Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Is it surprising?
It's somewhat surprising that you liars cant see the difference.
dude she skipped school to do this at age 15. This was all her own doing. I feel sorry for no one when they step out and threaten a populace. Fk her!!! and her lazy fk parents.

I disagree on a minor point. This is NOT of her own doing. It is 100% the doing of her parents. In my opinion, parents should have their parental rights denied. Intentionally putting your child out there for certain mental abuse is, in my opinion, child abuse.

Even though it is wrong, those who run for president know that their kids will get stupid things said about them. Are you saying they shouldn't run?
Putting Baron Trump in a cage with pedophile is just a "stupid thing" to you. Indeed you swine are evil.

I'm pretty sure I never argued that but it's telling that you have to make something up to offer a rebuttal.
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.
The economy was surging for several years before Trump came along. He was elected on third base, and the tards think he hit a triple

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did NOT oversee a "surging" economy. He oversaw the slowest recovery in our history. The economy of Jimmy Carter gave it a name, MALAISE!

Just checked ... the age of consent is 16 in most States ... 15 in Sweden ... so, why shouldn't we treat her as a adult when she is, in fact, an adult under Swedish law? ...

I've dragged enough 16-year-old girls into a court-of-law to know how easy it is to pick on them ...
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Is it surprising?
It's somewhat surprising that you liars cant see the difference.
dude she skipped school to do this at age 15. This was all her own doing. I feel sorry for no one when they step out and threaten a populace. Fk her!!! and her lazy fk parents.

I disagree on a minor point. This is NOT of her own doing. It is 100% the doing of her parents. In my opinion, parents should have their parental rights denied. Intentionally putting your child out there for certain mental abuse is, in my opinion, child abuse.

Even though it is wrong, those who run for president know that their kids will get stupid things said about them. Are you saying they shouldn't run?
Putting Baron Trump in a cage with pedophile is just a "stupid thing" to you. Indeed you swine are evil.

That statement - yes - it is a stupid thing to say. The speaker has no power to enact it. It reflects on the speaker as a disgusting example of humanity. Not much different than the statements of some of those attacking Greta. Or Obama's children. Or the kid in the Maga hat.
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!
Democrats have been using kids to hide behind for years. I see them put the kids with signs on street corners every time the government indoctrination system needs money.

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

If it's what she believes and she is presented with a large stage to state it, how exactly is she being exploited?
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!
Democrats have been using kids to hide behind for years. I see them put the kids with signs on street corners every time the government indoctrination system needs money.

Ever been to a pro-life rally?
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

If it's what she believes and she is presented with a large stage to state it, how exactly is she being exploited?
She's indoctrinated and she's being used. You know that.
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!
Democrats have been using kids to hide behind for years. I see them put the kids with signs on street corners every time the government indoctrination system needs money.

Ever been to a pro-life rally?
So you support murdering innocent defenseless human beings?
Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

If it's what she believes and she is presented with a large stage to state it, how exactly is she being exploited?
She's indoctrinated and she's being used. You know that.

So you can't explain how it is that someone that gets a huge stage to state their beliefs is being used
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!
Democrats have been using kids to hide behind for years. I see them put the kids with signs on street corners every time the government indoctrination system needs money.

Ever been to a pro-life rally?
So you support murdering innocent defenseless human beings?

I'm pro-life. What I'm not is a huge hypocrite.
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

If it's what she believes and she is presented with a large stage to state it, how exactly is she being exploited?
She's indoctrinated and she's being used. You know that.

So you can't explain how it is that someone that gets a huge stage to state their beliefs is being used
I don't think I have to explain the obvious. Do you have to look into the toilet when you get up to find out what happened?
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!
Democrats have been using kids to hide behind for years. I see them put the kids with signs on street corners every time the government indoctrination system needs money.

Ya we all know Republicans don't use kids...

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.

No. It shows how you take a case of classic bullying, and make it into something political. Violence is never ok in my book, yet you have a president, who has called for violence repeatedly and defended it. And you think that is ok? Come on. Either it is or it isn't, regardless of politics. And kids are still kids - it doesn't matter whether they support what you do or something else.

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