Trump Begins Inauguration Spouting Misinformation

You're upset over this? But not upset that Obama lied about Obamacare?
No offense; mere (further) amusement at how facile some argumentation here is, how eager simplistic thinking is to categorize and demonize what they oppose, or fail to understand.

You would think the guy would be careful about what he would say to open his inauguration. Maybe surround himself with the best staff ever who would be able to brief him so as not to needlessly embarrass himself or look like a fool. Nope, the guy started his inauguration with a speech that showed him to be totally misinformed.

Trump claimed that his inauguration opening concert at the Lincoln Memorial was a rare way to begin an inauguration when the facts say the exact opposite.

The new guy seems misinformed about just about all topics and there seems to be no distinction between topics of immense importance and the trivial. All we know for sure is that if there are opportunities to pat himself on the back, brag or promote himself, he will do it, even if it means telling big lies or small ones.
It isn't territory that rules peoples minds, but states of consciousness.
You are the one who has lost his grip, Sally. I posted an OP that was subdued and showed a level of politeness and you are going off on the fact that anyone would dare criticize your cult leader. We, the public, have every right to expect our President to be careful about what he says and make a special effort to be factual and accurate with his comments. If you don't think that is important it means you are a brainwashed cult follower. If you do not see the symbolism you are just a hopeless lemming.

LOL, since when is Trump my "cult leader"? the fact of the matter is it's a safe bet I'm less pleased about his ascension to the Oval Office than you are but that doesn't change the fact that your OP is just flat out shallow and petty and what makes it especially inane is that Trump is such a target rich environment for substantive criticism.

If you don't like being criticized as an empty-headed partisan infant that has lost all sense of proportion and objectivity, stop behaving like one.
You're upset over this? But not upset that Obama lied about Obamacare?
The only people upset are you trump fans who go flakey whenever someone criticizes the cult leader. Get over it. The guy does this kind of thing every day.
Can someone explain why Donald Trump had to go sit behind a Lobby desk and hold a closed sharpie pen to pretend he was writing an Inauguration speech ? What is it about Trump that demands that "he get over" on people that he "has to fool folks".
Is it a need to prove to himself over and over that he is smarter and slicker than anyone else.
More importantly what is there about Trump supporters that they see this behavior yet they do not see it .....Taking what Trump says at Face value is just crazy at this point...there is no percentage....

For Trump, unfortunately, the visual is much more important than the essence For all our sake, I hope the office changes him rather than the other way around.
The sign of a truly smart person is when he or she can indulge in some self deprecating assessment. Trump could never do that...his ego is too fragile.

Here's a quote from Oscar Wilde.....a quote that braver trump advisers should tell him to honestly repeat: through his tweets :
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”

A very clever, witty and typical Oscar Wilde quote.


If you think about it, you will realize that it describes Obama far more accurately, than it describes Trump.

I respectfully disagree.......There are many flaws in Obama, but elocution is not one of them.

With Trump, it is hard to believe his statements when he begins it with, "Unbelievable"....and then ends it with,"Believe me."
Can someone explain why Donald Trump had to go sit behind a Lobby desk and hold a closed sharpie pen to pretend he was writing an Inauguration speech ? What is it about Trump that demands that "he get over" on people that he "has to fool folks".
Is it a need to prove to himself over and over that he is smarter and slicker than anyone else.
More importantly what is there about Trump supporters that they see this behavior yet they do not see it .....Taking what Trump says at Face value is just crazy at this point...there is no percentage....

For Trump, unfortunately, the visual is much more important than the essence For all our sake, I hope the office changes him rather than the other way around.

Based on what past Presidents have had say about that subject it will change him, the question is; will it change him into a statesman, a politician or a Nixonian mental case? Only time will tell.

"A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation." -- James Freeman Clarke
Lame try but that's what you lefty idiots are good at. Have a nice inauguration day and a very nice next eight years, losers.

I'm sure you are also a big fan of watching "reality shows" to embellish your acumen of world affairs. LOL
It isn't territory that rules peoples minds, but states of consciousness.
I believe that folks live in a conceptual "definition of reality" rather than in reality....that definition is arrived at through an internal dialogue that is ubiquitous and ongoing. That internal dialogue takes new information and somehow makes it fit into the existing narrative so that it does not create "cognitive dissonance"...It takes round pegs and puts them into square holes...They [the Right wing machinery] have created some key words to help the Rubes maintain their world view without cognitive dissonance unpleasantness. To wit:
Fake News....A cognitive emotive engram into which any Information that is not congruent with held beliefs is placed...its like a way to quarantine unwanted bits of reality ...

"Butt Hurt".
...A general label applied to any and all Criticism of Trump....both Trump and his followers are fragile and cannot withstand criticism from anywhere.... for instance an unimportant [in the scheme of power] entertainment program like SNL has to be confronted and put down by a guy with Nuclear weapons...SAD....any criticism is only in this scheme a reflection of weakness in the person criticizing Trump with some homoerotic implications...

"snowflake"... This is a way to define and diminish anyone who challenges the rubric they hold dear in their Hearts about Trump...they put opponents in this "bag" because they need to feel better about themselves ..

There are other ways in which speech and language is used to manipulate but these are three that immediately come to mind ...
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You're upset over this? But not upset that Obama lied about Obamacare?
The only people upset are you trump fans who go flakey whenever someone criticizes the cult leader. Get over it. The guy does this kind of thing every day.

I didn't vote for Trump. And if you weren't upset, you wouldny be setting up threads to complain about petty useless garbage.
Why didn't Trump have that pants-shitting child molester perform at his concert? Maybe he will show up at another venue later on in the festivities.
You're upset over this? But not upset that Obama lied about Obamacare?
The only people upset are you trump fans who go flakey whenever someone criticizes the cult leader. Get over it. The guy does this kind of thing every day.

I didn't vote for Trump. And if you weren't upset, you wouldny be setting up threads to complain about petty useless garbage.
It's front page news. It's a political current event. Tough crap if you don't appreciate the symbolism of Trump beginning his inauguration with a lie. Not all of us are burying our heads in the sand.
You're upset over this? But not upset that Obama lied about Obamacare?
The only people upset are you trump fans who go flakey whenever someone criticizes the cult leader. Get over it. The guy does this kind of thing every day.

I didn't vote for Trump. And if you weren't upset, you wouldny be setting up threads to complain about petty useless garbage.
It's front page news. It's a political current event. Tough crap if you don't appreciate the symbolism of Trump beginning his inauguration with a lie. Not all of us are burying our heads in the sand.
True. Your head seems to be buried up your ass.

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