Trump Bans Federal Money From Funding Far-Left Anti-American ‘Critical Race Theory


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"Taxpayers have been paying for government employee training programs that spread left-wing racism and neo-Marxist conspiracy theories about white supremacy and the so-called problems of white culture. The hateful ideas are collectively known as critical race theory and its tenets have helped fuel much of the violence currently playing out in American cities."

SEE THIS ABSURDITY as an example as reported:

"...the Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture creating an exhibit on "Whiteness." The exhibit "educated" visitors on the so-called signs of white supremacy, which included things like the nuclear family, property rights, politeness, and a strong work ethic.

Are you kidding me?

This insanity has to stop. This is Obama's work. And it is pure Marxism.

Read it again! Signs of White Supremacy include a nuclear family---meaning A Father in the House too, God Forbid!

Property Rights?---Why Yes, this isn't Cuba or Venezuela. Communes and common ownership have been tried through the ages and have failed EVERY TIME.

Politeness is now WHITE SUPREMACY? God help us. Blacks won't even accept that---except the poor souls stuck in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century and educated in public schools controlled by Marxist Teacher's Unions who don't educate---they brainwash.

Strong Work Ethic--Hell yes. Self Reliance is a good thing. When in the hell did it become White Supremacy and Thank God Trump has finally put an end to this Insanity.

"Taxpayers have been paying for government employee training programs that spread left-wing racism and neo-Marxist conspiracy theories about white supremacy and the so-called problems of white culture. The hateful ideas are collectively known as critical race theory and its tenets have helped fuel much of the violence currently playing out in American cities."

SEE THIS ABSURDITY as an example as reported:

"...the Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture creating an exhibit on "Whiteness." The exhibit "educated" visitors on the so-called signs of white supremacy, which included things like the nuclear family, property rights, politeness, and a strong work ethic.

Are you kidding me?

This insanity has to stop. This is Obama's work. And it is pure Marxism.

Read it again! Signs of White Supremacy include a nuclear family---meaning A Father in the House too, God Forbid!

Property Rights?---Why Yes, this isn't Cuba or Venezuela. Communes and common ownership have been tried through the ages and have failed EVERY TIME.

Politeness is now WHITE SUPREMACY? God help us. Blacks won't even accept that---except the poor souls stuck in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century and educated in public schools controlled by Marxist Teacher's Unions who don't educate---they brainwash.

Strong Work Ethic--Hell yes. Self Reliance is a good thing. When in the hell did it become White Supremacy and Thank God Trump has finally put an end to this Insanity.

Show us how the museum reflects Marx's teachings....Let us see if you really know what you speak of..
Excellent move by President Trump! :cool:

Everything Trump has done or tried to do will be erased very soon.
Trump's a winner and does the right things, plain and simple.

In the early 80s I took some college courses right, my social studies teacher was an old wack job with crazy long hair. Seemed real intelligent at the time, with a screw loose. I was young and dumb, but it struck me odd how he praised Marism throughout the course. So yeah, degrees in indoctrination have been alive and well for many decades. The two smartest teachers was an attorney in a law class, and an economics teacher - dumbass w/o grade school finished #1 in their courses. Go figure both teachers are conservatives.
"Taxpayers have been paying for government employee training programs that spread left-wing racism and neo-Marxist conspiracy theories about white supremacy and the so-called problems of white culture. The hateful ideas are collectively known as critical race theory and its tenets have helped fuel much of the violence currently playing out in American cities."

SEE THIS ABSURDITY as an example as reported:

"...the Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture creating an exhibit on "Whiteness." The exhibit "educated" visitors on the so-called signs of white supremacy, which included things like the nuclear family, property rights, politeness, and a strong work ethic.

Are you kidding me?

This insanity has to stop. This is Obama's work. And it is pure Marxism.

Read it again! Signs of White Supremacy include a nuclear family---meaning A Father in the House too, God Forbid!

Property Rights?---Why Yes, this isn't Cuba or Venezuela. Communes and common ownership have been tried through the ages and have failed EVERY TIME.

Politeness is now WHITE SUPREMACY? God help us. Blacks won't even accept that---except the poor souls stuck in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century and educated in public schools controlled by Marxist Teacher's Unions who don't educate---they brainwash.

Strong Work Ethic--Hell yes. Self Reliance is a good thing. When in the hell did it become White Supremacy and Thank God Trump has finally put an end to this Insanity.
From the sounds of this, everyone should be trying to be a White supremacist, even Blacks.
Sounds to me like everyone should aspire to be a White supremacist, even Blacks.
"Taxpayers have been paying for government employee training programs that spread left-wing racism and neo-Marxist conspiracy theories about white supremacy and the so-called problems of white culture. The hateful ideas are collectively known as critical race theory and its tenets have helped fuel much of the violence currently playing out in American cities."

SEE THIS ABSURDITY as an example as reported:

"...the Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture creating an exhibit on "Whiteness." The exhibit "educated" visitors on the so-called signs of white supremacy, which included things like the nuclear family, property rights, politeness, and a strong work ethic.

Are you kidding me?

This insanity has to stop. This is Obama's work. And it is pure Marxism.

Read it again! Signs of White Supremacy include a nuclear family---meaning A Father in the House too, God Forbid!

Property Rights?---Why Yes, this isn't Cuba or Venezuela. Communes and common ownership have been tried through the ages and have failed EVERY TIME.

Politeness is now WHITE SUPREMACY? God help us. Blacks won't even accept that---except the poor souls stuck in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century and educated in public schools controlled by Marxist Teacher's Unions who don't educate---they brainwash.

Strong Work Ethic--Hell yes. Self Reliance is a good thing. When in the hell did it become White Supremacy and Thank God Trump has finally put an end to this Insanity.


Pure marxism would be wanting to get rid of markets

All these people want is equal outcomes between groups, not individuals.

No one is advocating we move away from private property......

Marx was much more concerned with the economics and figured the social would sort itself out when the economics did. he certainly didn't care about race he was a fucking german. Not a very diverse place

Maybe you people should think before parroting whatever the white trash you get your news from is spewing.
"Taxpayers have been paying for government employee training programs that spread left-wing racism and neo-Marxist conspiracy theories about white supremacy and the so-called problems of white culture. The hateful ideas are collectively known as critical race theory and its tenets have helped fuel much of the violence currently playing out in American cities."

SEE THIS ABSURDITY as an example as reported:

"...the Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture creating an exhibit on "Whiteness." The exhibit "educated" visitors on the so-called signs of white supremacy, which included things like the nuclear family, property rights, politeness, and a strong work ethic.

Are you kidding me?

This insanity has to stop. This is Obama's work. And it is pure Marxism.

Read it again! Signs of White Supremacy include a nuclear family---meaning A Father in the House too, God Forbid!

Property Rights?---Why Yes, this isn't Cuba or Venezuela. Communes and common ownership have been tried through the ages and have failed EVERY TIME.

Politeness is now WHITE SUPREMACY? God help us. Blacks won't even accept that---except the poor souls stuck in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century and educated in public schools controlled by Marxist Teacher's Unions who don't educate---they brainwash.

Strong Work Ethic--Hell yes. Self Reliance is a good thing. When in the hell did it become White Supremacy and Thank God Trump has finally put an end to this Insanity.


Pure marxism would be wanting to get rid of markets

All these people want is equal outcomes between groups, not individuals.

No one is advocating we move away from private property......

Marx was much more concerned with the economics and figured the social would sort itself out when the economics did. he certainly didn't care about race he was a fucking german. Not a very diverse place

Maybe you people should think before parroting whatever the white trash you get your news from is spewing.

"Equal Opportunity" is legitimate.

"Equal Outcomes" is impossible for a couple of reasons which ought to be obvious to anyone not educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

First, Nature just does not allocate Ability equally.

Second, once you are born with such ability as you are God-Given---it is up to you to be motivated to do something with it.

A Black with a 130 IQ, raised in a poor neighborhood, but well motivated---see Ben Carson and Charles Paine--can become hugely successful millionaires.

A White with a 130 IQ raised in a rich neighborhood, but lazy as hell, and inclined to vice and dissipation, can become an addict or other type of burden on his family---BUT, under no circumstances is he to have the same OUTCOME as Ben Carson or Charles Paine.

Likewise, a person, white or black, with only a 90 IQ, but a strong motivation to take care of himself, might find special interest in and ability for Car Repair---might become the best in his town, might be willing to work 6 days a week; might open several shops---might become richer than a turd who majors in Social Sciences and can't figure out why they don't find a job just out of college making six figures.

Society provides equal opportunity; the rest is up to individual initiative.

This is the difference in the thinking that built this, the greatest country in the history of the planet, and Marxism.

It's really pretty simple.

A person's first duty is to take care of himself; not sit on the porch and wait for the rest of Society to take care of him.

You are a Marxist whether you are too stupid to realize it or not. So, sit on that porch and bitch and whine and wait on that check...and by all means....Vote Democrat.
"Taxpayers have been paying for government employee training programs that spread left-wing racism and neo-Marxist conspiracy theories about white supremacy and the so-called problems of white culture. The hateful ideas are collectively known as critical race theory and its tenets have helped fuel much of the violence currently playing out in American cities."

SEE THIS ABSURDITY as an example as reported:

"...the Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture creating an exhibit on "Whiteness." The exhibit "educated" visitors on the so-called signs of white supremacy, which included things like the nuclear family, property rights, politeness, and a strong work ethic.

Are you kidding me?

This insanity has to stop. This is Obama's work. And it is pure Marxism.

Read it again! Signs of White Supremacy include a nuclear family---meaning A Father in the House too, God Forbid!

Property Rights?---Why Yes, this isn't Cuba or Venezuela. Communes and common ownership have been tried through the ages and have failed EVERY TIME.

Politeness is now WHITE SUPREMACY? God help us. Blacks won't even accept that---except the poor souls stuck in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century and educated in public schools controlled by Marxist Teacher's Unions who don't educate---they brainwash.

Strong Work Ethic--Hell yes. Self Reliance is a good thing. When in the hell did it become White Supremacy and Thank God Trump has finally put an end to this Insanity.


Pure marxism would be wanting to get rid of markets

All these people want is equal outcomes between groups, not individuals.

No one is advocating we move away from private property......

Marx was much more concerned with the economics and figured the social would sort itself out when the economics did. he certainly didn't care about race he was a fucking german. Not a very diverse place

Maybe you people should think before parroting whatever the white trash you get your news from is spewing.

"Equal Opportunity" is legitimate.

"Equal Outcomes" is impossible for a couple of reasons which ought to be obvious to anyone not educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

First, Nature just does not allocate Ability equally.

Second, once you are born with such ability as you are God-Given---it is up to you to be motivated to do something with it.

A Black with a 130 IQ, raised in a poor neighborhood, but well motivated---see Ben Carson and Charles Paine--can become hugely successful millionaires.

A White with a 130 IQ raised in a rich neighborhood, but lazy as hell, and inclined to vice and dissipation, can become an addict or other type of burden on his family---BUT, under no circumstances is he to have the same OUTCOME as Ben Carson or Charles Paine.

Likewise, a person, white or black, with only a 90 IQ, but a strong motivation to take care of himself, might find special interest in and ability for Car Repair---might become the best in his town, might be willing to work 6 days a week; might open several shops---might become richer than a turd who majors in Social Sciences and can't figure out why they don't find a job just out of college making six figures.

Society provides equal opportunity; the rest is up to individual initiative.

This is the difference in the thinking that built this, the greatest country in the history of the planet, and Marxism.

It's really pretty simple.

A person's first duty is to take care of himself; not sit on the porch and wait for the rest of Society to take care of him.

You are a Marxist whether you are too stupid to realize it or not. So, sit on that porch and bitch and whine and wait on that check...and by all means....Vote Democrat.

What does any of this have to do with what OP is describing not being marxism

Thanks for the soliloquy, i'm sure some one read it
This insanity has to stop.
Show us how the museum reflects Marx's teachings....Let us see if you really know what you speak of..
^ From someone who never speaks of or proves anything ^
Nope, not a Marxist theory. Next...

Attacking property rights, is a core tenant of Marxism
MARX was quite positive in his believe that the development of property rights is endogenously determined by the prevailing relationship between man and nature in the production of the necessities of life. The state does not create property rights exogenously.
This insanity has to stop.
Show us how the museum reflects Marx's teachings....Let us see if you really know what you speak of..
^ From someone who never speaks of or proves anything ^
Nope, not a Marxist theory. Next...

Attacking property rights, is a core tenant of Marxism
MARX was quite positive in his believe that the development of property rights is endogenously determined by the prevailing relationship between man and nature in the production of the necessities of life. The state does not create property rights exogenously.

Say what now? So, Marx was for private ownership of property?

English please
This insanity has to stop.
Show us how the museum reflects Marx's teachings....Let us see if you really know what you speak of..
^ From someone who never speaks of or proves anything ^
Nope, not a Marxist theory. Next...

Attacking property rights, is a core tenant of Marxism
MARX was quite positive in his believe that the development of property rights is endogenously determined by the prevailing relationship between man and nature in the production of the necessities of life. The state does not create property rights exogenously.

Say what now? So, Marx was for private ownership of property?

English please
Free association, also known as free association of producers, is a relationship among individuals where there is no state, social class, hierarchy, or private ownership of means of production. Once private property is abolished, individuals are no longer deprived of access to means of production, thus enabling them to freely associate without social constraint to produce and reproduce their own conditions of existence and fulfill their individual and creative needs and desires. The term is used by anarchists and Marxists and is often considered a defining feature of a fully developed communist society.
This insanity has to stop.
Show us how the museum reflects Marx's teachings....Let us see if you really know what you speak of..
^ From someone who never speaks of or proves anything ^
Nope, not a Marxist theory. Next...

Attacking property rights, is a core tenant of Marxism
MARX was quite positive in his believe that the development of property rights is endogenously determined by the prevailing relationship between man and nature in the production of the necessities of life. The state does not create property rights exogenously.

Say what now? So, Marx was for private ownership of property?

English please
Free association, also known as free association of producers, is a relationship among individuals where there is no state, social class, hierarchy, or private ownership of means of production. Once private property is abolished, individuals are no longer deprived of access to means of production, thus enabling them to freely associate without social constraint to produce and reproduce their own conditions of existence and fulfill their individual and creative needs and desires. The term is used by anarchists and Marxists and is often considered a defining feature of a fully developed communist society.

oh dear believe this clap trap? Show me one place where this has worked.

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