trump Boasts $500 million Cash Reserve

Well, that explains even more...So, now we know you're a 62 year old, that has done little more than live off of the taxpayer, smoked pot, and played video games your whole life....What a miserable excuse of a citizen...leech....
And have twice been a member of the army with honorable discharges
Whose that?..oh yeah. Nobody. If he wasn't under the mountain of legal crap, he wouldn't have run for President again. He's running in the vain hope that he wins and avoids going to prison for the rest of his natural life. :)

And yeah, he did it all to himself. Happens when you are fundamentally corrupt and incompetent. :)
It’s workin’ for Joe isn’t it? :itsok: :dunno:
The country is littered with leftwingers who don't realize President Trump is ALWAYS three steps ahead of them. Nothing he says or does is an accident.
Do you believe that Trump has $500 million in cash, and that he had planned to use it on his campaign?

That's what he said. Clearly. Do you believe that? Yes or no?

Just curious.
It will be cool as hell when Trump wins in 2024 and he can start the process of charging the corrupt Democrats with crimes and bankrupting them. Payback will be sweet.

The first ones he needs to go after is charging everybody in the Potatohead family with crimes and sizing their assets. Then Trump can ride around the White House grounds in Daddy Potatohead's Corvette.
Except Joe isn't corrupt or incompetent. As much as you people would like to paint him as such. He isn't a con man and a grifter. He's a career politician. There's a difference. :)
Do you believe that Trump has $500 million in cash, and that he had planned to use it on his campaign?

That's what he said. Clearly. Do you believe that? Yes or no?

Just curious.
Saying he planned to use it on his campaign is a future fundraising ploy. "I had to use my campaign cash to pay that evil NY judge and racist prosecutor. Can you send me some more money? They're coming after you not me. Only I can stop them. MAGA!"
We are a nation of laws. Tinpot dictators and demagogues don't cut it. The ignorant mob is not running the country.
Now that’s funny right there…You clearly don’t see the irony of your words, as you cheer the State going ‘all in’ on subverting the constitution, the justice system, and civil rights, all to ruin a political opponent in an election year, to prevent him from running, and wanting to jail him because he offends you…talk about ‘tin pot’ dictators, and mob justice…sneeze… :rolleyes:
Eat shit and live gay ass spelunker.Trump the chump is gonna pay for his sins.
Trump already has paid for his so-called sins. The last several years of his life has been a pure activism kangaroo court with endless smearing and accusations. Just imagine if the same drive and determination was used against lifetime politicians. We can dream.

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