Trump backs down on wall

I gotta go see these violent, vicious rivers.

Perhaps he meant "viscous"? :dunno:

The mighty Rio Grande.....impenetrable
uhh, it might be in some places, but every time Ive been to the valley , the rio grande is as shallow as the trinity

Mexicans fear the Rio Grande (It means Grand River in Spanish)

Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out.
When is Mexico paying for the wall, Homer?

They already are. Many companies have already announced moving their manufacturing plants out of Mexico and back to the US. They also have to keep more of their criminals. Tariffs are the best way and that is on Congress to pass, we know we have a President willing to sign it into law.
Tarriffs are paid for my Americans, not the mexicans. Now what companies specifically are moving out of Mexico. Your lies are not to be believed. I still want to know from you when Mexico will pay for the wall.

Tariffs promote US manufacturing and hiring in the US, and thus punishes Mexico who have stolen our jobs over many decades. Bottom line is we can implement tough trade measures that would hurt the Mexican economy, or they can help pay for it.

I could care less if Mexico doesn't "pay" for the wall directly. I'm perfectly fine with our own money being used, it's a good investment that will save our country billions from illegals who drain our economy through welfare, hospital use, taxpayer funded education they get for free, ect.

Do you people want to continue seeing mass illegal immigration, or do you want it to stop? You all sound like you don't want it to end, and you want more jobs to be moved across the border.

Tariffs raise the price of consumer goods

So it would be the American public paying for the wall
Yup, on Mexican made goods. I don't have a problem with that.
Threads like this are just priceless.

Watching lunatics from the left circle jerk each other over delusional "victories" over Trump....

Actually, we enjoy pointing out where Trump lied to you and you believed him

Kinda an "I told you so" moment

Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out.


Rump: "I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it!"
Rumpbots; "What a man! :suck: YES! A Wall so we can say 'Wir sind die Berlinerin!' Mexico will pay! Do tell us more, O Dreamboat!"
Rump: "Actually we don't need a wall, and whatever we do, you'll pay for it."
Rumpbots: "We don't give a fuck! YES! We don't need a wal! We will pay! Tell us more, oh Orange Dreamboat! Because we have always been at war with Oceania Eastasia!"

And Hillary and the MSM said:
"It's impossible to stop illegal immigration, so we shouldn't try".

Oh DID they now.

---- Link?

Here, I got a link for ya right here pal....

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

Duly marked.

Rump, Tuesday morning: "The sky is green!"
Rumpbots: "Yes Master! The sky is green! O tell us more!"
Rump Tuesday afternoon: "The sky is blue!"
Rumpbots: "Yes Master! The sky is blue! We don't give a fuck that you just contradicted yourself! Domini Domini!"

That reminds me -- I love the irony of the term "delusional" in post 21. Nice touch. Totally self-aware and shit. :lmao:

Then you lost the election.

Not sure what country you think I live in but I didn't even get an election. Where I live we all had electile dysfunction.
So bad we had a giant Creamsicle with hair selling "feelings". So bad that 46% of the 55% actually bought them, hook, line and sinker. Especially sinker.
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Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?
When is Mexico paying for the wall, Homer?

They already are. Many companies have already announced moving their manufacturing plants out of Mexico and back to the US. They also have to keep more of their criminals. Tariffs are the best way and that is on Congress to pass, we know we have a President willing to sign it into law.
Tarriffs are paid for my Americans, not the mexicans. Now what companies specifically are moving out of Mexico. Your lies are not to be believed. I still want to know from you when Mexico will pay for the wall.

Tariffs promote US manufacturing and hiring in the US, and thus punishes Mexico who have stolen our jobs over many decades. Bottom line is we can implement tough trade measures that would hurt the Mexican economy, or they can help pay for it.

I could care less if Mexico doesn't "pay" for the wall directly. I'm perfectly fine with our own money being used, it's a good investment that will save our country billions from illegals who drain our economy through welfare, hospital use, taxpayer funded education they get for free, ect.

Do you people want to continue seeing mass illegal immigration, or do you want it to stop? You all sound like you don't want it to end, and you want more jobs to be moved across the border.

Tariffs raise the price of consumer goods

So it would be the American public paying for the wall
Yup, on Mexican made goods. I don't have a problem with that.

It raises prices on all goods.
If the price of goods rise on something made in Mexico, consumers will pay the added price
If the Mexican goods become too expensive, consumers will pay for more expensive American or imported good

The consumer pays for the tariff ...not Mexico
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out.
When is Mexico paying for the wall, Homer?

They already are. Many companies have already announced moving their manufacturing plants out of Mexico and back to the US. They also have to keep more of their criminals. Tariffs are the best way and that is on Congress to pass, we know we have a President willing to sign it into law.
Tarriffs are paid for my Americans, not the mexicans. Now what companies specifically are moving out of Mexico. Your lies are not to be believed. I still want to know from you when Mexico will pay for the wall.

Tariffs promote US manufacturing and hiring in the US, and thus punishes Mexico who have stolen our jobs over many decades. Bottom line is we can implement tough trade measures that would hurt the Mexican economy, or they can help pay for it.

I could care less if Mexico doesn't "pay" for the wall directly. I'm perfectly fine with our own money being used, it's a good investment that will save our country billions from illegals who drain our economy through welfare, hospital use, taxpayer funded education they get for free, ect.

Do you people want to continue seeing mass illegal immigration, or do you want it to stop? You all sound like you don't want it to end, and you want more jobs to be moved across the border.

Tariffs raise the price of consumer goods

So it would be the American public paying for the wall
After already paying for the wall with tax dollars.
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
Over here in Reality Land we say "he wasn't lying, he was speaking metaphorically about the need to keep Mexicans out. A wall can take many forms. Including electronic. "

Or we say, "of course he lied. politicians lie, that's what they do "
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.

Just "Alternative Facts" .
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

How dare you use his own words against him!
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and knowing your history, neither do you.

What specific thing did he say that you are labeling a lie?
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
Over here in Reality Land we say "he wasn't lying, he was speaking metaphorically about the need to keep Mexicans out. A wall can take many forms. Including electronic. "

Or we say, "of course he lied. politicians lie, that's what they do "

You are seriously confused.
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.

Just "Alternative Facts" .

Nope, try again.
Offering just what he has been told for years

No need for full border wall, Trump says

"You don't need 2,000 miles of wall because you have a lot of natural barriers," Trump said to reporters on Air Force One during his flight to Paris.

"You have mountains. You have some rivers that are violent and vicious. You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing. So you don't need that."

"You'll need anywhere from 700 to 900 miles," he said.

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and knowing your history, neither do you.

What specific thing did he say that you are labeling a lie?

Trump can't have it both ways

He either lied about that he advocated advocated building a 2000 mile 30 foot wall
He was too stupid to know the realities
he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and knowing your history, neither do you.

What specific thing did he say that you are labeling a lie?

Trump can't have it both ways

He either lied about that he advocated advocated building a 2000 mile 30 foot wall
He was too stupid to know the realities

I'm going with Option B for 800, Alex. :eusa_dance:

he's right, we all knew that, it's irrelevant to everyone but the looney left.

Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and knowing your history, neither do you.

What specific thing did he say that you are labeling a lie?

Trump can't have it both ways

He either lied about that he advocated advocated building a 2000 mile 30 foot wall
He was too stupid to know the realities

There isn't just two options nor is there only one way to build a wall. It wasn't a lie, everyone knows that except you looney lefties.
Sooooo you're saying Rump was elected on a big lie?

Thanks. That was like pulling teeth.

No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and knowing your history, neither do you.

What specific thing did he say that you are labeling a lie?

Trump can't have it both ways

He either lied about that he advocated advocated building a 2000 mile 30 foot wall
He was too stupid to know the realities

There isn't just two options nor is there only one way to build a wall. It wasn't a lie, everyone knows that except you looney lefties.
He was either lying about his plan for the wall or realizing what gullible suckers his base was
No, he didn't lie about anything.
He either lied or was just stupid

Which one is it

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, and knowing your history, neither do you.

What specific thing did he say that you are labeling a lie?

Trump can't have it both ways

He either lied about that he advocated advocated building a 2000 mile 30 foot wall
He was too stupid to know the realities

There isn't just two options nor is there only one way to build a wall. It wasn't a lie, everyone knows that except you looney lefties.
He was either lying about his plan for the wall or realizing what gullible suckers his base was

Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

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