Trump Becoming A GREAT President


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
With little Swamp experience other than politicians begging him for campaign money, the President's first year had it's share of bumps in the road. His campaign advisors steered him wrong on several Cabinet picks. He learned the FAKE NEWS rodents were not going to play nice. He discovered world leaders were quite comfortable with the US under the weenie Obama and considered him a maniac. Did he buckle and try to go along to get along with the "resistance"? No he did not. Even under the scam witch hunt threatening him with PRISON, he ran his agenda down their throats. He exposed the Rat media and has cut off their little insult-fest/face-time shows by doing his walk to Chopper One, airing questions but not showing faces....a master stroke. The left has now completely lost it's mind, drowning in TDS. And now that he's assembled a team he can trust, learned he can't make unilateral decisions like he did in business, and met and tangled with other world leaders, he's come out as quite impressive. Note the deference he was given at the G7....are they afraid of him? Yes. Are they starting to understand he's willing to listen and learn but take care of America first? Yes. So get used to it...he's not only directing the orchestra but is, in fact, running the world. :lol:

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Trump gave a great news conference this a.m. at the close of the G-7.

Can you picture Biden attempting to handle it? (No way, Jose....).
WillPowerBottom has gone full-on lickspittle.
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Trump gave a great news conference this a.m. at the close of the G-7.

Can you picture Biden attempting to handle it? (No way, Jose....).

he got busted lying about the crap he said at that news conference ....

Trump gave a great news conference this a.m. at the close of the G-7.

Can you picture Biden attempting to handle it? (No way, Jose....).

With Macroni droning on for almost 18 minutes, I could see Trump starting to fidget a little...He's done that before, trying to lecture the President in front of the world. Trump was way more patient than I or you would have been and when it was finally over, the little turd left and Trump got down to business. At the end they screamed at him as he walked off....a clear WIN and successful summit.
With little Swamp experience other than politicians begging him for campaign money, the President first year had it's share of bumps in the road. His campaign advisors steered him wrong on several Cabinet picks. He learned the FAKE NEWS rodents were not going to play nice. He discovered world leaders were quite comfortable with the US under the weenie Obama and considered him a maniac. Did he buckle and try to go along to get along with the "resistance"? No he did not. Even under the scam witch hunt threatening him with PRISON, he ran his agenda down their throats. He exposed the Rat media and has cut off their little insult-fest/face-time shows by doing his walk to Chopper One, airing questions but not showing faces....a master stroke. The left has now completely lost it's mind, drowning in TDS. And now that he's assembled a team he can trust, learned he can't make unilateral decisions like he did in business, and met and tangled with other world leaders, he's come out as quite impressive. Note the deference he was given at the G7....are they afraid of him? Yes. Are they starting to understand he's willing to listen and learn but take care of America first? Yes. So get used to it...he's not only directing the orchestra but is, in fact, running the world. :lol:

France put Trump in his place by inviting Iran.
Trump unable to face climate meeting.
Only Great references the Donald Trump will be his Great lying and him being the Greatest Asshole President in history.
With little Swamp experience other than politicians begging him for campaign money, the President first year had it's share of bumps in the road. His campaign advisors steered him wrong on several Cabinet picks. He learned the FAKE NEWS rodents were not going to play nice. He discovered world leaders were quite comfortable with the US under the weenie Obama and considered him a maniac. Did he buckle and try to go along to get along with the "resistance"? No he did not. Even under the scam witch hunt threatening him with PRISON, he ran his agenda down their throats. He exposed the Rat media and has cut off their little insult-fest/face-time shows by doing his walk to Chopper One, airing questions but not showing faces....a master stroke. The left has now completely lost it's mind, drowning in TDS. And now that he's assembled a team he can trust, learned he can't make unilateral decisions like he did in business, and met and tangled with other world leaders, he's come out as quite impressive. Note the deference he was given at the G7....are they afraid of him? Yes. Are they starting to understand he's willing to listen and learn but take care of America first? Yes. So get used to it...he's not only directing the orchestra but is, in fact, running the world. :lol:

France put Trump in his place by inviting Iran.
Trump unable to face climate meeting.


I let Putin Destroy My Ass


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