Trump Begins Inauguration Spouting Misinformation

The rest stayed racist Democrats for the rest of their lives. They used the federal government welfare programs to destroy the black family and the black churches.
CDZ - Myth of the Racist Southern Strategy by Nixon in 1972
Total BULLSHYTTE. Both the Dems and GOP included Libs and Cons until Reaganism partisanship split the country ideologically and got all the racists in the GOP....
Of course I did not assert anything contrary to that at all, so your straw man is again, just more bull shit.

Do you ever engage in honest conversation?
The rest stayed racist Democrats for the rest of their lives. They used the federal government welfare programs to destroy the black family and the black churches.
CDZ - Myth of the Racist Southern Strategy by Nixon in 1972
Total BULLSHYTTE. Both the Dems and GOP included Libs and Cons until Reaganism partisanship split the country ideologically and got all the racists in the GOP....
Of course I did not assert anything contrary to that at all, so your straw man is again, just more bull shit.

Do you ever engage in honest conversation?
Always. The welfare state helps the unfortunate. Strangely the blacks are always discriminated against by racists and end up most unfortunate. All kinds of families have become more unstable since the 60's. GOP BS propaganda, (need I say it?). Go Mr. Businessman TRUMP!! Feq the establishment. And make Fox etc etc tell the Truth....

You would think the guy would be careful about what he would say to open his inauguration. Maybe surround himself with the best staff ever who would be able to brief him so as not to needlessly embarrass himself or look like a fool. Nope, the guy started his inauguration with a speech that showed him to be totally misinformed.

Trump claimed that his inauguration opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial was a rare way to begin an inauguration when the facts say the exact opposite.

The new guy seems misinformed about just about all topics and there seems to be no distinction between topics of immense importance and the trivial. All we know for sure is that if there are opportunities to pat himself on the back, brag or promote himself, he will do it, even if it means telling big lies or small ones.
^^^totally butthurt^^^
Are lefties going to start an argument about the meaning of the word "rare"? Why can't they give the guy a break on inauguration day?
Trump NEVER passes up an opportunity to show off his megalomania. Yesterday he stated that he campaigned harder than ANYONE who has ever run for office; Trump's low self-esteem needs constant reassurances.

Good, then maybe his low self esteem will cause him to try harder and be a good president.

You would think the guy would be careful about what he would say to open his inauguration. Maybe surround himself with the best staff ever who would be able to brief him so as not to needlessly embarrass himself or look like a fool. Nope, the guy started his inauguration with a speech that showed him to be totally misinformed.

Trump claimed that his inauguration opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial was a rare way to begin an inauguration when the facts say the exact opposite.

The new guy seems misinformed about just about all topics and there seems to be no distinction between topics of immense importance and the trivial. All we know for sure is that if there are opportunities to pat himself on the back, brag or promote himself, he will do it, even if it means telling big lies or small ones.
It's going to be a long 8 years for you mentally defected liberals.....
Trump claimed that his inauguration opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial was a rare way to begin an inauguration when the facts say the exact opposite.

I can't say I give a damn whether Trump was factually accurate about words were spoken by his predecessors from the grounds of Lincoln Memorial. Indeed, were it so that Trump has been wrong about contextually unimportant details I wouldn't be of a mind to deride his integrity. What does bother me is that Trump, as so often he is wont to do, made a statement that can be called into question and it was a claim that didn't have to be made.

I suspect that nobody really cares how often presidents have made inauguration addresses at the Lincoln Memorial, yet we know that at least in recent history, their doing so isn't uncommon. What presidents between 1922 and the 21st century have? I don't know. I don't care. Fifteen presidents have had the opportunity to make such a speech, and now at least three (25%) have. I know that if Trump didn't know who other than Bush and Obama have done the same, he could have made his claim with an appropriate qualifier.

But as I said, the incidents of speeches from the Lincoln isn't the point. The point is that Trump, far too often for someone who's a leader in general and a President in particular, makes statements that are factually inaccurate. Simply fact checking what he thinks to be so prior to making the assertions/attestations. It's human to forget or know minor details, but it's irresponsible, immature, disingenuous and dishonest not to give credence to the fact that one is human and that there's an element of uncertainty regarding a given claim one is making.

That is now and continues to be the problem I have with Trump. Adding insult to the injury is that the man has presented himself as a populist leader. Not as an expert, though he must now become one on everything he discusses. If anything, however, populists are afforded the luxury of not knowing "everything" so long as they are honest about it and do something to know "inside out" that of which they speak and decide. A populist has considerably more leeway than would an experienced public policy player, but not so much leeway that s/he can ignore the basics of simple honesty and integrity.
Trump claimed that his inauguration opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial was a rare way to begin an inauguration when the facts say the exact opposite.

I can't say I give a damn whether Trump was factually accurate about words were spoken by his predecessors from the grounds of Lincoln Memorial. Indeed, were it so that Trump has been wrong about contextually unimportant details I wouldn't be of a mind to deride his integrity. What does bother me is that Trump, as so often he is wont to do, made a statement that can be called into question and it was a claim that didn't have to be made.

I suspect that nobody really cares how often presidents have made inauguration addresses at the Lincoln Memorial, yet we know that at least in recent history, their doing so isn't uncommon. What presidents between 1922 and the 21st century have? I don't know. I don't care. Fifteen presidents have had the opportunity to make such a speech, and now at least three (25%) have. I know that if Trump didn't know who other than Bush and Obama have done the same, he could have made his claim with an appropriate qualifier.

But as I said, the incidents of speeches from the Lincoln isn't the point. The point is that Trump, far too often for someone who's a leader in general and a President in particular, makes statements that are factually inaccurate. Simply fact checking what he thinks to be so prior to making the assertions/attestations. It's human to forget or know minor details, but it's irresponsible, immature, disingenuous and dishonest not to give credence to the fact that one is human and that there's an element of uncertainty regarding a given claim one is making.

That is now and continues to be the problem I have with Trump. Adding insult to the injury is that the man has presented himself as a populist leader. Not as an expert, though he must now become one on everything he discusses. If anything, however, populists are afforded the luxury of not knowing "everything" so long as they are honest about it and do something to know "inside out" that of which they speak and decide. A populist has considerably more leeway than would an experienced public policy player, but not so much leeway that s/he can ignore the basics of simple honesty and integrity.
You missed the significance of this at that event no fascist liberals have no clue of the hell we the people unleashed......

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on

Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
His truth is marching on

He has sounded for the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat
Oh, be swift, my soul to answer Him, be jubilant, my feet
Our God is marching on

Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
His truth is marching on

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me
As He died to make men holy let us die to make men free
While God is marching on

Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
His truth is marching on

Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
Glory, glory, Hallelujah
His truth is marching on

He's not GOP either thank god...GO Mr. Businessman! lol
I agree with you on that. Business is good for America. It's how we eat. Business first, party second. The government that we the people own turned on us and took food off the table.
Who is the utter moron in the cabinet who foreclosed on an elderly woman for 20 some cents? That is truly sickening.
Who is the utter moron in the cabinet who foreclosed on an elderly woman for 20 some cents? That is truly sickening.
What stupid fucking woman would allow her property to be foreclosed for 20 cents?
Trump NEVER passes up an opportunity to show off his megalomania. Yesterday he stated that he campaigned harder than ANYONE who has ever run for office; Trump's low self-esteem needs constant reassurances.
Obama was the most egotistical narcissistic MFer to be POTUS and this did not bother you in the least. What changed?

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