Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.

And that seems to have become a notable change in discourse over the past few years - attack the person's character, often in childish ways, rather than their argument. It's schoolyard insult time by folks who are theoretically adult!
Democrats have been using kids to hide behind for years. I see them put the kids with signs on street corners every time the government indoctrination system needs money.

Ya we all know Republicans don't use kids...

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Good for them. It's a righteous noble thing to do. Much more honorable than using kids to beg for money.
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.

No. It shows how you take a case of classic bullying, and make it into something political. Violence is never ok in my book, yet you have a president, who has called for violence repeatedly and defended it. And you think that is ok? Come on. Either it is or it isn't, regardless of politics. And kids are still kids - it doesn't matter whether they support what you do or something else.
You come to an event to cause trouble, so be it. Attacking someone for wearing a cap is assault. Two different things. Not surprised that you can't see it.
When Greta is speaking...adults (real adults) know they can choose. They can listen to her message or switch channels. No one is holding a gun to their head.

I change channels often. There is no special technological expertise needed to get up and walk away.
EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

If it's what she believes and she is presented with a large stage to state it, how exactly is she being exploited?
She's indoctrinated and she's being used. You know that.

So you can't explain how it is that someone that gets a huge stage to state their beliefs is being used
I don't think I have to explain the obvious. Do you have to look into the toilet when you get up to find out what happened?

Well, I will admit that is a good example to use when speaking about the problem of being tied to the two parties.
EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.

No. It shows how you take a case of classic bullying, and make it into something political. Violence is never ok in my book, yet you have a president, who has called for violence repeatedly and defended it. And you think that is ok? Come on. Either it is or it isn't, regardless of politics. And kids are still kids - it doesn't matter whether they support what you do or something else.
You come to an event to cause trouble, so be it. Attacking someone for wearing a cap is assault. Two different things. Not surprised that you can't see it.'s assault or bullying, but you're making the assumption it's about the hat. Not surprised you don't dig in deeper - in your victimhood narrative - it's always because of the hat. This is where the hypocrisy comes in - speaking about climate change makes a child an ok target for attack. Wearing a MAGA hat (which is making a public political statement) is not.
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.

No. It shows how you take a case of classic bullying, and make it into something political. Violence is never ok in my book, yet you have a president, who has called for violence repeatedly and defended it. And you think that is ok? Come on. Either it is or it isn't, regardless of politics. And kids are still kids - it doesn't matter whether they support what you do or something else.
You come to an event to cause trouble, so be it. Attacking someone for wearing a cap is assault. Two different things. Not surprised that you can't see it.'s assault or bullying, but you're making the assumption it's about the hat. Not surprised you don't dig in deeper - in your victimhood narrative - it's always because of the hat. This is where the hypocrisy comes in - speaking about climate change makes a child an ok target for attack. Wearing a MAGA hat (which is making a public political statement) is not.
No one is physically attacking Greta. People are being assaulted for wearing a cap.
You are no different. What do you think you lot did with the kid in the MAGA hat? Oh wait - how about the thread about a kid in a MAGA hat recently that was allegedly beaten up because of it? Why is that even NEWS? It's classic bullying but you lot are there ready to exploit it because it supports YOUR cause that Trumpists are some sort of new victim class.

Exploit much?
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.

No. It shows how you take a case of classic bullying, and make it into something political. Violence is never ok in my book, yet you have a president, who has called for violence repeatedly and defended it. And you think that is ok? Come on. Either it is or it isn't, regardless of politics. And kids are still kids - it doesn't matter whether they support what you do or something else.
You come to an event to cause trouble, so be it. Attacking someone for wearing a cap is assault. Two different things. Not surprised that you can't see it.'s assault or bullying, but you're making the assumption it's about the hat. Not surprised you don't dig in deeper - in your victimhood narrative - it's always because of the hat. This is where the hypocrisy comes in - speaking about climate change makes a child an ok target for attack. Wearing a MAGA hat (which is making a public political statement) is not.
No one is physically attacking Greta. People are being assaulted for wearing a cap.

No one assaulted the kid who had an altercation with a Native American either.

And, just because is wearing a cap with a message doesn't mean he was assaulted because of that.
It shows how violent you sick jackals are.

No. It shows how you take a case of classic bullying, and make it into something political. Violence is never ok in my book, yet you have a president, who has called for violence repeatedly and defended it. And you think that is ok? Come on. Either it is or it isn't, regardless of politics. And kids are still kids - it doesn't matter whether they support what you do or something else.
You come to an event to cause trouble, so be it. Attacking someone for wearing a cap is assault. Two different things. Not surprised that you can't see it.'s assault or bullying, but you're making the assumption it's about the hat. Not surprised you don't dig in deeper - in your victimhood narrative - it's always because of the hat. This is where the hypocrisy comes in - speaking about climate change makes a child an ok target for attack. Wearing a MAGA hat (which is making a public political statement) is not.
No one is physically attacking Greta. People are being assaulted for wearing a cap.

No one assaulted the kid who had an altercation with a Native American either.

And, just because is wearing a cap with a message doesn't mean he was assaulted because of that.
Many people have been assaulted for simply wearing a MAGA cap.
No one assaulted the kid who had an altercation with a Native American either.

And, just because is wearing a cap with a message doesn't mean he was assaulted because of that.
This is stupid on so many levels.
Trump has had 70+ years to become an adult. Never happened.
Greta is a bad ass

She does not tolerate politicians who throw platitudes at her while they bend over backwards to placate the oil and coal companies
Greta is a mentally diminished child being used by amoral people like you. I wonder how long it will be before her parents ship her off with the progressive pedophiles?

There is no indication she is mentally diminished. She's articulate in two languages. Whether or not you agree with her message, you can't seem to counter it, but instead attack her. And you are considered an adult?
Greta is a bad ass

She does not tolerate politicians who throw platitudes at her while they bend over backwards to placate the oil and coal companies
Greta is a mentally diminished child being used by amoral people like you. I wonder how long it will be before her parents ship her off with the progressive pedophiles?

There is no indication she is mentally diminished. She's articulate in two languages. Whether or not you agree with her message, you can't seem to counter it, but instead attack her. And you are considered an adult?

Pollution smog has clearly grown, as have warm days & weather instability.

You'd have to be mentally diminished to not notice it.
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695

Tell me, do you believe in "sustainable development?"

In what way - that it is possible? Be a bit more specific.

Well, Greta, she works, or worked, for the company that promoted her . . so she is a political actor. She is a very intelligent person.

I don't know why you think she is supposed to be immune from criticism when she enters the adult world. As soon as you enter the adult arena, with serious issue, it make you a target, you are no longer immune.

OTH, yes, if you are doing childlike things, you should not be a target for media attacks.

For instance, the other day, a legal scholar in congress attacked Baron Trump. Has he done anything in public, made any statements, or crusaded on any adult issue to be made a target?

Yet, I have heard the left want to conflate the two. This is like comparing apples to oranges. It is faulty logic to the extreme.

On the other hand, this Greta girl had idealogical motivations. She was working for a social media outfit that believed in, and has primary concerns with, "sustainable development." This company has financial ties to many of Al Gores corporate entities.

She rails against many of the same things she herself is linked to. It is sheer hypocrisy and lunacy. So why SHOULDN'T people be free to criticize her if she chooses to enter the adult world of adult issues.

When people her age murder folks, they get charged as such. So, yes, if she is going to be hypocritical, then she is going to be called on it.

The fact is, "sustainable development," is development, and the UN is still pushing development, We have a finite amount of resources, no matter how you slice it, and folks are going to suffer if you put a capital value on air and water. There really is no such thing as infinite growth. If you tell me that a newborn has no right to water and air w/o someone paying that cost, it is going to be a hard road to putting a microchip into all newly born people. Greta claims she is NOT on the side of infinite growth, but SHE IS. Slowly, she might come to the realization, she is in the wrong crowd.

I have friends on the left that get insulted when they hear the CEO of Nestle say, "Water is not a human right," but that is essentially what Greta is saying. . . you have to pay money to breath at this point.

In her own words;

"Also there is one complaint that I “sound and write like an adult.” And to that I can only say; don’t you think that a 16-year old can speak for herself? There’s also some people who say that I oversimplify things. For example when I say that “the climate crisis is a black and white issue”; “we need to stop the emissions of greenhouse gases”; and “I want you to panic.” But that I only say because it’s true. Yes, the climate crisis is the most complex issue that we have ever faced and it’s going to take everything from our part to “stop it.” But the solution is black and white; we need to stop the emissions of greenhouse gases."
The Greta Thunberg controversy - Ecologise

So, IMO, you either write and discuss issues like an adult and are open to criticism, like an adult, or you keep your trap shut. No special rules. I think she wants no special treatment.

Here is the truth. No spin, no propaganda.

Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck Says We Don't Have a Right to Water, Believes We Do Have a Right to Water and Everyone's Confused. (Video) | HuffPost

The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: The Political Economy of the Non-Profit Industrial Complex [ACT I]

The Greta Thunberg controversy - Ecologise

Questions and answers about We Don’t Have Time’s relationship with Greta Thunberg

You will get chipped – eventually|main&fbclid=IwAR1MwbpbbcNcESx7wHgrJEU0sGOVVJb7lgRRJ_7g9sQsIXHZgKKvRu3aaj4

RFID Solution Enables Consumers to Manage Carbon Footprint at Stores
Ecoingot's IoT-based system employs blockchain technology and HF RFID-based connectivity from Compass Marketing, enabling shoppers to gain information regarding the carbon emissions related to products before making a purchase, and to buy credits or offset carbon use, via the company's app and a public ledger.
RFID Solution Enables Consumers to Manage Carbon Footprint at Stores - 2019-02-01 - Page 1 - RFID Journal

You, just like about everyone I communicate with on this issue, are woefully naive about what the global elites have planned. This is about economic growth, use of resources, energy use, resource use, and control.

Is there a threat to the planet, sure. But it is about a lot more than that.

If Greta and the rest of the global warming zealots truly believed what they are saying they would be preaching in the countries of the biggest polluters, India and China. They aren't. They don't even believe themselves. The global warming hoax is a global wealth redistribution program with the UN voting itself other people's money.

Opening up free trade with China was a colossal mistake.

Having contributed to pollution significantly, having taken away American job security & National Security as a Hostile China gets more wealthy & powerful as CRAPitalist CORPSEorations boost these issues.

Its all about maximizing immediate profit at the expense of the American masses.
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

EXACTLY. Thank you. And if you are outraged by a kid supporting action on climate change, YOU are the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.

Thank you :)
I'm not outraged at the kid. I'm pointing fingers at you and your pals for exploiting her. The kid with the MAGA cap isn't being exploited. He never said a word. All he did was stand there and smile and ya'll had a fit. You're nuts.

If it's what she believes and she is presented with a large stage to state it, how exactly is she being exploited?
She's indoctrinated and she's being used. You know that.

So you can't explain how it is that someone that gets a huge stage to state their beliefs is being used
Who is doing the using?

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