Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Yes...The American flag represents the right of free speech, by not standing for it's anthem is protesting that right of free speech. The kneelers are only proving what dolts they are.

I think you need to bone up on what they are protesting....

It looks like they are protesting the symbol of the country that gives them right of free speech to me. What do you think they are protesting?

Looks to me like they're protesting mob mentality. And daring to question it.

What a concept huh?
It looks like they are protesting the symbol of the country that gives them right of free speech to me. What do you think they are protesting?

Looks to me like they're protesting mob mentality. And daring to question it.

What a concept huh?

That is complete nonsense.
Yes...The American flag represents the right of free speech, by not standing for it's anthem is protesting that right of free speech. The kneelers are only proving what dolts they are.

I think you need to bone up on what they are protesting....

It looks like they are protesting the symbol of the country that gives them right of free speech to me. What do you think they are protesting?

Looks to me like they're protesting mob mentality.

Protesting mob mentality while engaging in it seems a bit odd.
It looks like they are protesting the symbol of the country that gives them right of free speech to me. What do you think they are protesting?

Looks to me like they're protesting mob mentality. And daring to question it.

What a concept huh?

That is complete nonsense.

Questioning mob mentality is "complete nonsense" is it?

Isn't that revealing.

You know this players-standing-for-national-anthem jazz is only a few years old right? And that there ain't no rule that requires them to do it, right? And that the Pentagon got busted prostituting this fake-patriotism shit, right?
When they insult this country, they insult the percentage of their base that love this country.

IMO, that is a solid majority of their fan base.
A "lot"? I'm sure.
WHat business can afford to insult a majority of their customers?
This is idiocy on the part of the owners.

YOU think they are insulting the country. As do some others. They don't. Don't tell them what to think.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.

Spain. Italy. UK. Germany. You have heard of the Premier League, right? La Liga? Series A? And so what? Just because you make a million bucks doesn't mean you give up the right to speak your mind.

It's not like they're disrupting the game. They are not adding extra time to it or anything like that. All they are doing is taking a knee. Nothing more. Nothing less. The only reason - the ONLY reason - you give a shit is that you disagree with them. If they were protesting something you agreed with - say protesting against same-sex marriage - you'd be all for it. And don't lie. You would be.
We know Trump doesn't agree with freedom of the press or freedom of religion so why should anyone be surprised if he attacks freedom of speech

It would be nice if you people would approach any version of patriotism.

Patriotism borders on fascism IMO. I don't need to yell and scream at the top of my lungs how great or better my country is over yours. What does it prove? Nothing. Other than you're up yourself. I've always felt uber patriots are under confident wannabes. Be happy in your own skin. If you need to gee yourself up at the expense of others, that says a lot about you. None of it good.
It looks like they are protesting the symbol of the country that gives them right of free speech to me. What do you think they are protesting?

Against cops shooting black people. And you're right. It's a symbol. Nothing more. Nothing less. Big fucking deal.
It looks like they are protesting the symbol of the country that gives them right of free speech to me. What do you think they are protesting?

Looks to me like they're protesting mob mentality. And daring to question it.

What a concept huh?

That is complete nonsense.

Questioning mob mentality is "complete nonsense" is it?

Isn't that revealing.

You know this players-standing-for-national-anthem jazz is only a few years old right? And that there ain't no rule that requires them to do it, right? And that the Pentagon got busted prostituting this fake-patriotism shit, right?

The post you are replying to said they are protesting mob mentality while engaging in it.

It would be nice if you people would approach any version of patriotism.

Patriotism borders on fascism IMO. I don't need to yell and scream at the top of my lungs how great or better my country is over yours. What does it prove? Nothing. Other than you're up yourself. I've always felt uber patriots are under confident wannabes. Be happy in your own skin. If you need to gee yourself up at the expense of others, that says a lot about you. None of it good.

So....according to you....patriotism is 'verboten' but dissing the U.S. flag is just fine with you. Hypocrisy much?
They are sons of bitches for taking anger out on an entire country rather than the few that may deserve it.

And he didn't call them that because they exercised their first amendment. It was because they were going out of their way to diss this whole country. They look like hypocrites making millions while claiming they are oppressed. Their screwed up message is that this is a bad country that hates minorities. It's all bullshit and they should stick to doing what they get paid to do while at the stadium. Others don't get to protest at work without facing consequences so why should they get to do it? They should be fined or suspended. People have been fired for expressing non-liberal opinions. Fuck these guys and their fake outrage.

In the vast majority of shootings, the cops were justified. More whites are shot than blacks but facts don't matter when race baiters have an agenda.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.

Spain. Italy. UK. Germany. You have heard of the Premier League, right? La Liga? Series A? And so what? Just because you make a million bucks doesn't mean you give up the right to speak your mind.

It's not like they're disrupting the game. They are not adding extra time to it or anything like that. All they are doing is taking a knee. Nothing more. Nothing less. The only reason - the ONLY reason - you give a shit is that you disagree with them. If they were protesting something you agreed with - say protesting against same-sex marriage - you'd be all for it. And don't lie. You would be.
who says i don't agree with them?

you ever NOT make up shit for the other side?

god you're a freaking turd at times.

good to know you support people who don't agree with YOU, huh?

had enough of your insulting ass-shit. later on hos.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
The clock doesn't start until the whistle blows.
The clock starts when they put on their uniform
Who says?
Very quickly after the war, and for 5 generations afterwards, the Confederate Battle Flag was accepted by the nation as a whole as a symbol of regional pride, within the greater nation.


Who are you to rescind an acceptance granted by the very veterans who paid the price to win that war?

Rhetorical question. YOu are no one.
It's accepted worldwide as a symbol of treason.
Notice what state the moron gave his latest speech ? The great state of alabama ,the white supremacy state

You are a race baiting asshole.
The great state of Alabama thanks you

Elections in Alabama - Wikipedia

2004, bush vs kerry, votes for GOP 62%

2008 McCain vs black Obama, votes for GOP, only 60% despite black guy on ticket.

2012 Romeny vs black Obama, votes for GOP, only 60% despite black guy on ticket.

2016 Trump vs Hillary, votes for GOP, 62%.

YOu are an asshole for so readily smearing an entire state of this nation.

And I have proven your wrong. If Alabama was a "White Supremacy State" they would not have voted AGAINST Obama less then they voted against Kerry and Hillary.

YOu are an asshole.

Fuck you.
Funny. You emphasizing that Obama got that vote percentage in Alabama despite being black shows us that you believe Alabama is racist, also.
They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
/end thread

This is it right there - they have the right to protest and everyone else has a right to respond. That is how freedom of speech works - the ideas presented are brought into the public space and debated until one comes out on top.

Yes, everyone has the right to respond. But the response should be something better than sit down and shut up. I have yet to see a single person make an argument as to what the protest are about, just complaining about the protest. No one has said black people are not being killed by law enforcement officers at a greater rate than whites. No one is arguing what black people have it as good as white people. No one is arguing that this nation is not a nation for white people.

And this thread is about Trump calling those players exercising their constitutional rights as SOB's and proclaiming they should be fired for doing something they have every right to do.


Not going to bother wading though the tons of shit Google will give me if I search "mcain insults trump supporters".
In other words, you're full of shit. Otherwise, you'd be able to remember just one, and Google that.

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