Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

I expect liberals to remember it wrong

you folks have never admitted responsibility for your mistakes

I remember it well
I remember banks giving me phone calls telling me of all the equity in my house and asking if I wanted to refinance
I remember Realtors calling me telling me how much I could sell my house for.
I remember getting calls about house flipping schemes

Not a single poor person called me

Democrats supported those phone calls also.

It was not partisans making those calls. It was the wealthy trying to grab more wealth

When the housing bubble burst, it was the wealthy who were bailed out......not poor people

That's true and who did that? Obama.

LOL.....Obama caused the housing bubble in 2007?
The underlying debts are massive. Government puts band aids on them or gives out more money with fewer restrictions or to individuals who do not have a good history of paying back to keep the game going. lets face it. Housing prices are a product of the federal reserve fiat currency. At one time homes would actually decline in value in real terms. That was a long time ago. Now they are an investment and totally overpriced. Another housing collapse would do us good.
It's a little late to suddenly be concerned about poor Greta. The left has been putting her out there like the second coming. She is just an autistic girl that had no choice in being manipulated. But off limits? Not a chance. That's what publicity does.

The Left are manipulating a girl with autism but thats okay. Trump tells her to chill out and he's the devil. THAT is the fantasy world of hate and lies that Democrats live in
I've heard rumors that Ted Kascynzcki had autism, I wonder if it's true.

(Fantasizing about killing people in power for destroying the earth came to mind...)

It's a little late to suddenly be concerned about poor Greta. The left has been putting her out there like the second coming. She is just an autistic girl that had no choice in being manipulated. But off limits? Not a chance. That's what publicity does.

The Left are manipulating a girl with autism but thats okay. Trump tells her to chill out and he's the devil. THAT is the fantasy world of hate and lies that Democrats live in
The belief in "caring for the planet" as a faith based ideal, and using scientific data to conform to that ideal and the policies associated with it, while in denial of the data which doesn't support that conclusion, or the intentness and likely ineffectuality of the proposed policies associated with it, has been a tenant of belief systems, such as Secular Humanism or Utilitarianism as per Bentham and Mill since the 1800s and before any modern data on global warming was available to begin with, often even dishonestly conflating the raw science or data with the pseudoscientific, religious, or philosophical beliefs and axioms which they are attempting to have the data conform to to begin with, rather than the other way around, whether those beliefs include appreciation of scientific data to begin with (and more often than not, they don't).

Just as the simple belief in "caring for the planet", or even "nature worship", has been a simple folk belief since the ancient times.

So she's really just a young religious fanatic with likely an average IQ at most, I'm not impressed - likely in denial of the science or theories which don't conform to the rather outdated Humanist ideals of "change, progress", attributing them instead to unlikely conspiracy theories, whether "capitalism", "corporations", "right wing", or such and such.
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I soon expect Greta to grab a guitar and record "Up against the wall, redneck mother".
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695
Do you know how many millions of dollars a year in damage coyotes do to the sheep industry.

You got a problem with mutton?
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695

Tell me, do you believe in "sustainable development?"

In what way - that it is possible? Be a bit more specific.
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695
So all you really can do is deflect to some pathetic whatabousm.
We're mocking you hypocrites. If you're gonna dish it out, then learn to take it.

Oh I get it - it's hypocrites mocking hypocrites.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
....I'm sure someone has said it but Barron is not an activist/publicity monger/etc like Greta is--do you understand what that means? she tacitly agrees to being attacked--like all publicity mongers

No she does not. She's a child. She's a minor. Just like a child wearing a MAGA hat (presumably an activist as well, promoting a political message).

When did being a decent human being become too PC for the repubs? So embarrassing.

It's not the republicans that are sending kids to fight their cause.

Only the democrats... and some shithole African country where they want to import people from.

What do you think sporting a MAGA hat is?
This message about children is provided to you by the left.

You have names and quotes of who picked on the boy? I won't vote for them either.

The people who tell you your opinions for one.

Judge allows Nick Sandmann to sue NBC for $275 million over Covington smears

Ain't that the classic left. Telling others that kids are off limits while going after actually innocent children themselves. Whenever leftists blame you of something, you can be sure that they are doing it.

Yes...just as you are doing.
Fair enough...

You are allowed to disagree with what she says and provide your own opinion. However, calling a child names ....Toad Girl? your only response is inappropriate.

So is mocking her “anger issues”

Funny, I typed in "shrewish little witch-girl suffering from perpetual PMS" ... but though that a bit insensitive ... but she does have that toadish look to her, maybe the ugliest Swedish girl I've ever seen ...

If a child stands in the public spotlight spewing lies ... the child will be called dirty names ... her parents are getting rich, so what's the problem? ...

I don't see any mental health issues at all ... the rhetoric she's given to vomit out is all pretty standard, mainstream hysteria ... 1959 cranberry sales all over again ... she'll be dead of old age before we'll be able to measure climate change ... whatever problems come of this will be her great-grandchildren's affair ... not hers or her children's ...

The coldest place on Earth is a snowflake's heart ...
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here
By the way, the little witch is just a Nazi tool.


Woah. Thanks for providing a great example of how to attack kids who support a cause that has nothing to do with genocide - bring in the old Hitler comparisons. Well done.
If Greta and the rest of the global warming zealots truly believed what they are saying they would be preaching in the countries of the biggest polluters, India and China. They aren't. They don't even believe themselves. The global warming hoax is a global wealth redistribution program with the UN voting itself other people's money.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Is it surprising?
It's somewhat surprising that you liars cant see the difference.
dude she skipped school to do this at age 15. This was all her own doing. I feel sorry for no one when they step out and threaten a populace. Fk her!!! and her lazy fk parents.

I disagree on a minor point. This is NOT of her own doing. It is 100% the doing of her parents. In my opinion, parents should have their parental rights denied. Intentionally putting your child out there for certain mental abuse is, in my opinion, child abuse.

Even though it is wrong, those who run for president know that their kids will get stupid things said about them. Are you saying they shouldn't run?
Putting Baron Trump in a cage with pedophile is just a "stupid thing" to you. Indeed you swine are evil.
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.
QUOTE: ".....Greta Thunberg is an element of this globalist attempt. She checks all the boxes. She’s young and 16 and you can’t criticize here. She’s a child, Mr. Limbaugh. Do you have no soul? You can’t criticize her! And then she has a disability. Oh, you really can’t criticize her, except we can and we will, because they put her there.

They are using her as a political figure. They are using her as an element to advance their agenda. I’m sorry, folks, I’m not gonna sit here and have my hands tied behind my back along with half my brain just because they are engaged in a trick that involves using a 16-year-old.

So when Donald Trump tweets, “Hey, Greta, you might have some anger management issues, why don’t you chill out and go to a movie,” what he’s basically saying is why don’t you stop letting these people use you and why don’t you enjoy your years as a teenager and a kid here. There’s plenty of time for you to screw the world up later on.

How dare he! How can you defend a president who attacked a 16-year-old harmless little activist. She’s not a harmless little activist. She is an agent of the worldwide left attempting to convince the people of the world and the people of America that America is the problem in the world. Sorry, folks, not gonna sit idly by and just let that happen.

The Left Won’t Get Away with Their Greta Thunberg Trick Here

1. If you disagree with what she says, you criticize her argument, not her.

2. People for some reason get pleasure in criticizing the person as opposed to the argument.
Seriously? What an insecure ass.

Trump's team photoshops his face over Greta Thunberg's on Time Person of the Year cover

Donald Trump‘s team have edited his face on to the body of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg after she was named Time‘s Person of the Year.

The official Trump War Room account on Twitter posted the altered front cover of the magazine on Wednesday, the same day the 16-year-old won the accolade for “turning vague anxieties about the planet into a worldwide movement calling for global change”.

View attachment 294695

Note: my statements regarding attacks on him were the same.

You ok with presidents attacking kids? Yes or no. No BS filter.
You okay with a political party using mentally challenged kids for propaganda tools? You okay with a political party destroying an innocent kid because he wears a cap with MAGA on it?

Like Sarah Palin did? Like YOU are using a kid wearing a political statement in the form of a hat - to gin up outrage? Want to bet the kids parents are Trumpsters and encouraging this?

And, let's be blunt here - you didn't answer the questions.

What Gretta is doing is what she believes in. What you are doing is using the fact that her parents support her, to excuse your presidents attacks on her, a 16 yr old girl, directly. That's just nuts. If kids shouldn't be attacked by ADULTS like this it applies all the way around. Not just those kids who's messaging you support,
If you become outraged by a kid wearing a MAGA cap, you're the problem, not the kid. Sick idiot.
They are insane.

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