Trump Breaths Life Into The First Amendment

Trump? You're not talking about our president are you? Over three thousand lies and counting is quite a record, imagine if you or your child lied that much? Would that make you proud? But mom, our president lies and cheats why can't I?

The Trump presidency has shown one thing clearly, the republican party has no moral base, the religious Evangelicals have no Christian values, the Trump snowflakes have no emotion except hatred for the other, the conservative scholars are as devoid of integrity as the snowflakes, and right wing media is a dishonest cesspool of apologetic nonsense. Sad.

“To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights.” Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny

Stuff for the interested in the truth reader:

'I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' Jonna Ivin

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

'Group instinct & the white tribals of America'

Group instinct & the white tribals of America | ORF

"We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms." Philip K. Dick
you hate whites. wow.
that means you hate 246,660,710, or 77.35% of the people of the United States. wow!!!!! look at all your hate.
13. I would love to see an argument based on the question of which is essential to the American ethos….

a. free speech/truth


b. protection of individuals from being offended

The university system, occupied by Leftists, has it all wrong.

"The campus mob at the University of Pennsylvania Law School has scored a hit. Prof. Amy Wax will no longer be allowed to teach required first-year courses, the school’s dean announced last week. Now the leader of Black Lives Matter Pennsylvania wants Ms. Wax’s scalp. According to a weekend newspaper report, if she isn’t fired within a week, “he plans to make things on the West Philadelphia campus very uncomfortable.”

Ms. Wax’s sin this time was to discuss publicly the negative consequences of affirmative action.

Her punishment underscores again the dangers of speaking uncomfortable truths in a university setting.

The academic left has been gunning for Ms. Wax since last August, when she co-wrote a Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed calling for a return to the “bourgeois culture” of the 1950s. She was branded a white supremacist for advocating personal responsibility, even though the op-ed criticized “the single-parent, antisocial habits, prevalent among some working-class whites.” The Penn Law School Mob Scores a Victory

This professor must be punished for having an opinion counter to the Left’s.

Liberal Fascism writ large.

Let's remember that the Democrat Party, the party of these Fascists, has a history of sending American citizens to concentration camps.
In the tale about to be illustrated here, one will immediately see the significance of the Trump election to America and Americans.

Had the troglodytes of the Left won the election, and maintained control of the Department of Justice…..this never…..never…..would have occurred.

1.DOJ files in support of lawsuit against U. Michigan over Bias Response Team

2. …a lawsuit brought by a new group called Speech First challenging U. Michigan’s Bias Response Teams, Lawsuit: U. Michigan speech code and Bias Response Team “profoundly chill free speech and open discourse”:U. Michigan’s policies “are facially unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth Amendments….”

3. If you have not heard of Bias Response Teams, then you haven’t been around campus in the last decade.These teams, often referred to at BRTs, are the equivalent of SWAT teams standing by to enforce campus speech and conduct codes. … the teams enforce often vague standards highly dependent on how a complainant feels, there is an opaque process with little due process, and the results often track accepted campus political correctness rather than a search for the truth. Yet the punishments can cause lasting damage….

4. …amorphous prohibitions on “bullying,” “harassment,” and “bias-motivated misconduct” is to profoundly chill free speech and open discourse at the University. A student who voices a controversial or unpopular opinion—or who seeks to use humor, parody, or satire when discussing sensitive topics—could face severe punishment up to and including expulsion if even one other student perceives that speech to be “demeaning” or “bothersome.”

5. Many students will inevitably choose not to speak—or to speak less forcefully about controversial topics—rather than face the risk of disciplinary proceedings and punishment if another student takes offense at their words and files a complaint alleging violations of the Statement’s ban on “bullying,” “harassment,” and “bias-motivated misconduct.”

6. The Justice Department now has filed a Statement of Interest (pdf.)(full embed at bottom of post) supporting the request for a preliminary injunction.”
DOJ files in support of lawsuit against U. Michigan over Bias Response Team

Would the Far Left Obama DoJ have ever done what this Trump DoJ has done??????

Never ever ever!!!!

The Obamunists were all about restricting free speech.
With Trump......the first amendment will be off 'life support'.....and healthy again.

Schools are death traps. They pose a threat to the bodies and the minds of our children.

Children are penalized for being original, for being insightful, for telling the truth, and for daring to adhere to the values of their parents.

All that..and they aren't taught anything that might help them withstand such stupidity, or which might justify continued compulsory education.

I must need be strong to resist the indoctrination.


Lots more each year are home schooling, and the success of a Trump in the case of this lawsuit against the oppressors, may put a bit more backbone in folks.
The school jackboots are doubling down...and becoming more blatantly dishonest and criminal in their dealings with our kids.

I'm continually dealing with this crap..even when my kids aren't in school themselves, because of the interconnected nature of the schools, law enforcement, child welfare and every single subsidy program that requires families be interconnected as well.

If they can't *catch* kids who don't toe the party line at school, they will *report* on them for activities that supposedly take place off school grounds, and thus force families into contact with law enforcement and child welfare even when the kids aren't actual students.

People look at me like I'm crazy when I explain this to them..though they are in fact listening more and more and the more I share, the more stories I hear. Our school lost a sizeable percentage of their student body over the past 12 unprecedented number of parents are taking their kids out.
Yes, Trump has made his base think it is now OK to say racist & bigoted shit.
Yes, Trump has made his base think it is now OK to say racist & bigoted shit.

1. Try your post sans the vulgarity, you though you were an adult.

2. Sprinkle in some examples of racism or bigotry.....if you can find any.
Check with HamasNBC.
14. The central fact behind the bulk of the charges against those making uncomfortable revelations is that the Democrat Party would never win another national election without the black vote, and toward that end they must pander and silence any apparent criticism of their valued group.

That is the basis of the Left’s outrage about “…a web video Ms. Wax recorded in September with Glenn Loury, an economist at Brown University. Forty or so minutes in, the discussion turned to racial preferences. Mr. Loury noted that, on average, students admitted via preferences “are less academically qualified—by definition!” Ms. Wax brought up the “mismatch” effect: the idea that the so-called beneficiaries of preferences have difficulty competing with peers who were admitted without them.

“Take Penn Law School, or some top 10 law school,” Ms. Wax said. “Here’s a very inconvenient fact, Glenn. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class and rarely, rarely in the top half.

a lot of this data is of course a closely guarded secret.” That is an understatement. Schools pay fanatical attention to the racial makeup of their student bodies, then work just as fanatically to conceal the resulting gaps in qualifications and subsequent academic achievement.

The statement that some college students would be better off in vocational training or work is true for all races, particularly for the millions who drop out before getting a degree.” The Penn Law School Mob Scores a Victory

This professor must be punished for having an opinion that might endanger the block-voting of this Democrat constituency!!!
It cannot be allowed!!!!

Liberal Fascism writ large.
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