Trump backs down on wall

Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

Did I state back then it had to be 2000 miles long? No I didn't you illiterate baboon. I said the exact thing back then as I am saying now: we can easily find ways to make Mexico pay for the wall, and I don't care how it's done, as long as the border is secured.
So what Trump is now saying, he is not going to build a great big beautiful wall

He is going to do what Bush and Obama were doing. More fencing in key areas
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

Did I state back then it had to be 2000 miles long? No I didn't you illiterate baboon. I said the exact thing back then as I am saying now: we can easily find ways to make Mexico pay for the wall, and I don't care how it's done, as long as the border is secured.
You're a hypocritical fraud regardless how many more shirts your put on to cover your obfuscations. It's a long ways from;
1) "I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit." IN JANUARY to...
2) "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." IN JULY

Those are your words so stop trying to scurry away from them like a fucking cockroach on the kitchen floor when the light is turned on, asshole!
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

Did I state back then it had to be 2000 miles long? No I didn't you illiterate baboon. I said the exact thing back then as I am saying now: we can easily find ways to make Mexico pay for the wall, and I don't care how it's done, as long as the border is secured.
You're a hypocritical fraud regardless how many more shirts your put on to cover your obfuscations. It's a long ways from;
1) "I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit." IN JANUARY to...
2) "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." IN JULY

Those are your words so stop trying to scurry away from them like a fucking cockroach on the kitchen floor when the light is turned on, asshole!

I'm not scurrying anywhere, I'm right here.

Obviously there already is many miles of wall and fence along the border, obviously a lot of it needs to be beefed up. Whether we use bigger taller walls, or up the manpower to patrol it, doesn't matter. It will be a combination of both. There are many ways to secure the border, a big wall would make the most sense for most of it.

Here's what I said about it long before January:

Trump says 'certain areas' of border wall with Mexico could be fence

You RWers feeling stupid yet. Not even sworn in and he is flipping :badgrin:you all off.:rofl:
I already pointed out months ago there already is a wall and fence in the important areas. We just need border enforcement.
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Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

Did I state back then it had to be 2000 miles long? No I didn't you illiterate baboon. I said the exact thing back then as I am saying now: we can easily find ways to make Mexico pay for the wall, and I don't care how it's done, as long as the border is secured.
You're a hypocritical fraud regardless how many more shirts your put on to cover your obfuscations. It's a long ways from;
1) "I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit." IN JANUARY to...
2) "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." IN JULY

Those are your words so stop trying to scurry away from them like a fucking cockroach on the kitchen floor when the light is turned on, asshole!

I'm not scurrying anywhere, I'm right here.

Obviously there already is many miles of wall and fence along the border, obviously a lot of it needs to be beefed up. Whether we use bigger taller walls, or up the manpower to patrol it, doesn't matter. It will be a combination of both. There are many ways to secure the border, a big wall would make the most sense for most of it.
Are you a dance instructor? You're sure doing a fine waltz to get out from under all of your conflicting assertions, you fucking fraud! What you have claimed is a matter of record that you can't change. You're an inconsistent hypocritical liar that will say what seems to be necessary at the time just like that Orange Clown who is on his way down like that bloody crooked lying Nixon 40 odd years ago.
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

"I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it." [a wall bordering Mexico]

Poster's location: Germany.


Hey, why don't we start a GoFundMe to get you a wall for Berlin.
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

"I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it." [a wall bordering Mexico]

Poster's location: Germany.


Hey, why don't we start a GoFundMe to get you a wall for Berlin.

I guess you're too dumb to realize there are tens of thousands of tax paying Americans in Germany.
Sure bub. Trump was the only candidate to be serious about stopping illegal immigration. None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is. As long as it and the border patrol get the job done and keep illegals out. [Emphasis Added In Reply]
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

"I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it." [a wall bordering Mexico]

Poster's location: Germany.


Hey, why don't we start a GoFundMe to get you a wall for Berlin.

I guess you're too dumb to realize there are tens of thousands of tax paying Americans in Germany.

I guess you're too dumb to realize where Mexico is in relation to ----- Germany.
Lets be fair, Trump quoted in MSNBC article of 2/9/2016:

“What we’re doing is we have 2,000 miles, right? 2,000 miles. It’s long but not 13,000 miles like they have in China,” he said, comparing his self-declared great wall with the Great Wall of China, which took hundreds of years to build and reportedly resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of workers. “Of the 2,000, we don’t need 2,000, we need 1,000 because we have natural barriers … and I’m taking it price per square foot and a price per square, you know, per mile,” he said.

Trump puts a price on his wall: It would cost Mexico $8 billion
The construction of Trump's wall has started.

I'm glad that the wall will be transparent. I sure would not want some Mexican to sneak up on the other side and throw a 60 pound bag of drugs over it, and hit me on the head!
I was extremely depressed when Trump was elected, but now that I see that he is totally politically impotent, I feel much better. Today, the GOP health plan 3 collapsed, and the wall is basically nothing but the wet dream of redneck bigots. Hell, I am winning so much that I am getting tired of winning!
Oh, Really you lying shit?

Your phony ass was singing a different tune while you were fully on the Orange One's bandwagon you fucking fraud. Here are some of your previous posts cheer-leading for the Purple Ass'ed Baboon Orange POS last January when you were so very proud of that damn CLOWN.

Now you just wrote this AM, "None of us give a fuck if it is a physical wall, or how many miles it is." So lets see your lying ass'ed hypocrisy dance around just three of your many PAST COMMENTS of hard and strident support for the Idiot-in-Chief's 'Massive Wall That Mexico Will Pay For'.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
They are Mexi-CANS not Mexi-CANTS. They CAN and WILL pay for the wall one way or another. We should start by using illegal Mexican aliens in prisons to start building the wall. Trump will slap so many tariffs and taxes on Mexican shit, they will be begging to pay for the wall.

Another Trump Win as Mexico Agrees to Negotiate A Southern Border Wall
I don't really give a damn how we pay for it now, as long as the wall gets built to stop this bullshit.

Mexico president: 'We won't pay for wall'
You just answered your own question. It would help cut down on arms smuggling from the US to Mexico, that's why they should want a wall and should pay for it. Other than that they should pay for it since they have been the ones allowing illegals to cross the border. They have been complicit in drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Their illegals have cost us billions if not trillions over the last several decades.

The question is, why are you so against having Mexico pay for the wall?

How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

"I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it." [a wall bordering Mexico]

Poster's location: Germany.


Hey, why don't we start a GoFundMe to get you a wall for Berlin.

I guess you're too dumb to realize there are tens of thousands of tax paying Americans in Germany.

I guess you're too dumb to realize where Mexico is in relation to ----- Germany.

I'm a Texas resident dumbfuck.
How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

"I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it." [a wall bordering Mexico]

Poster's location: Germany.


Hey, why don't we start a GoFundMe to get you a wall for Berlin.

I guess you're too dumb to realize there are tens of thousands of tax paying Americans in Germany.

I guess you're too dumb to realize where Mexico is in relation to ----- Germany.

I'm a Texas resident dumbfuck.

No is surprised by that. Trust me.
You have some areas that are so far away that you don't really have people crossing.

Does anyone know what the President meant by this? So far away from what? America? I'm confused.
How dare you use his own words against him!

How is that using my own words against me? I said the same thing then as I am saying now: there are many ways for us to get Mexico to pay for the wall, and I personally don't care how we pay for it, I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it.

"I'm willing to use tax dollars to pay for it." [a wall bordering Mexico]

Poster's location: Germany.


Hey, why don't we start a GoFundMe to get you a wall for Berlin.

I guess you're too dumb to realize there are tens of thousands of tax paying Americans in Germany.

I guess you're too dumb to realize where Mexico is in relation to ----- Germany.

I'm a Texas resident dumbfuck.
I'd be ashamed..
I was extremely depressed when Trump was elected, but now that I see that he is totally politically impotent, I feel much better. Today, the GOP health plan 3 collapsed, and the wall is basically nothing but the wet dream of redneck bigots. Hell, I am winning so much that I am getting tired of winning!

Trump will build 50 miles of new wall, get some photo-ops in front of the wall, then go on an aircraft carrier and declare mission accomplished
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