Trump avoiding the Draft

I was out partying with my friends the night before I was to be inducted into the Army at the court house in the morning.

Up walked my high school friend Rick and his group of pals. He was a couple of years older than me and was a star football player. He had been awarded an All American state player and had a giant trophy in our high school display case.

I greeted Rich, said long time no see, and asked him what's he been up to. He said that he recently was in Vietnam and was out celebrating his discharge from the Army that very day. I told Rich that I had to report to the Army induction center in the morning.

Now you got to remember that Rick in school was a straight arrow, flat top hair cut, letter jacket wearing, big time high school jock.

So Rick looks me in the eye, pulls out a marijuana joint, lights it, takes a big toke, exhales it, and says, "If I had it all over to do again, I'd go to Canada".

I knew my world was about to change big time. ....... :cool:
Gooks aren't worth it.
It's hard for me to fault Donald Trump for trying to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war.

Everyone I knew at that time was hoping / trying not to get drafted and sent to some god forsaken place we couldn't find on a map.

Some of my friends went to college for a deferment. Other's joined the National guard as a way out.

Heck even Muhammad Ali used the conscious objector scam to avoid being drafted. And today he is the greatest international sports hero of all time.

I knew one straight guy who told them he was a homo so that they wouldn't take him into the Army.

Two brothers in my neighborhood avoided the draft using opposite approaches. One ate like a hog until he was soo overweight they wouldn't take him. And his brother started using diet pills and lost soo weight that he didn't meet the minimum weight requirements.

Like I say, I can't fault Trump for trying to avoid what eventually turned into a monumental disaster and a national disgrace.

As for me, I was hoping for a high lottery number to avoid being drafted. But my plan didn't work out.

My birthday date number drawn on the nationally televised lottery was in April 1970.....I entered basic training at Ft Lewis, Washington and was part of the Green machine for the next 2 years. ...... :cool:
Coming from a Vietnam Vet, this means all the more. Thank you for your service and I agree that anyone who could have gotten out of it should have.

Draft dodgers and tax evaders.....patriots in my book!

Spoken like a true NaziCon. You must really admire Ted Nugent.
It's hard for me to fault Donald Trump for trying to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war.

Everyone I knew at that time was hoping / trying not to get drafted and sent to some god forsaken place we couldn't find on a map.

Some of my friends went to college for a deferment. Other's joined the National guard as a way out.

Heck even Muhammad Ali used the conscious objector scam to avoid being drafted. And today he is the greatest international sports hero of all time.

I knew one straight guy who told them he was a homo so that they wouldn't take him into the Army.

Two brothers in my neighborhood avoided the draft using opposite approaches. One ate like a hog until he was soo overweight they wouldn't take him. And his brother started using diet pills and lost soo weight that he didn't meet the minimum weight requirements.

Like I say, I can't fault Trump for trying to avoid what eventually turned into a monumental disaster and a national disgrace.

As for me, I was hoping for a high lottery number to avoid being drafted. But my plan didn't work out.

My birthday date number drawn on the nationally televised lottery was in April 1970.....I entered basic training at Ft Lewis, Washington and was part of the Green machine for the next 2 years. ...... :cool:
Coming from a Vietnam Vet, this means all the more. Thank you for your service and I agree that anyone who could have gotten out of it should have.

Draft dodgers and tax evaders.....patriots in my book!

Spoken like a true NaziCon. You must really admire Ted Nugent.
Better than obuthole.

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