trump audio tape from new book shows he is Treasonous

He seems to be living rent free in yours too.
I'm wondering why POS threads like this heap aren't whisked off to Conspiracy Theorizes as quickly as every election thread is.

Point well taken. This thread is at least as specious with its far-reaching conclusions being essentially nothing more than one person's openly partisan SPIN to alleged events far from certain except that it just doesn't have the concocted volatility cooked up by the Left to demonize people simply wanting legitimate answers to honest election questions by THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who felt obligated and fully vindicated in spending three years and 30-45 million tax dollars trying to prove on TV no less that a few Russians changed the outcome of 2016 election robbing Hillary without having ever produced even ONE PERSON claiming a Russian FB ad changed their vote.

Indeed, all the Dems really proved was that if a handful of Russians could topple an election, then what could 30 leftwing shadow activist organizations, some with 7 million members, do given unlimited Soros funding combined with nearly a year of changing election laws and engineering a system where basically anyone could then vote any time any way they wanted without even meeting state laws or deadlines do?

And what was the rationale? Because apparently Putin "wanted" Trump to win, yet in usual progressive aplomb, the fact that they bragged that half the leaders of the world were pulling for Biden over Trump of course didn't mean anything nefarious there.

Trump was the supposed "laughing stock" for doing the greatest thing any elected leader could have done: been an OUTSIDER taking an independent stance on issues among a cabal of corrupt, unified, global socialists, putting his country rather than THEIR agenda first.
Of course, he is not fit for public office, if we want to keep representative democracy, nor any of his followers, but the article you linked to did not tell us anything we didn't already know. I was hoping it might actually link to a recording of active planning. On the other hand, after you get past just lying like a rug after the fact, he isn't much of a strategic or tactical planner on the front end.
I hope that the House select committee will find out that trump and his cult were directly involved in the lead up to the insurrection attempt on January 6th. I mean, how can anyone with a brain not understand that it was his constant lying about "massive voter fraud" that caused the mob attack? How is this Treasonous SOB still walking around free after trying to overthrow our government and destroy a constitutional process?

I will continue to speak out against the fat, smelling, POS until he is not longer out there lying and trying to destroy our country. trump humpers will just have to live with they jack off on his 8x10 every night.
Point well taken. This thread is at least as specious with its far-reaching conclusions being essentially nothing more than one person's openly partisan SPIN to alleged events far from certain except that it just doesn't have the concocted volatility cooked up by the Left to demonize people simply wanting legitimate answers to honest election questions by THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who felt obligated and fully vindicated in spending three years and 30-45 million tax dollars trying to prove on TV no less that a few Russians changed the outcome of 2016 election robbing Hillary without having ever produced even ONE PERSON claiming a Russian FB ad changed their vote.

Indeed, all the Dems really proved was that if a handful of Russians could topple an election, then what could 30 leftwing shadow activist organizations, some with 7 million members, do given unlimited Soros funding combined with nearly a year of changing election laws and engineering a system where basically anyone could then vote any time any way they wanted without even meeting state laws or deadlines do?

And what was the rationale? Because apparently Putin "wanted" Trump to win, yet in usual progressive aplomb, the fact that they bragged that half the leaders of the world were pulling for Biden over Trump of course didn't mean anything nefarious there.

Trump was the supposed "laughing stock" for doing the greatest thing any elected leader could have done: been an OUTSIDER taking an independent stance on issues among a cabal of corrupt, unified, global socialists, putting his country rather than THEIR agenda first.

Have you forgotten that in 2016 Trump claimed 3 to 5 million illegals voted?

TRump's independent stand was stupid, impulsive and uninformed.
I hope that the House select committee will find out that trump and his cult were directly involved in the lead up to the insurrection attempt on January 6th. I mean, how can anyone with a brain not understand that it was his constant lying about "massive voter fraud" that caused the mob attack? How is this Treasonous SOB still walking around free after trying to overthrow our government and destroy a constitutional process?

I will continue to speak out against the fat, smelling, POS until he is not longer out there lying and trying to destroy our country. trump humpers will just have to live with they jack off on his 8x10 every night.
jim if the ass dies tomorrow you will probably be talking about him 5 years from now...
I hope that the House select committee will find out that trump and his cult were directly involved in the lead up to the insurrection attempt on January 6th. I mean, how can anyone with a brain not understand that it was his constant lying about "massive voter fraud" that caused the mob attack? How is this Treasonous SOB still walking around free after trying to overthrow our government and destroy a constitutional process?

I will continue to speak out against the fat, smelling, POS until he is not longer out there lying and trying to destroy our country. trump humpers will just have to live with they jack off on his 8x10 every night.
You never know what can come out. There is not much in the way of dirty deed, he would definitely pass on, as we have learned over the last four years. But, I figure much of the depths of Son's actions due to his character flaws has already come out. Whether courtroom prosecutable or just more dirty grist for the mill, the world has his number. I do wish they would get on with it, and proceed with what they have on something, if they have it. They have had 4 years, and he has been out of office for 7 months, without him being in a position to be protected by closest circle of toads. It is time to shit or get off the pot and flush the turd instead of continuing to stink up the room. I am certain he has committed criminal acts, he is no criminal genius, and there has never been a scarcity of people close to him, that while willing to publicly support, not willing to support at the point of taking the fall themselves (except Stone) as there are no more get out of jail free trump cards in the deck and others under no liability, willing to blow the whistle. They need to get on with it and put his chapter behind us.
The man never should have been president in the first place.
True, but that would have left Hillary. To this day, I am not at all sure, we would have been better off. The country is screwed, when both the main parties play to the lowest common denominator. If one side does, the other side assumes any random Dk can be them so on election day, random DkHeads are all the country gets to choose from.
Have you forgotten that in 2016 Trump claimed 3 to 5 million illegals voted?

TRump's independent stand was stupid, impulsive and uninformed.
AND A BIG LIE! And these trump humpers will vote again for a man that lies and continues to lie. He will lose again if he runs in 2024. Will the trump humpers still rotate around his leg?
The man never should have been president in the first place.
The day trump was elected was the darkest day in American history. I might point out that, even with Russian interference and the lies from the trump campaign....Hillary conceded with grace. Can you imagine if she had cried "voter fraud" and lied about it for as long as trump has? That would have torn the country apart, just as trump is doing right now.

The good thing is, more and more people are coming to the conclusion that the Big Lie is exactly that.... A BIG LIE! INDEPENDENT VOTERS WILL NOT VOTE FOR A SERIAL LIAR WHO CANNOT ADMIT DEFEAT.
The day trump was elected was the darkest day in American history. I might point out that, even with Russian interference and the lies from the trump campaign....Hillary conceded with grace. Can you imagine if she had cried "voter fraud" and lied about it for as long as trump has? That would have torn the country apart, just as trump is doing right now.

The good thing is, more and more people are coming to the conclusion that the Big Lie is exactly that.... A BIG LIE! INDEPENDENT VOTERS WILL NOT VOTE FOR A SERIAL LIAR WHO CANNOT ADMIT DEFEAT.
geezus calm down jim.....go take a few hits off the bong....
I see Democrats are already making plans to steal the 2024 election.
Why not since you rightards proved to be too stupid to figure out how we did it in 2020? Since we can steal every election from right under your sniveling noses with such ease, there's no point in you ever voting again.

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