2016. So it couldn't be jealousy.

View attachment 294763

He thinks he should win every year. And a president winning is not really a big deal, the only one to not win at least once was Ford.
Did you forget what the topic of the thread was about, bubble head?

Attacking anyone to the right of Stalin is the only topic he considers valid.

I think he only attacks those with balls because he is jealous for not having them.

So pretty much correct yes.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump won Person of the Year already in 2016. So it couldn't be jealousy.

View attachment 294763

He thinks he should win every year. And a president winning is not really a big deal, the only one to not win at least once was Ford.
Did you forget what the topic of the thread was about, bubble head?

Attacking anyone to the right of Stalin is the only topic he considers valid.

too bad that leaves you out.

We can tell by your attacks how left out I am.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump won Person of the Year already in 2016. So it couldn't be jealousy.

View attachment 294763

He thinks he should win every year. And a president winning is not really a big deal, the only one to not win at least once was Ford.
Did you forget what the topic of the thread was about, bubble head?

Attacking anyone to the right of Stalin is the only topic he considers valid.

I think he only attacks those with balls because he is jealous for not having them.

So pretty much correct yes.

Its how they were programmed by cultural Marxism.
/——-/ Wasn’t there a 16 year old wearing a red hat that was savagely attacked by the left when a deranged injun banged a drum in his face? They accused him of smirking. Any fake outrage over that?

Wrong is wrong. Right?
Maybe the left should stop hiding behind 16 yo munchkins.

Like everyone she should have a right to say what she wants to say.

But I'll note your selective outrage.
/----/ She's being used by the left like a tool.

How is it that you know she doesn't actually believe in the things she says?
/---/ She may believe it but she's being used by the Warmers. Their tactic is to use kids as a prop so no one can question their motives.
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Wrong is wrong. Right?
Maybe the left should stop hiding behind 16 yo munchkins.

Like everyone she should have a right to say what she wants to say.

But I'll note your selective outrage.
/----/ She's being used by the left like a tool.

How is it that you know she doesn't actually believe in the things she says?
/---/ She may believe it but she's being used by the Warmers. Their tactic is ti use kids as a prop so no one can question their motives.

If she believes it how is she being used? She is getting a huge stage to say what she believes.
A myth

It was not poor people who caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008. It was the wealthy speculating on an inflated real estate market, the banks selling the public on refinancing for more than the home was worth.
I expect liberals to remember it wrong

you folks have never admitted responsibility for your mistakes

I remember it well
I remember banks giving me phone calls telling me of all the equity in my house and asking if I wanted to refinance
I remember Realtors calling me telling me how much I could sell my house for.
I remember getting calls about house flipping schemes

Not a single poor person called me

Democrats supported those phone calls also.

It was not partisans making those calls. It was the wealthy trying to grab more wealth

When the housing bubble burst, it was the wealthy who were bailed out......not poor people

That's true and who did that? Obama.

LOL.....Obama caused the housing bubble in 2007?
Maybe the left should stop hiding behind 16 yo munchkins.

Like everyone she should have a right to say what she wants to say.

But I'll note your selective outrage.
/----/ She's being used by the left like a tool.

How is it that you know she doesn't actually believe in the things she says?
/---/ She may believe it but she's being used by the Warmers. Their tactic is ti use kids as a prop so no one can question their motives.

If she believes it how is she being used? She is getting a huge stage to say what she believes.

It is Conservatives voluntarily being used by Big Oil
Like everyone she should have a right to say what she wants to say.

But I'll note your selective outrage.
/----/ She's being used by the left like a tool.

How is it that you know she doesn't actually believe in the things she says?
/---/ She may believe it but she's being used by the Warmers. Their tactic is ti use kids as a prop so no one can question their motives.

If she believes it how is she being used? She is getting a huge stage to say what she believes.

It is Conservatives voluntarily being used by Big Oil
Big oil derangement syndrome lol
Those aren't any of our leaders, we don't vote for them. Give me some Dem leaders so I can be sure to not vote for them.

You failed to click on the link?

Elizabeth Warren, the person who you will be voting in 2020, is one of those people.

MAGA teen Nick Sandmann considers suing Elizabeth Warren
Can't read it, all ad pop ups then it goes to another page. Please quote what she said.

She perpetuated a lie according to witch the MAGA kid hatefully taunted at the Indian.

Mind you, the MAGA kid is not a public figure. He literally is just a kid wearing a MAGA hat. That is a huge difference.

The left has no morals, quit pretending otherwise.
I'm waiting for some sort of quote. Lets hear exactly what she said. I assume it's very insulting and bullying like trump. So lets hear it.


Apparently there was a lawsuit, but because of some government law government officials can not be sued for these kinds of statements. Certainly not a good track record.
What would you call the chants being made by the children?
I expect liberals to remember it wrong

you folks have never admitted responsibility for your mistakes

I remember it well
I remember banks giving me phone calls telling me of all the equity in my house and asking if I wanted to refinance
I remember Realtors calling me telling me how much I could sell my house for.
I remember getting calls about house flipping schemes

Not a single poor person called me

Democrats supported those phone calls also.

It was not partisans making those calls. It was the wealthy trying to grab more wealth

When the housing bubble burst, it was the wealthy who were bailed out......not poor people

That's true and who did that? Obama.

LOL.....Obama caused the housing bubble in 2007?

Nope but that wasn't what you said.
I expect liberals to remember it wrong

you folks have never admitted responsibility for your mistakes

I remember it well
I remember banks giving me phone calls telling me of all the equity in my house and asking if I wanted to refinance
I remember Realtors calling me telling me how much I could sell my house for.
I remember getting calls about house flipping schemes

Not a single poor person called me

Democrats supported those phone calls also.

It was not partisans making those calls. It was the wealthy trying to grab more wealth

When the housing bubble burst, it was the wealthy who were bailed out......not poor people

That's true and who did that? Obama.

LOL.....Obama caused the housing bubble in 2007?
Obama lol
Like everyone she should have a right to say what she wants to say.

But I'll note your selective outrage.
/----/ She's being used by the left like a tool.

How is it that you know she doesn't actually believe in the things she says?
/---/ She may believe it but she's being used by the Warmers. Their tactic is ti use kids as a prop so no one can question their motives.

If she believes it how is she being used? She is getting a huge stage to say what she believes.

It is Conservatives voluntarily being used by Big Oil

Obama Admin Approved Over 1,500 Offshore Fracking Permits in Gulf of Mexico and Mainstream Media Has Ignored It
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

He didn't attack her you lying sack of shit.

But I'll tell you who did get attacked:

QUOTE: "Does anybody remember the name Nick Sandmann? Name ring a bell? Come on, Brian. He’s a 16-year-old kid wearing a Make America Great hat that was confronted by the Native American named Nathan Phillips banging his war drum, and he was smiling trying to stave off any controversy, and the media tried to destroy him! The media and the Democrat Party tried to destroy Nick Sandmann and his group of kids, his buddies.

He’s now suing the Washington Post and a number of other things for defamation, a number of other things, and he’s getting farther with that than people thought. But he’s 16 years old at the time, and they tried to destroy Nick Sandmann, and they lied about the entire circumstance. He wasn’t threatening anybody. He wasn’t bullying anybody.

He was there with his buddies touring historical Washington wearing Make America Great hats, and some other protesters started raising hell, the Congressional Black Caucasians or whatever they were started raising hell. Nick Sandmann and his buddies were bystanders, witnesses. They did not instigate anything. So there was a bunch of Native Americans there, led by the aging activist Nathan Phillips. And he’s got this war drum that he’s banging.

And so he starts walking over with his big band of supporters to confront Nick Sandmann. And he gets right in his face. And the video is there recording it. And Sandmann decides I’m gonna smile to try to diffuse this. They said it was a smirk. You had people in the Drive-By Media and on Twitter wishing they could sock the kid in the face. There were people tweeting and saying all kinds of vicious things.

“This is exactly what white privilege looks like,” they were saying. I haven’t been so ticked off as I was that day in a long time. Nick Sandmann and his buddies were the epitome of innocence. They were on a sightseeing tour. Others in the area started raising hell. Nathan Phillips and his Native American band approached these kids. And Sandmann, instead of retreating and acting like a coward, stood his ground but smiled, trying to diffuse it. And it was open season on the guy.

Now, tell me. Why do members of the Drive-By Media never ask any of their members in the Democrat Party if maybe they would like to apologize for their express desire to kick the kid in the face, to sock the kid in the face, to wipe the smirk off of his face? See, this is a one-way street. Nick Sandmann wasn’t even political. They turned him into something political. “Oh, no, Rush. He was wearing a Make America Great. It was political.”

Really? You wear a Make America Great hat and you’re political? “Yeah, you shouldn’t.” Okay. You want to say that? Nick Sandmann was not doing anything political. The reason for his school’s trip there was not political. They made him political so that they could attack him. They converted his standing alone, threatening-nobody posture into a political confrontation posture claiming that he was threatening poor Nathan Phillips. You remember all of this.

So now here comes Greta Thunberg, and again a 16-year-old in the — what are they claiming? What are they saying? The autism spectrum, and she’s out there lambasting this country, she’s ripping America to shreds. She’s lying and filling everybody with the lies that she’s been fed about climate change and fossil fuels. And the left is using this little girl for all they can get out of her. And they are propping her up, and they’re putting her front and center in the American political spectrum.

What Impeachment Is Really All About
I'd love to see that actually happen.

Or not...

The entire philosophy upon which "acting" on global warming, or how, when, or why they "should" act to begin with is quite literally full of holes.

Some being so ignorant they likely don't even know the difference between the science, as in raw data, or the archaic philosophies and postulations upon which said science is theoretically based.

Much as some of the conspiracy theorists in question, who attribute rebuttal of alarmism and the fatuous postulations associated with it, often in denial of science which acknowledges the role which natural factors play in climate change in favor of their quasi-religious or philosophical axioms, having existed since the 1800s and before on the basis of faith in manifestos such as Secular Humanism, such as ambiguous faiths in "change", "progress", and whatnot - as opposed to scientific data itself - as in league with "corporations", or "capitalism" - don't know what "consensus or outlier means', or that within scientific research, those things aren't "bad" to begin with so long as they conform to standards of research.
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It's a little late to suddenly be concerned about poor Greta. The left has been putting her out there like the second coming. She is just an autistic girl that had no choice in being manipulated. But off limits? Not a chance. That's what publicity does.

The Left are manipulating a girl with autism but thats okay. Trump tells her to chill out and he's the devil. THAT is the fantasy world of hate and lies that Democrats live in

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