Trump Bombed In His Address!

What President Trump in his national address tonight demonstrated with a titanic size flood light is that he screwed-up big-big-big-time, he committed the Grandfather of all screw-ups, in listening to the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity in backing out of the deal with the House and the Senate to sign the Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. He demonstrated tonight that he doesn't have the case to make all those millions of Americans directly and indirectly significantly hurt by the shutdown to go through the hardship they will go through to force Congress to fund his campaign promise of a wall. President Trump hasn't learned the lesson that Representative Steny Hoyer and Senator Dick Durbin told him loud and clearly in his immigration summit in the White House way back in January of 2018 when they said to the President when you're talking about all these things like more Judges, more detention facilities, more security measures, etc. to stop the illegal immigration through America's southern border "you're talking comprehensive immigration reform and if you want to negotiate legislation to reach this goal you have to be willing to provide legal status to a large portion of the eleven million undocumented immigrants currently in America". President Trump in his Address quite effectively articulated the harm coming from illegal immigration through America's southern border but he also articulated how clueless he is in knowing the political path to solving the problem. President Trump quite stupidly believes the American people were all born yesterday the American people have known the scope of this terrible "illegal immigration" wound on the body of America for the last twenty years were waiting for a President that has the leadership skills to create the complex and extensive legislative solution needed to solve this problem. In this Address President Trump showed he offers America no hope in solving this problem.

President Trump if he has a modicum of wisdom in the cavity between his ears will charge his staff to pull out all the stops in trying to pull out a face saving solution to this Government Shutdown. Face Saving 101 would call for him to abandon all talk of the wall, the wall is dead for the 2019 Budget. The Trump Administration should fall back on the provision of the 2018 Omnibus Spending bill which provided for funding for fencing with designs in existence prior to 2018. Bollard (Metal Post) fences work as a security measure and it isn't wasteful spending like a hugely costly wall would be! Chris Cuomo made an excellent point on his program tonight when he said that President Trump makes his best case for added security protections when he talks like Border Patrol authorities tell me the country needs X,Y and Z to strengthen the border the way it should be strengthened and leaves it at that!

In the rebuttal, Senator Schumer's remarks I thought were appropriate and one could respect his point of view because he acknowledged that illegal immigration through the southern border is wrong and we need to address it. On the other hand, Speaker Pelosi's remarks were disappointing and very troubling. The Speaker's remarks were alarmingly off the mark the mass of people trying to enter our country without visas on the southern border aren't women and children and the good characterization of what is going on isn't that it is a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis where these people are fleeing failed countries, countries where extortion, kidnapping, bribery and murder run rampant and inundate the countries. As much as the American people should hope these countries stop their failure and become good countries we should strongly as strongly can be say in words and behavior that we are not your savior to these people don't come to our country we have serious problems of our own our country is a failed country for many of our people we have to fix our country for these citizens of ours we cannot take you in, period, to do so would not be right to those Americans America owes much more to than they currently get! It is really alarming if the Democrat Party's position is what the Speaker seems to be saying which is that coming to America is the solution for these millions and millions of suffering people from Central and South America it is America's obligation to write the humanitarian wrong for these people!

People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. I mean my God man.

Trump gives facts in his speech

Nancy and Chuckie simply say "open the government there is no crisis" and you stupidly " Trump gave bad speech, Democrats good"
It was a fund raising speech. He sent out emails before the speech saying he needed massive donations to show how many supported him. He sent out another after the speech to people on their mailing list that didn't donate trying to guilt them into giving. Nothing more than another fund raising scam.
No, he didn't.

Trump fundraises off prime-time address
Trump in an email Tuesday afternoon asked supporters to donate to his "Official Secure the Border Fund" through the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee.

"We need to raise $500,000 in ONE DAY. I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund," read the email written in Trump's name.

"Please make a special contribution of $5 by 9 PM EST to our Official Secure the Border Fund to have your name sent to me after my speech," it added.
Where's the email? All I see in your link is a hack from The Hill claiming that an email was sent.

Would you care for a bigger shovel?
Would you care to post some documentation?


  • upload_2019-1-9_11-16-36.png
    31.4 KB · Views: 27

Washington Post opinion piece today, "The President the adult in the room....very presidential.....clear....human.....reasonable....,"

The fucking WASHINGTON POST for christsakes!!!



What President Trump in his national address tonight demonstrated with a titanic size flood light is that he screwed-up big-big-big-time, he committed the Grandfather of all screw-ups, in listening to the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity in backing out of the deal with the House and the Senate to sign the Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. He demonstrated tonight that he doesn't have the case to make all those millions of Americans directly and indirectly significantly hurt by the shutdown to go through the hardship they will go through to force Congress to fund his campaign promise of a wall. President Trump hasn't learned the lesson that Representative Steny Hoyer and Senator Dick Durbin told him loud and clearly in his immigration summit in the White House way back in January of 2018 when they said to the President when you're talking about all these things like more Judges, more detention facilities, more security measures, etc. to stop the illegal immigration through America's southern border "you're talking comprehensive immigration reform and if you want to negotiate legislation to reach this goal you have to be willing to provide legal status to a large portion of the eleven million undocumented immigrants currently in America". President Trump in his Address quite effectively articulated the harm coming from illegal immigration through America's southern border but he also articulated how clueless he is in knowing the political path to solving the problem. President Trump quite stupidly believes the American people were all born yesterday the American people have known the scope of this terrible "illegal immigration" wound on the body of America for the last twenty years were waiting for a President that has the leadership skills to create the complex and extensive legislative solution needed to solve this problem. In this Address President Trump showed he offers America no hope in solving this problem.

President Trump if he has a modicum of wisdom in the cavity between his ears will charge his staff to pull out all the stops in trying to pull out a face saving solution to this Government Shutdown. Face Saving 101 would call for him to abandon all talk of the wall, the wall is dead for the 2019 Budget. The Trump Administration should fall back on the provision of the 2018 Omnibus Spending bill which provided for funding for fencing with designs in existence prior to 2018. Bollard (Metal Post) fences work as a security measure and it isn't wasteful spending like a hugely costly wall would be! Chris Cuomo made an excellent point on his program tonight when he said that President Trump makes his best case for added security protections when he talks like Border Patrol authorities tell me the country needs X,Y and Z to strengthen the border the way it should be strengthened and leaves it at that!

In the rebuttal, Senator Schumer's remarks I thought were appropriate and one could respect his point of view because he acknowledged that illegal immigration through the southern border is wrong and we need to address it. On the other hand, Speaker Pelosi's remarks were disappointing and very troubling. The Speaker's remarks were alarmingly off the mark the mass of people trying to enter our country without visas on the southern border aren't women and children and the good characterization of what is going on isn't that it is a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis where these people are fleeing failed countries, countries where extortion, kidnapping, bribery and murder run rampant and inundate the countries. As much as the American people should hope these countries stop their failure and become good countries we should strongly as strongly can be say in words and behavior that we are not your savior to these people don't come to our country we have serious problems of our own our country is a failed country for many of our people we have to fix our country for these citizens of ours we cannot take you in, period, to do so would not be right to those Americans America owes much more to than they currently get! It is really alarming if the Democrat Party's position is what the Speaker seems to be saying which is that coming to America is the solution for these millions and millions of suffering people from Central and South America it is America's obligation to write the humanitarian wrong for these people!

I didn't listen to any of the addresses. It doesn't sound like I missed much. From the lack of grandstanding from the supporters of the Cheeto, I assume he bombed pretty badly.

We can't have open borders but we can have open hearts. Stripping kids from their parents is terrible in any light; done in the name of deterrence is flat out sick. This is what the administration is doing.
You didn't miss anything.

Just more of Trump's lies, dishonesty, fear, bigotry, and hate.
What President Trump in his national address tonight demonstrated with a titanic size flood light is that he screwed-up big-big-big-time, he committed the Grandfather of all screw-ups, in listening to the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity in backing out of the deal with the House and the Senate to sign the Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. He demonstrated tonight that he doesn't have the case to make all those millions of Americans directly and indirectly significantly hurt by the shutdown to go through the hardship they will go through to force Congress to fund his campaign promise of a wall. President Trump hasn't learned the lesson that Representative Steny Hoyer and Senator Dick Durbin told him loud and clearly in his immigration summit in the White House way back in January of 2018 when they said to the President when you're talking about all these things like more Judges, more detention facilities, more security measures, etc. to stop the illegal immigration through America's southern border "you're talking comprehensive immigration reform and if you want to negotiate legislation to reach this goal you have to be willing to provide legal status to a large portion of the eleven million undocumented immigrants currently in America". President Trump in his Address quite effectively articulated the harm coming from illegal immigration through America's southern border but he also articulated how clueless he is in knowing the political path to solving the problem. President Trump quite stupidly believes the American people were all born yesterday the American people have known the scope of this terrible "illegal immigration" wound on the body of America for the last twenty years were waiting for a President that has the leadership skills to create the complex and extensive legislative solution needed to solve this problem. In this Address President Trump showed he offers America no hope in solving this problem.

President Trump if he has a modicum of wisdom in the cavity between his ears will charge his staff to pull out all the stops in trying to pull out a face saving solution to this Government Shutdown. Face Saving 101 would call for him to abandon all talk of the wall, the wall is dead for the 2019 Budget. The Trump Administration should fall back on the provision of the 2018 Omnibus Spending bill which provided for funding for fencing with designs in existence prior to 2018. Bollard (Metal Post) fences work as a security measure and it isn't wasteful spending like a hugely costly wall would be! Chris Cuomo made an excellent point on his program tonight when he said that President Trump makes his best case for added security protections when he talks like Border Patrol authorities tell me the country needs X,Y and Z to strengthen the border the way it should be strengthened and leaves it at that!

In the rebuttal, Senator Schumer's remarks I thought were appropriate and one could respect his point of view because he acknowledged that illegal immigration through the southern border is wrong and we need to address it. On the other hand, Speaker Pelosi's remarks were disappointing and very troubling. The Speaker's remarks were alarmingly off the mark the mass of people trying to enter our country without visas on the southern border aren't women and children and the good characterization of what is going on isn't that it is a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis where these people are fleeing failed countries, countries where extortion, kidnapping, bribery and murder run rampant and inundate the countries. As much as the American people should hope these countries stop their failure and become good countries we should strongly as strongly can be say in words and behavior that we are not your savior to these people don't come to our country we have serious problems of our own our country is a failed country for many of our people we have to fix our country for these citizens of ours we cannot take you in, period, to do so would not be right to those Americans America owes much more to than they currently get! It is really alarming if the Democrat Party's position is what the Speaker seems to be saying which is that coming to America is the solution for these millions and millions of suffering people from Central and South America it is America's obligation to write the humanitarian wrong for these people!

I didn't listen to any of the addresses. It doesn't sound like I missed much. From the lack of grandstanding from the supporters of the Cheeto, I assume he bombed pretty badly.

We can't have open borders but we can have open hearts. Stripping kids from their parents is terrible in any light; done in the name of deterrence is flat out sick. This is what the administration is doing.
You didn't miss anything.

Just more of Trump's lies, dishonesty, fear, bigotry, and hate.

Trump was fact checked to hell and back last night and serious people agree, he didn't tell a single lie, or even a fib

Of course thoughtful people also admit he came across as caring, and not one sign of bigotry either.

Proving, of course , that you are both unreasonable and stupid.
No, he didn't.

Trump fundraises off prime-time address
Trump in an email Tuesday afternoon asked supporters to donate to his "Official Secure the Border Fund" through the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee.

"We need to raise $500,000 in ONE DAY. I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund," read the email written in Trump's name.

"Please make a special contribution of $5 by 9 PM EST to our Official Secure the Border Fund to have your name sent to me after my speech," it added.
Where's the email? All I see in your link is a hack from The Hill claiming that an email was sent.

Would you care for a bigger shovel?
Would you care to post some documentation?
LOL! Nice try, did you compose that yourself? LMAO
Democrat socialists want to use invaders to destroy this country. They owe an explanation of why they want to do this.
Democrat socialists want to use invaders to destroy this country. They owe an explanation of why they want to do this.

They don't want to ruin this country . They want to RUN this country. That is ALL Democrats care about. If pretending to care about the plight of brown people gets them that power fine, but if they thought outright killing those people as they attempted to cross into the US would get them power, they would do that to.

That's the mistake those who fight the DNC make. The DNC doesn't have principles, so you can't have a reasoned argument with them. ALL they care about is getting and keeping power.
What President Trump in his national address tonight demonstrated with a titanic size flood light is that he screwed-up big-big-big-time, he committed the Grandfather of all screw-ups, in listening to the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity in backing out of the deal with the House and the Senate to sign the Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. He demonstrated tonight that he doesn't have the case to make all those millions of Americans directly and indirectly significantly hurt by the shutdown to go through the hardship they will go through to force Congress to fund his campaign promise of a wall. President Trump hasn't learned the lesson that Representative Steny Hoyer and Senator Dick Durbin told him loud and clearly in his immigration summit in the White House way back in January of 2018 when they said to the President when you're talking about all these things like more Judges, more detention facilities, more security measures, etc. to stop the illegal immigration through America's southern border "you're talking comprehensive immigration reform and if you want to negotiate legislation to reach this goal you have to be willing to provide legal status to a large portion of the eleven million undocumented immigrants currently in America". President Trump in his Address quite effectively articulated the harm coming from illegal immigration through America's southern border but he also articulated how clueless he is in knowing the political path to solving the problem. President Trump quite stupidly believes the American people were all born yesterday the American people have known the scope of this terrible "illegal immigration" wound on the body of America for the last twenty years were waiting for a President that has the leadership skills to create the complex and extensive legislative solution needed to solve this problem. In this Address President Trump showed he offers America no hope in solving this problem.

President Trump if he has a modicum of wisdom in the cavity between his ears will charge his staff to pull out all the stops in trying to pull out a face saving solution to this Government Shutdown. Face Saving 101 would call for him to abandon all talk of the wall, the wall is dead for the 2019 Budget. The Trump Administration should fall back on the provision of the 2018 Omnibus Spending bill which provided for funding for fencing with designs in existence prior to 2018. Bollard (Metal Post) fences work as a security measure and it isn't wasteful spending like a hugely costly wall would be! Chris Cuomo made an excellent point on his program tonight when he said that President Trump makes his best case for added security protections when he talks like Border Patrol authorities tell me the country needs X,Y and Z to strengthen the border the way it should be strengthened and leaves it at that!

In the rebuttal, Senator Schumer's remarks I thought were appropriate and one could respect his point of view because he acknowledged that illegal immigration through the southern border is wrong and we need to address it. On the other hand, Speaker Pelosi's remarks were disappointing and very troubling. The Speaker's remarks were alarmingly off the mark the mass of people trying to enter our country without visas on the southern border aren't women and children and the good characterization of what is going on isn't that it is a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis where these people are fleeing failed countries, countries where extortion, kidnapping, bribery and murder run rampant and inundate the countries. As much as the American people should hope these countries stop their failure and become good countries we should strongly as strongly can be say in words and behavior that we are not your savior to these people don't come to our country we have serious problems of our own our country is a failed country for many of our people we have to fix our country for these citizens of ours we cannot take you in, period, to do so would not be right to those Americans America owes much more to than they currently get! It is really alarming if the Democrat Party's position is what the Speaker seems to be saying which is that coming to America is the solution for these millions and millions of suffering people from Central and South America it is America's obligation to write the humanitarian wrong for these people!

I didn't listen to any of the addresses. It doesn't sound like I missed much. From the lack of grandstanding from the supporters of the Cheeto, I assume he bombed pretty badly.

We can't have open borders but we can have open hearts. Stripping kids from their parents is terrible in any light; done in the name of deterrence is flat out sick. This is what the administration is doing.
You didn't miss anything.

Just more of Trump's lies, dishonesty, fear, bigotry, and hate.

Trump was fact checked to hell and back last night and serious people agree, he didn't tell a single lie, or even a fib

Of course thoughtful people also admit he came across as caring, and not one sign of bigotry either.

Proving, of course , that you are both unreasonable and stupid.

When the Washington Post comes out the next day and says Nancy and Chuck were pwn'd by the president, its then real easy to identify the radical k00ks in here!:coffee:
Communist/Democrats claimed he lied, gave false statistics. Fact checkers will prove them wrong over the next few days. The only thing Trump failed to do (IMO) is what Reagan always did when he wanted something. He instructed Americans to call or send letters to their Senators and House Reps, telling them to support him. It worked then and it would work now. Dems live by the polls and public pressure. They will ultimately cave because the American people want border security and that includes the WALL.
Your posts are almost as horrible a those stupid podcasts you set up
Says the guy who started this ridiculous thread. LOL
This is a defense of those horribly, stupid podcasts you set up?

Trump fundraises off prime-time address
Trump in an email Tuesday afternoon asked supporters to donate to his "Official Secure the Border Fund" through the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee.

"We need to raise $500,000 in ONE DAY. I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund," read the email written in Trump's name.

"Please make a special contribution of $5 by 9 PM EST to our Official Secure the Border Fund to have your name sent to me after my speech," it added.
Where's the email? All I see in your link is a hack from The Hill claiming that an email was sent.

Would you care for a bigger shovel?
Would you care to post some documentation?
LOL! Nice try, did you compose that yourself? LMAO
Trump fundraises off prime-time address
Trump in an email Tuesday afternoon asked supporters to donate to his "Official Secure the Border Fund" through the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee.

"We need to raise $500,000 in ONE DAY. I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund," read the email written in Trump's name.

"Please make a special contribution of $5 by 9 PM EST to our Official Secure the Border Fund to have your name sent to me after my speech," it added.
Where's the email? All I see in your link is a hack from The Hill claiming that an email was sent.

Would you care for a bigger shovel?
Would you care to post some documentation?
LOL! Nice try, did you compose that yourself? LMAO

The site was at the top of the picture dumb ass.
What President Trump in his national address tonight demonstrated with a titanic size flood light is that he screwed-up big-big-big-time, he committed the Grandfather of all screw-ups, in listening to the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity in backing out of the deal with the House and the Senate to sign the Continuing Resolution to keep the government open. He demonstrated tonight that he doesn't have the case to make all those millions of Americans directly and indirectly significantly hurt by the shutdown to go through the hardship they will go through to force Congress to fund his campaign promise of a wall. President Trump hasn't learned the lesson that Representative Steny Hoyer and Senator Dick Durbin told him loud and clearly in his immigration summit in the White House way back in January of 2018 when they said to the President when you're talking about all these things like more Judges, more detention facilities, more security measures, etc. to stop the illegal immigration through America's southern border "you're talking comprehensive immigration reform and if you want to negotiate legislation to reach this goal you have to be willing to provide legal status to a large portion of the eleven million undocumented immigrants currently in America". President Trump in his Address quite effectively articulated the harm coming from illegal immigration through America's southern border but he also articulated how clueless he is in knowing the political path to solving the problem. President Trump quite stupidly believes the American people were all born yesterday the American people have known the scope of this terrible "illegal immigration" wound on the body of America for the last twenty years were waiting for a President that has the leadership skills to create the complex and extensive legislative solution needed to solve this problem. In this Address President Trump showed he offers America no hope in solving this problem.

President Trump if he has a modicum of wisdom in the cavity between his ears will charge his staff to pull out all the stops in trying to pull out a face saving solution to this Government Shutdown. Face Saving 101 would call for him to abandon all talk of the wall, the wall is dead for the 2019 Budget. The Trump Administration should fall back on the provision of the 2018 Omnibus Spending bill which provided for funding for fencing with designs in existence prior to 2018. Bollard (Metal Post) fences work as a security measure and it isn't wasteful spending like a hugely costly wall would be! Chris Cuomo made an excellent point on his program tonight when he said that President Trump makes his best case for added security protections when he talks like Border Patrol authorities tell me the country needs X,Y and Z to strengthen the border the way it should be strengthened and leaves it at that!

In the rebuttal, Senator Schumer's remarks I thought were appropriate and one could respect his point of view because he acknowledged that illegal immigration through the southern border is wrong and we need to address it. On the other hand, Speaker Pelosi's remarks were disappointing and very troubling. The Speaker's remarks were alarmingly off the mark the mass of people trying to enter our country without visas on the southern border aren't women and children and the good characterization of what is going on isn't that it is a humanitarian crisis. It is a crisis where these people are fleeing failed countries, countries where extortion, kidnapping, bribery and murder run rampant and inundate the countries. As much as the American people should hope these countries stop their failure and become good countries we should strongly as strongly can be say in words and behavior that we are not your savior to these people don't come to our country we have serious problems of our own our country is a failed country for many of our people we have to fix our country for these citizens of ours we cannot take you in, period, to do so would not be right to those Americans America owes much more to than they currently get! It is really alarming if the Democrat Party's position is what the Speaker seems to be saying which is that coming to America is the solution for these millions and millions of suffering people from Central and South America it is America's obligation to write the humanitarian wrong for these people!
Too long; fuck you.
They wont stop bringing drugs. Criminals pour in running from SA or Mexican law. No downside to any improved wall. Border Patrol asks for it, who am i to argue or say no? It pays for itself quickly.
But has border patrol asked for a Trump style wall?

Excellent question.

Have they?

Yep and Border Patrol is for the Wall, however some have said they’d rather have a fence because you could see what is going on on thethe otherwise.
Communist/Democrats claimed he lied, gave false statistics. Fact checkers will prove them wrong over the next few days. The only thing Trump failed to do (IMO) is what Reagan always did when he wanted something. He instructed Americans to call or send letters to their Senators and House Reps, telling them to support him. It worked then and it would work now. Dems live by the polls and public pressure. They will ultimately cave because the American people want border security and that includes the WALL.
Your posts are almost as horrible a those stupid podcasts you set up
Says the guy who started this ridiculous thread. LOL
This is a defense of those horribly, stupid podcasts you set up?

WTF are you talking about, asshole?
Where's the email? All I see in your link is a hack from The Hill claiming that an email was sent.

Would you care for a bigger shovel?
Would you care to post some documentation?
LOL! Nice try, did you compose that yourself? LMAO
Where's the email? All I see in your link is a hack from The Hill claiming that an email was sent.

Would you care for a bigger shovel?
Would you care to post some documentation?
LOL! Nice try, did you compose that yourself? LMAO

The site was at the top of the picture dumb ass.
You call that documentation? Looks more like a worthless opinion to me, bitch.

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