Trump blaming Democrats for his failed immigration policy is only a practice run.

You watch, this is merely a practice run.

Trump is going to blame all of his failures on Democrats. But I think the American people, except for Trump supporters, understand the Democrats have no power. The entire government is run by Republicans.

There is nothing Democrats can do to stop any mess the GOP makes.

Remember the disastrous Bush Tax cuts? Eventually, Republicans blamed those on Democrats.

Remember when Republicans went from "Mission Accomplished" to Iraq was the fault of Democrats? Even now, they try to blame the creation of Isis on Democrats when we all know Isis was created when Bush disbanded the Iraqi military leaving them armed but without pay or jobs.

Remember, Trump said the economy was going to grow at a rate of 4%? Remember that?
What is pushing the economy now are tax cuts for the rich and massively increased government spending. And the estimated cost for that mess is currently over two trillion. I don't know how he is going to spin that to be the fault of Democrats, but he'll figure out a way.

And in October when Trump's base find out the result of losing government subsidies for Healthcare is losing healthcare next year? Somehow, they will blame it on Democrats. You watch.

Every mess Trump creates, he will blame it on the party out of power. He's even blaming some of his failed policies on Obama. Trump pushes a policy, it becomes an embarrassment, so it's Obama's fault.

Look at Iran. A treaty signed by half a dozen countries, but somehow, Trump destroying it makes it all Obama's fault.

So far he hasn't blamed Stormy on Obama or the Democrats, but I bet he figures out a way.

He should be blaming them, and some of the republicans as well.

Although, illegal immigration through border crossings are down 90%. Can't really say it has been a failure. We need more people voted in who want to see that wall built.

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