Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Spain. Italy. UK. Germany. You have heard of the Premier League, right? La Liga? Series A? And so what? Just because you make a million bucks doesn't mean you give up the right to speak your mind.

It's not like they're disrupting the game. They are not adding extra time to it or anything like that. All they are doing is taking a knee. Nothing more. Nothing less. The only reason - the ONLY reason - you give a shit is that you disagree with them. If they were protesting something you agreed with - say protesting against same-sex marriage - you'd be all for it. And don't lie. You would be.

Can it. NO ONE has ever said they don't have a RIGHT to "speak their mind". NO ONE! That's just another of your straw men. A NON-ISSUE.

They are disrupting the game, they are disrupting viewership.

Until Colin Kaepernick, football was a game we could all come together on and cheer for our team. For a few hours, we could all cheer together or against a certain team without politics entering into the discussion.

Today we have hundreds of spoiled, multi-millionaire, undereducated athletes who someone seems to have convinced that what they think, matters. How many of them are out working in their communities to teach the youth that they need to remain in school, they should have both a mother and a father, married living in the home. That gangs are not cool, ridiculing good students is not cool and that with work, they really can be whatever they aspire to be.

Then not just leaving to go home to their mansions but getting with the students, tutoring and being a big brother and role model. How many have put their money where their mouth is?
So....according to you....patriotism is 'verboten' but dissing the U.S. flag is just fine with you. Hypocrisy much?

No, you can have patriotism all you like, but I'll call you on it if I think it's silly. I don't see anybody dissing the US flag. You don't get a monopoly on what patriotism is just because you stand for a flag.

Can it. NO ONE has ever said they don't have a RIGHT to "speak their mind". NO ONE! That's just another of your straw men. A NON-ISSUE.

They are disrupting the game, they are disrupting viewership.

Until Colin Kaepernick, football was a game we could all come together on and cheer for our team. For a few hours, we could all cheer together or against a certain team without politics entering into the discussion.

Today we have hundreds of spoiled, multi-millionaire, undereducated athletes who someone seems to have convinced that what they think, matters. How many of them are out working in their communities to teach the youth that they need to remain in school, they should have both a mother and a father, married living in the home. That gangs are not cool, ridiculing good students is not cool and that with work, they really can be whatever they aspire to be.

Then not just leaving to go home to their mansions but getting with the students, tutoring and being a big brother and role model. How many have put their money where their mouth is?

They are not disrupting the game. The game still starts on time.
NFL Players Association - Players Give Back
They are not disrupting the game. The game still starts on time.

Your ignorance about team sports is obvious. Thank you!

Giving back, what a joke. They have a roster of just under 1,700 players plus millionaire coaches, practice teams and you come up with a handful of players on an obscure site. Keep up the good work!
So....according to you....patriotism is 'verboten' but dissing the U.S. flag is just fine with you. Hypocrisy much?

No, you can have patriotism all you like, but I'll call you on it if I think it's silly. I don't see anybody dissing the US flag. You don't get a monopoly on what patriotism is just because you stand for a flag.

Oh OK so what are those boys doing? Keeling to HONOR the flag? You do know that honoring the U.S. flag is done standing up with your hand over your heart don't you? No fool, they are dissing the flag and our Constitution and not one of them can tell you why they are dishonoring the very flag that gives them their rights and all that money.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

Only Trump's eye? I beg to differ. The NFL has spit in America's eye.

Stupid false equivalency. One stands during the Anthem when with a crowd of Americans. It is (or used to be) a sign of We The People's solidarity no matter what the political viewpoint. You and your buddy there can relax because in your home in your couch you are not among those people but, by all means......If the spirit moves you.....STAND!! No one will care but you might just surprise yo little baaaad sef..
The best part of this is going to be witnessing the NFL suffering for siding with left wing politics. No doubt where they stand. So they will be Dixie Chicked. and it will be deserved.

The NFL Will Lose Most From This Nonsense. They Deserve To.

The NFL will be destroyed by this. Thousands of Americans were already tuning out due to concussion coverage and domestic abuse issues. Now that will accelerate.

That’s due in large measure to the NFL’s utterly inconsistent stance with regard to political posturing.

When St. Louis Rams players engaged in “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” protests in 2014, the league did nothing; when Dallas Cowboys players wanted to wear Dallas police decals to honor the department after a massacre of officers by a black radical, the NFL turned them down flat.

When Kaepernick knelt for the Anthem, and other players followed, the NFL did nothing; when some players wanted to wear cleats on September 11, 2016 honoring the fallen, the NFL threatened fines.

Is it any wonder that fans feel like the NFL took a side here?

TRUMP VS. THE NFL: 6 Things You Need To Know About The #TakeTheKnee Explosion
This all started from one stupid ass football player who decided to protest against police brutality and the criminal justice system ....
This all started from one stupid ass football player who decided to protest against police brutality and the criminal justice system ....
and guess who brought it to the boiling point it is now? Maybe same AH that brought us the NK situation ?

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