trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
That's nonsense. You're asking the courts to step into every controversy between two parties, even if no issue of law is involved, or remedy available.

You want everybody to be able to sue anybody for any reason. Judicial anarchy.
People currently sue all the time. See Brady vs the NFL. Twitter subjectively picks and chooses what to ban and what to allow. In my view it makes them a publisher. And they should be regulated as such. You don’t get to decide if the suit is frivolous or an issue of law is involved.
People currently sue all the time. See Brady vs the NFL. Twitter subjectively picks and chooses what to ban and what to allow. In my view it makes them a publisher. And they should be regulated as such. You don’t get to decide if the suit is frivolous or an issue of law is involved.
Twitter tells everybody what their terms of service are. You have to check the box saying that you agree to be bound by them. And simply put, Trump violated their terms of service, and was denied service. No different than what any other business can do.
Regulated. Auto correct. You don’t get to decide how social media is regulated and neither do I. Legislative Branch of the US Govt does. Courts then interpret the law. They may ban Trump all day. And they may let Hamas post all day. They may also ban the IDF and anyone who supports Israel. They are a private company. But they cannot then state they are a neutral platform and be regulated like AT&T or Verizon.

We tend to forget that the internet backbone was built and funded by the U.S. Government and is considered a PUBLIC resource.

FascistTwatBook may be considered pseudo-private - though they take orders and direction from the Biden administration and the Nazi democrat party. Still, their existence depends on the public internet.

Unlike frequencies and the airwaves, which exist naturally - the internet was built by the government using taxpayer funds. After Algore invented the internet, that is......
Maybe if the Taliban wasn't 1,000 miles away they could storm the capitol.

You Nazis did in 2018, after all.

Unlike frequencies and the airwaves, which exist naturally - the internet was built by the government using taxpayer funds. After Algore invented the internet, that is......
Some of it was built by taxpayer funds but the internet is not a public resource. Many companies have spent many billions laying fiber across the country and those countries charge companies like Twitter large sums of money for access to their network.
Good grief. No. Do you even know what a common carrier is?
Good grief, do you? Laws are pretty complex even legal scholars cannot agree how social media platforms should be regulated. But you a male nurse know more than they do?

Some of it was built by taxpayer funds but the internet is not a public resource. Many companies have spent many billions laying fiber across the country and those countries charge companies like Twitter large sums of money for access to their network.

Fascism above all else is the merger of the state with the Oligarchs. The fiber laid by Verizon and AT&T was overwhelmingly funded by the federal government. Public funding, private profit - with appropriate kickbacks.

It continues to this day.

Good grief, do you? Laws are pretty complex even legal scholars cannot agree how social media platforms should be regulated. But you a male nurse know more than they do?

You’re asking how it should be regulated. I’m saying how it is regulated.

Stay consistent and you won’t get so confused.
Twitter tells everybody what their terms of service are. You have to check the box saying that you agree to be bound by them. And simply put, Trump violated their terms of service, and was denied service. No different than what any other business can do.
Don’t care about Trump. Twitter may ban the IDF but allow Hamas to post and there would be nothing anyone could do about it. Twitter once banned the Star of David. So they are publishing content but excluding certain content and allowing other content. They should be regulated as a content publisher IMO. But I am not a legal expert so the courts should decide. Why do you have an issue with courts deciding?

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