trump audio tape from new book shows he is Treasonous

Newly Released Trump Audio On Capitol Riot Is Raising Eyebrows ws

trump planned and foretold the January 6th attack. He should never be allowed trouble hold public office again....not even dog catcher.
Of course, he is not fit for public office, if we want to keep representative democracy, nor any of his followers, but the article you linked to did not tell us anything we didn't already know. I was hoping it might actually link to a recording of active planning. On the other hand, after you get past just lying like a rug after the fact, he isn't much of a strategic or tactical planner on the front end.
Of course, he is not fit for public office, if we want to keep representative democracy, nor any of his followers, but the article you linked to did not tell us anything we didn't already know. I was hoping it might actually link to a recording of active planning. On the other hand, after you get past just lying like a rug after the fact, he isn't much of a strategic or tactical planner on the front end.
What the communist democrats are peddalling as representative democracy needs to be buried, in Cuba and never see another day. Destroy it. Completely.

Like a fanzine fantasy novel where people fans of a beloved, popular TV show write extra "episodes" to extend a now-cancelled series, JimH can't jump aboard fast enough in the now fiction being created on Trump to feed the starving TDS industry so loved by the Left.

They just need a good Trump SCANDAL each day to chew on to keep the emotion alive. And the best way to extend that is to keep writing daily fiction on Trump while the leftwing authorities dream up every way possible to abuse their authority by throwing specious lawsuits at every person connected to The Donald in any way, again with more spin and fiction making tenuous claims which hardly ever pan out later to be true, but by then, they have moved on to new fiction.

And what is the source? Some fly-by-night flake called Nicki Swift dug up with her curious "takes" on passing Trump comments to which they endlessly fill in the "odious" intent.

Spin, baby, spin.

Meantime, aside from the fact that there was nothing really there more than-- at best --some poor judgement on Trump's part no worse than the legions of "bad decisions" that Hillary made with Benghazi and her Quid Pro Quo "lost" emails and secret home government server that James Comey quickly informed us was just "bad judgement lacking any malicious intent," if democrats looked half as hard at many of the actions and statements already taken by Uncle Selected Joe and many other democrats in just the first few months of his term, they'd already have more things to concern themselves than they can shake a stick at.

THE REAL PROBLEM HERE are not the easy things which happened openly between last Fall's election and the Capitol for which the leftwing media has no end to interpretations of, but all of the far more subtle things being said and done these days rather quietly by the Harriden Administration that the media ISN'T dragging out into the public's view with daily sensationalism.
Like a fanzine fantasy novel where people fans of a beloved, popular TV show write extra "episodes" to extend a now-cancelled series, JimH can't jump aboard fast enough in the now fiction being created on Trump to feed the starving TDS industry so loved by the Left.

They just need a good Trump SCANDAL each day to chew on to keep the emotion alive. And the best way to extend that is to keep writing daily fiction on Trump while the leftwing authorities dream up every way possible to abuse their authority by throwing specious lawsuits at every person connected to The Donald in any way, again with more spin and fiction making tenuous claims which hardly ever pan out later to be true, but by then, they have moved on to new fiction.

And what is the source? Some fly-by-night flake called Nicki Swift dug up with her curious "takes" on passing Trump comments to which they endlessly fill in the "odious" intent.

Spin, baby, spin.

Meantime, aside from the fact that there was nothing really there more than-- at best --some poor judgement on Trump's part no worse than the legions of "bad decisions" that Hillary made with Benghazi and her Quid Pro Quo "lost" emails and secret home government server that James Comey quickly informed us was just "bad judgement lacking any malicious intent," if democrats looked half as hard at many of the actions and statements already taken by Uncle Selected Joe and many other democrats in just the first few months of his term, they'd already have more things to concern themselves than they can shake a stick at.

THE REAL PROBLEM HERE are not the easy things which happened openly between last Fall's election and the Capitol for which the leftwing media has no end to interpretations of, but all of the far more subtle things being said and done these days rather quietly by the Harriden Administration that the media ISN'T dragging out into the public's view with daily sensationalism.
I'm wondering why POS threads like this heap aren't whisked off to Conspiracy Theorizes as quickly as every election thread is.

Oh yeah, the maude staff is hack-a-rama.

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