Trump: Bush lied about reason for invading Iraq

Bush and company who contrived the war and ram rodded the sordid criminal thing through to its disastrous commencement are equally guilty as those who believed the lies they told to get the war going...this is what turds believe
the "yabut they voted for it!!!" is indeed a lame excuse given BushCo had a neocon in the pentagon putting-out *raw* "cough" intel to sway opinion. Add to that, trotting out powell and Condi to fan the flames with lies as well

Douglas J. Feith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feith joined the administration of President George W. Bush as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2001. His appointment was facilitated by connections he had with other neoconservatives, including Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. With his new appointment in hand, Feith proved influential in having Richard Perle chosen as chairman of the Defense Policy Board.[12] Feith was criticized during the first term of the Bush administration for creating the Office of Strategic Influence. This office came into existence to support the War on Terror. The office's aim was to influence policymakers by submitting biased news stories into the foreign media. Feith played a significant role in the buildup to the Iraq war.[13] As part of his portfolio, he supervised the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, a group of policy and intelligence analysts created to provide senior government officials with raw intelligence, unvetted by the intelligence community.[14] The office, eventually dismantled, was later criticized in Congress and the media for analysis that was contradicted by CIA analysis and investigations performed following the invasion of Iraq. General Tommy Franks, who led both the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the Iraq War, once called Feith "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet."
I'd like to see any BushCo drone defend that. PLEASE!!!
That argument that there is equivalent responsibility is bogus...its intellectually and factually dishonest however that approach is the "stock in trade" of the Conservative dorks....
Bush and company who contrived the war and ram rodded the sordid criminal thing through to its disastrous commencement are equally guilty as those who believed the lies they told to get the war going...this is what turds believe
the "yabut they voted for it!!!" is indeed a lame excuse given BushCo had a neocon in the pentagon putting-out *raw* "cough" intel to sway opinion. Add to that, trotting out powell and Condi to fan the flames with lies as well

Douglas J. Feith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Feith joined the administration of President George W. Bush as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy in 2001. His appointment was facilitated by connections he had with other neoconservatives, including Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. With his new appointment in hand, Feith proved influential in having Richard Perle chosen as chairman of the Defense Policy Board.[12] Feith was criticized during the first term of the Bush administration for creating the Office of Strategic Influence. This office came into existence to support the War on Terror. The office's aim was to influence policymakers by submitting biased news stories into the foreign media. Feith played a significant role in the buildup to the Iraq war.[13] As part of his portfolio, he supervised the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, a group of policy and intelligence analysts created to provide senior government officials with raw intelligence, unvetted by the intelligence community.[14] The office, eventually dismantled, was later criticized in Congress and the media for analysis that was contradicted by CIA analysis and investigations performed following the invasion of Iraq. General Tommy Franks, who led both the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the Iraq War, once called Feith "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet."
I'd like to see any BushCo drone defend that. PLEASE!!!
That argument that there is equivalent responsibility is bogus...its intellectually and factually dishonest however that approach is the "stock in trade" of the Conservative dorks....
Re: inspection is preferable to war in Iraq to end containment. Flacaltenn preferred Bush's war to end containment, the Clintons did not.

Who is sided with the warmonger liar Bush?

Who is sided with the Clinton's request for a peaceful diplomatic end of sanctions against Iraq?

So who cared and cares more about the well being and safety of Iraq's men women and children? Flacaltenn or both Clintons?

Flacaltenn 13546645
AND -- it's Bush's fault for taking that advice. But I DON'T fault him for having the balls to do SOMETHING to end 12 VERY BAD years of former US policy.

That is a disturbing point of view coming from one who wants politicians to learn from the horrific lesson of Iraq.

Flacaltenn 13546596
You are correct FW -- he wasn't saving the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. He was TRYING to save them from over a decade of CRIPPLING economic sanctions (more strict than Iran or NK sanctions) and daily bombing by the USA...

You don't invade a country to end sanctions when peaceful disarmament of inspections is a few months away from ending sanctions with zero bloodshed and suffering.

Both Clintons publically stated their preferred means to ending those sanctions should be continued. It was not the foolish means that Bush eventually chose. - dumb war.

"Clinton Splits With Bush on Iraq," The Washington Post March 13, 2003
"Former president Bill Clinton, who has generally supported the Bush administration's Iraq policy in recent remarks, called on his successor yesterday to accept a more relaxed timeline in exchange for support from a majority of the United Nations Security Council members. ..[T]he former president has publicly espoused an approach substantially different from the administration's public stance."

"Deadline for war - Give the inspectors more time, urges Clinton" The Daily Telegraph March 13, 2003 "Bill Clinton yesterday urged the Bush administration to give Hans Blix as much time as he wants to complete weapons inspections in Iraq. The former president broke ranks with his successor...Mr Clinton said war might yet be avoided if Saddam Hussein were given more time to disarm. "

"Clinton recommends U.S. patience on Iraq,"Reuters, February 11, 2003. "Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said in an interview broadcast on Tuesday the United States should exercise patience in its standoff with Iraq to help build allied support for a potential strike."

The same was expressed by Senator Clinton.

"Hillary Clinton tells Irish TV she is against war with Iraq," Irish Times, February 8, 2003

"Hillary Clinton prefers 'peaceful solution' in Iraq," Associated Press March 3, 2003
"[Clinton said the US] should continue its attempts to build an international alliance rather than going to war quickly with Iraq...inspection is preferable to war, if it works, the New York Democrat said."

Flacaltenn lauds Bush for having the balls to kill Iraqis in order to save them from sanctions.

And he claims to have a scientific mind reviewing all this.

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Re: inspection is preferable to war in Iraq to end containment.

Flacaltenn 13546645
AND -- it's Bush's fault for taking that advice. But I DON'T fault him for having the balls to do SOMETHING to end 12 VERY BAD years of former US policy.

Which one is the wiser leader?

"Hillary Clinton prefers 'peaceful solution' in Iraq," Associated Press March 3, 2003
".inspection is preferable to war,"

"All the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached an end. Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing. For their own safety, all foreign nationals, including journalists and inspectors, should leave Iraq immediately." George W Bush announcing his decision to invade Iraq - March 17, 2003.
Any Trump-supporters care to chime-in, agreeing?

Me! If America doesn't vote for Trump then she and her people misses an enormous oportunity to start the process of "taking back" their once free nation!
Any Trump-supporters care to chime-in, agreeing?

Me! If America doesn't vote for Trump then she and her people misses an enormous oportunity to start the process of "taking back" their once free nation!

The majority of Americans are not feared up know-nothing dead-brained reality TV junkies.

So no. Trump will never be President - it is sad enough that a third of Republicans are falling for his scam.
. I said that the resolution would not have passed without dem votes, that is true.

That resolution passed in October 2002. Bush was not necessarily lying about WMD in October 2002. That is except the fact that he said he wanted to have the UNSC disarm Iraq PEACEFULLY.

That means because UN inspectors were not in Iraq in October 2002, there was justification to threaten war in order to get the inspectors back. Those were not lies to get Dem support for the authorization. Guess what? Saddam Hussen allowed the inspectors back in and the vast majority of nations by March 2003, wanted continued inspections not US invasion.

So the vote in October 2002 had nothing to do with Bush's LIE on March 17, 2003. That's when Bush committed the big WMD lie. (See my previous post)

The front runner in the GOP field knows Bush lied. Why don't you? The vote in October 2003 had nothing to do with Bush's WMD lie. Why try to defend him based on the October vote? He was not lying about WMD in Iraq then.

The GOP can't stop Trump from telling the truth about the Iraq invasion. Your storyline blaming Dems five months before Bush decided to invade doesn't work anymore. Bush lied, peopled died. Trump is right, you are wrong.

If Bush lied then so did both Clintons because they both said the exact same things at the exact same time.

I am not defending Bush, he screwed up, but you are trying to defend the dems who spoke the exact same "lies" at the exact same time.

My only point is that they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is just partisan bullshit.

That's bullshit. Nobody but Bush and Cheney had the direct information. Everyone was relying on what they a President and VP, you expect them to tell the truth, but all we got from doofus and the puppeteer were lies. The American people all believed him until the truth came out. Quit trying to excuse doofus.
Any Trump-supporters care to chime-in, agreeing?

Me! If America doesn't vote for Trump then she and her people misses an enormous oportunity to start the process of "taking back" their once free nation!

I guess you are one that can't see the blowhard for what he truly is? Trump doesn't know anything about leadership....he's a big bully that thinks he can push other countries around just because that is the way he deals in his business. All he would do (if by any remote chance he would get elected) is make us the laughing stock of the world, make more tax cuts for himself and the very wealthy and finish the job that doofus George W. Bush started.
. I said that the resolution would not have passed without dem votes, that is true.

That resolution passed in October 2002. Bush was not necessarily lying about WMD in October 2002. That is except the fact that he said he wanted to have the UNSC disarm Iraq PEACEFULLY.

That means because UN inspectors were not in Iraq in October 2002, there was justification to threaten war in order to get the inspectors back. Those were not lies to get Dem support for the authorization. Guess what? Saddam Hussen allowed the inspectors back in and the vast majority of nations by March 2003, wanted continued inspections not US invasion.

So the vote in October 2002 had nothing to do with Bush's LIE on March 17, 2003. That's when Bush committed the big WMD lie. (See my previous post)

The front runner in the GOP field knows Bush lied. Why don't you? The vote in October 2003 had nothing to do with Bush's WMD lie. Why try to defend him based on the October vote? He was not lying about WMD in Iraq then.

The GOP can't stop Trump from telling the truth about the Iraq invasion. Your storyline blaming Dems five months before Bush decided to invade doesn't work anymore. Bush lied, peopled died. Trump is right, you are wrong.

If Bush lied then so did both Clintons because they both said the exact same things at the exact same time.

I am not defending Bush, he screwed up, but you are trying to defend the dems who spoke the exact same "lies" at the exact same time.

My only point is that they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is just partisan bullshit.

That's bullshit. Nobody but Bush and Cheney had the direct information. Everyone was relying on what they a President and VP, you expect them to tell the truth, but all we got from doofus and the puppeteer were lies. The American people all believed him until the truth came out. Quit trying to excuse doofus.

To reiterate; top Dems, the Clintons, publically opposed Bush, on the war in March 2003 before Bush decided to do it. They were not saying the same exact lies as Bush. They both requested Bush not to invade and allow the inspectors all the time they needed. I have provided quotes for Redfish and flacaltenn to prove it. That reality does not fit there fabricated partisan narrative. They are lost souls that cannot escape the false reality they have created.
Trump says George W. Bush ‘lied’ to get U.S. into Iraq

I agree w/ him

Any Trump- supporters care to chime-in, agreeing? I don't expect this thread to have many responses given all Trump-supporters on this forum are rw'ers

did he say something we didn't already know? i
You don't know a fucking thing...nor does Donald....on this subject. Trump is making a big mistake attacking bush....bush is no threat.
Anyone with $100 Million in the bank for attack messaging is a threat. Trump knows this. He needs to knock Jeb out or he'll have to start spending some of his own money.
Trump says George W. Bush ‘lied’ to get U.S. into Iraq

I agree w/ him

Any Trump- supporters care to chime-in, agreeing? I don't expect this thread to have many responses given all Trump-supporters on this forum are rw'ers

did he say something we didn't already know? i
You don't know a fucking thing...nor does Donald....on this subject. Trump is making a big mistake attacking bush....bush is no threat.
Anyone with $100 Million in the bank for attack messaging is a threat. Trump knows this. He needs to knock Jeb out or he'll have to start spending some of his own money.
True. I see some good news though (bad news if you're not a Repub because I want them to continue tearing eachother apart for as long as possible

GOP elders want poorly performing candidates to quit
. I said that the resolution would not have passed without dem votes, that is true.

That resolution passed in October 2002. Bush was not necessarily lying about WMD in October 2002. That is except the fact that he said he wanted to have the UNSC disarm Iraq PEACEFULLY.

That means because UN inspectors were not in Iraq in October 2002, there was justification to threaten war in order to get the inspectors back. Those were not lies to get Dem support for the authorization. Guess what? Saddam Hussen allowed the inspectors back in and the vast majority of nations by March 2003, wanted continued inspections not US invasion.

So the vote in October 2002 had nothing to do with Bush's LIE on March 17, 2003. That's when Bush committed the big WMD lie. (See my previous post)

The front runner in the GOP field knows Bush lied. Why don't you? The vote in October 2003 had nothing to do with Bush's WMD lie. Why try to defend him based on the October vote? He was not lying about WMD in Iraq then.

The GOP can't stop Trump from telling the truth about the Iraq invasion. Your storyline blaming Dems five months before Bush decided to invade doesn't work anymore. Bush lied, peopled died. Trump is right, you are wrong.

If Bush lied then so did both Clintons because they both said the exact same things at the exact same time.

I am not defending Bush, he screwed up, but you are trying to defend the dems who spoke the exact same "lies" at the exact same time.

My only point is that they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is just partisan bullshit.

That's bullshit. Nobody but Bush and Cheney had the direct information. Everyone was relying on what they a President and VP, you expect them to tell the truth, but all we got from doofus and the puppeteer were lies. The American people all believed him until the truth came out. Quit trying to excuse doofus.

Not true. congress had access to exactly the same intel. If Bush lied, then so did a majority of congress and the UN.
If Bush did not lie, than he was conned by the ones who provided the intel.
. I said that the resolution would not have passed without dem votes, that is true.

That resolution passed in October 2002. Bush was not necessarily lying about WMD in October 2002. That is except the fact that he said he wanted to have the UNSC disarm Iraq PEACEFULLY.

That means because UN inspectors were not in Iraq in October 2002, there was justification to threaten war in order to get the inspectors back. Those were not lies to get Dem support for the authorization. Guess what? Saddam Hussen allowed the inspectors back in and the vast majority of nations by March 2003, wanted continued inspections not US invasion.

So the vote in October 2002 had nothing to do with Bush's LIE on March 17, 2003. That's when Bush committed the big WMD lie. (See my previous post)

The front runner in the GOP field knows Bush lied. Why don't you? The vote in October 2003 had nothing to do with Bush's WMD lie. Why try to defend him based on the October vote? He was not lying about WMD in Iraq then.

The GOP can't stop Trump from telling the truth about the Iraq invasion. Your storyline blaming Dems five months before Bush decided to invade doesn't work anymore. Bush lied, peopled died. Trump is right, you are wrong.

If Bush lied then so did both Clintons because they both said the exact same things at the exact same time.

I am not defending Bush, he screwed up, but you are trying to defend the dems who spoke the exact same "lies" at the exact same time.

My only point is that they all have blood on their hands. To put it all on Bush is just partisan bullshit.

That's bullshit. Nobody but Bush and Cheney had the direct information. Everyone was relying on what they a President and VP, you expect them to tell the truth, but all we got from doofus and the puppeteer were lies. The American people all believed him until the truth came out. Quit trying to excuse doofus.

Not true. congress had access to exactly the same intel. If Bush lied, then so did a majority of congress and the UN.
Great, more lies from the :eusa_liar: forum liar :eusa_liar:

"The president has much more access to intelligence than members of Congress does" - Kerrey

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