trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Yes, really.

Using the authority of the state to silence political opposition is fundamentally fascist.

And there is no ‘freedom’ to participate on private social media; there is no ‘right’ to have a Twitter account.
Should Twitter be required to apply their TOS equally, or should they be able to target certain people based on political beliefs?
Yes, really.

Using the authority of the state to silence political opposition is fundamentally fascist.

And there is no ‘freedom’ to participate on private social media; there is no ‘right’ to have a Twitter account.
Correct but Twitter should be regulated like the NYT vs like Verizon. Twitter is nothing like Verizon.
Yes, really.

Using the authority of the state to silence political opposition is fundamentally fascist.

And there is no ‘freedom’ to participate on private social media; there is no ‘right’ to have a Twitter account.
That's what twitter does, you fucking NAZI moron. And yes, there is a right to have a twitter account just as you have a right to get on a plane to travel to some other part of the country. The phone company cannot refuse to provide someone with an account, so why should Twitter be allowed to do that?
That's what twitter does, you fucking NAZI moron. And yes, there is a right to have a twitter account just as you have a right to get on a plane to travel to some other part of the country. The phone company cannot refuse to provide someone with an account, so why should Twitter be allowed to do that?
Hence they should be regulated differently.
colfax said:
Yawn. Azog too scared to have an opinion. Just as well, it’d be quite uninformed.

says the one that wants to shut down all speech but his own. LOLOLOL
Right. They're NAZIs!!!!!!!!!

"Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi, Nazi ...."

Wash, rinse repeat.

This appears to be all that more and more them can manage.

They just blurt out these words, thinking that they put people at some kind of disadvantage. They don't even know what they're talking about.

It's like a Trumpster Tourette's that's spreading among them.
Originally the 1st amendment did not apply to anyone but the federal government.
But after the 14th amendment, then all levels of government became required to defend all individual rights.
Which means Twitter violated the FCC regulations when it banned the legal but political content of Trump.
The First Amendment codifies the right to freedom of association.

That means that private persons, private organizations, and private social media are at liberty to decide who will or will not be a member of that organization (see BSA v. Dale (2000)).

It means that government cannot force a private organization – such as social media – to accept someone as a member; government attempting to do so is a violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of association.
It means that government cannot force a private organization – such as social media – to accept someone as a member; government attempting to do so is a violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of association.
Unless it's for reasons that C agrees with. That's different.
What's the point in government if you can't use it to bully private companies?

Private? TwatFacebook?


Fucking statist moron....

Now tell us how Trump's attorneys know less about the lawsuit they filed than colfax_m the innerweb ignorant idiot. :auiqs.jpg:

His attorneys also point out that though he was permanently suspended from Twitter on January 8, before the end of his presidency, for encouraging violence after the Capitol insurrection, Twitter has allowed the Taliban's state in Afghanistan to maintain an account.

Doesn’t have anything to do with the legal argument.

The legal argument is that Twitter is a government actor. None of you have read the lawsuit.
The litigation will lead to a courts decision on how it should be regulated which will then be the point of emphasis on how the decision regarding Trump and others Twitter has banned will be decided. Twitter banned Laura Loomer but not Hamas. Pretty enlightening. Laura Loomer is harmless. Hamas is not.
Nonsense. Loomer also sued and lost, by the way.

The court decision doesn’t change regulations. If you want them regulated differently, the legislature will have to do so. It’s been talked about but it requires bipartisanship.
whatever happened to the social media platform we were told he was starting?

The Monopoly shut it down by blocking access to the infrastructure that carries information, just as they did to Parler when that platformed threatened the supremacy of the Government run Twitter.

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