Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Actually there is no protected right of the player for free speech while they are playing.
NFL teams are private enterprises and the owners could if they wanted to require players to stand for the anthem and they can suspend or yes even fire them for kneeling.
Jerry Jones / Cowboys already has. he's stated anyone who pulls that in a cowboys uniform will be out of a job.

Exactly. The idea that this is a freedom of speech issue is completely ridiculous
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Phony patriotism. You want everyone to honour the symbols of your country while ignoring what they stand for: freedom, equality and justice. You don't want any of those things honoured. Just the symbols.

Trump's faux outrage over these protests is to divert you from the real issues of inequality, and lack of freedom and justice for many in America. Like sheep you bleat in response to his calls.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

And they were roundly booed when they came on the field.

The Steelers were booed in Cleveland?

I guess he's never been to a Pittsburgh @ Cleveland game. I have been to 3 of them over the years. The last 2 I was rooting for the Steelers secretly from under my Browns sweat shirt.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Phony patriotism. You want everyone to honour the symbols of your country while ignoring what they stand for: freedom, equality and justice. You don't want any of those things honoured. Just the symbols.

Trump's faux outrage over these protests is to divert you from the real issues of inequality, and lack of freedom and justice for many in America. Like sheep you bleat in response to his calls.

Oh please.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Phony patriotism. You want everyone to honour the symbols of your country while ignoring what they stand for: freedom, equality and justice. You don't want any of those things honoured. Just the symbols.

Trump's faux outrage over these protests is to divert you from the real issues of inequality, and lack of freedom and justice for many in America. Like sheep you bleat in response to his calls.
Please do explain to us how blacks don't have freedom in this country.

Go ahead and explain it to us what rights are being violated.

They are not getting enough free stuff?

Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
boohooo, get a grip.

Fuck you.
did i hurt your feelings, snowflake?

chin up, kiddo.

america must be in awesome shape if this is considered and "important" issue.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
boohooo, get a grip.

Fuck you.
did i hurt your feelings, snowflake?

chin up, kiddo.

america must be in awesome shape if this is considered and "important" issue.
The thing is that it's not really an issue at all but then again our media and so called political leaders always seem to focus on the things that don't really matter
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Phony patriotism. You want everyone to honour the symbols of your country while ignoring what they stand for: freedom, equality and justice. You don't want any of those things honoured. Just the symbols.

Trump's faux outrage over these protests is to divert you from the real issues of inequality, and lack of freedom and justice for many in America. Like sheep you bleat in response to his calls.

What the players want, and you lefties, is not justice or equality.

You want cops assumed guilty and punished without a fair trial.

That makes you that bad guys, completely willing to throw innocent people to the mob.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
boohooo, get a grip.

Fuck you.
did i hurt your feelings, snowflake?

chin up, kiddo.

america must be in awesome shape if this is considered and "important" issue.

No, another poster made a completely valid post and you responded like a fucking asshole.

So, I told you to fuck off.

I feel complete good about that.

Your attempt to imply that my actions indicate that the problem is on my end, instead of YOURS, is just you being a standard dishonest lefty piece of shit.

BUT, I repeat myself. A lot.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
The clock doesn't start until the whistle blows.

Are they wearing NFL uniforms, and representing their teams? Try again! They are on the clock, or why would there be a mandatory show up time. Quit making excuses! The boycott is working, and YOU don't like it! The power of the fans is showing the rest of the leagues what is going to happen if they try the same thing. Take a cut in pay, or possibly lose their jobs.
I think the players will stop protesting because a nickname from USMB said they're on the clock.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Phony patriotism. You want everyone to honour the symbols of your country while ignoring what they stand for: freedom, equality and justice. You don't want any of those things honoured. Just the symbols.

Trump's faux outrage over these protests is to divert you from the real issues of inequality, and lack of freedom and justice for many in America. Like sheep you bleat in response to his calls.
True.....the Fascist Antifa bastards on the left are giving us a good example of this.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
boohooo, get a grip.
Booo Hoo, go Live in CUBA since you hate Our Country.

I am not going to patron a bunch of Millionaire Athletes who think America is erecting Racist Barriers to their being Millionaires when in fact, We Coddle Minorities in this country, and actually employ Reverse Discrimination to give them more advantages than the Average American Citizen.

Fuck them.

Level The Playing Field.

Stand for the Anthem or get OFF THE FIELD, and go play Soccer in Europe.

Funny but not surprising that when RW'ers carry Confederate flags at protests instead of the American flag,

the usual suspects on the right somehow manage to not just excuse, but cheer that.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
The clock doesn't start until the whistle blows.

Are they wearing NFL uniforms, and representing their teams? Try again! They are on the clock, or why would there be a mandatory show up time. Quit making excuses! The boycott is working, and YOU don't like it! The power of the fans is showing the rest of the leagues what is going to happen if they try the same thing. Take a cut in pay, or possibly lose their jobs.
I think the players will stop protesting because a nickname from USMB said they're on the clock.

No, it will be because fans start staying away from games.

This guy is a son of a bitch;

so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.

Or, you could ask why a billionaire would see fit to become president, so he can himself desecrate our flag by wrapping himself in it and demanding that his version of 'patriotism' be the only version we allow.

It would be nice if you people would approach any version of patriotism.
so - are you saying i'm not patriotic?

Check the order of things. That was directed at NYCarbineer.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

And they were roundly booed when they came on the field.

The Steelers were booed in Cleveland?


Does not negate the fact of my statement. :laugh:

President Dotard Bum has a right to his opinions, but he should keep his filthy mouth shut.


Thanks for not even pretending to make a rational or reasonable argument in defense of your position.

Much more honest of you.

That being said.

A grown man calls honorable women bitches. And he happens to be the leader of a country....can you believe that?

Trump has been very harsh, verbally, with his political opponents.

His political opponents have not only been just as harsh with him, but also to half the country.

Point, Trump.
Half? Nope not even just the 30% that we all knew was there (bigots, racists, bullies, uneducated, racists....)
For a president to use the B word is beyond harsh , he is a low life sum bag.I

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