Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

And they were roundly booed when they came on the field.

The Steelers were booed in Cleveland?

Do you understand that there's (still) a different between police brutality in the US against US citizens and a pair of shoes with a 9/11 message on it?
Do you understand that there is not a difference between police brutality directed at whites and police brutality directed at blacks?

That is what makes the protesters a bunch of racists.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

And they were roundly booed when they came on the field.

The Steelers were booed in Cleveland?

if this escalates then i fear that the steelers will be booed in baltimore as well.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
boohooo, get a grip.
Only a handful of sons of bitches were kneeling before Trump spoke. After his speech? HUNDREDS ARE NOW KNEELING.

Good job Trump?
If you notice how the media works. They act as though the majority of the country is on the players side. Yes, this is typical of the arrogance of the left in the media, who spend ALL of their time in echo chambers.

While I do not agree with the way Trump called them sons of bitches, most of this country is NOT on the players side with this.

This is not about first amendment rights. Please do not get sucked into the left and how they ALL OF A SUDDEN want to defend the constitution. Trust this. If a white player wore a David Duke shirt or a player was caught saying N WORD (Riley Cooper was suspended for saying that at a concert) they would be black balled. People would be calling for their outright release. ESPN would be doing Outside the Lines pieces about it and Max Kellerman would be promoting his white guilt left wing perspective proudly as he tries to endear himself to blacks truly believing he is down with the cause.

This is not about first amendment folks. Remember, everything is about the left wing agenda and the sharpest tool (really the only weapon they have) is using race to divide the country in order to bring it down.

Admittedly, Trump is giving them a lot of bullets where they can advance their cause. They will claim to be united and pro America and act as though only the fringes don't support the players spitting on our flag. That is far from the case, so do not get sucked into the bandwagon they always try to create. Think for yourselves.

If someone kneels that tell me they believe what it stands for, and that is they have no pride in this country or flag because it oppresses people of color which is bs. If you think black men throwing up the black fist is a meaning of peace then young man you have no idea!! You're living in lala land,I'll just leave it at that.

It is all about divide and conquer and if republicans do not play their role as a punching bag ala Bush, then they are automatically labeled as racist.
Only a handful of sons of bitches were kneeling before Trump spoke. After his speech? HUNDREDS ARE NOW KNEELING.

Good job Trump?
I cannot tell. Are they protesting Trump or the flag for which it stands? By not standing for the National Anthem, they are actually spitting on the constitution that gives them their right to protest.

They are protesting America, not Trump.

Meanwhile the left and the NFL banned the freedom of expression in support of this country when they did not allow these cleats to be worn....

Now, all of a sudden they are all behind freedom of expression when the expression is AGAINST America and the flag that represents those who died for those ungrateful players rights to protest.


Cause they are all sucked into the false notion that this country is racist. Here is another clue. If the country was racist then THOSE PEOPLE would not all be millionaires nor would they feel the courage to protest.

I am getting sucked into the false narrative here. This is not about freedom of expression. This is about the left tearing down the country with their race baiting and you are part of their efforts. You don't know it, but that is what this is.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Would you eat Hillary out?

God, you're sick, but why were you even thinking about it?

It is a legitimate question.

Would you EHO?

Did I not say you were sick? That would have indicated my answer.

You didn't say why you would be thinking about it at this particular time. Do you have fantasies of EHO?

My bad.

I wondered if Slick Willie ever....

Only a handful of sons of bitches were kneeling before Trump spoke. After his speech? HUNDREDS ARE NOW KNEELING.

Good job Trump?
Trump has a penchant for bringing into focus a festering boil on our society.
This will come to a head and the NFL will be forced to deal with it or go bankrupt.
Trump chose the worst possible manner he could to express his opinion on this,

a choice at this point no one who's been paying attention should find surprising.

Like anyone believes that you would admit it, if he choose the best possible manner to express his opinion.

YOu have the credibility of a crack whore.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

And they were roundly booed when they came on the field.
given the score to the bengals, i'm not sure they all came out.
Actually there is no protected right of the player for free speech while they are playing.
NFL teams are private enterprises and the owners could if they wanted to require players to stand for the anthem and they can suspend or yes even fire them for kneeling.
Jerry Jones / Cowboys already has. he's stated anyone who pulls that in a cowboys uniform will be out of a job.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
Fuck The NFL.

Long time Football Fanatic and I quit watching since the first time Colin Kap In Yo Ass took a knee.

Roger Goodell says he is proud of NFL players spitting on our Flag, Our Country, Our Anthem, and Our Veterans.
Fuck Him.

These people are on duty and in uniform. Exactly what Employer would encourage and permit a protest while you are working.

Fuck Em. Go play SOCCER IN EUROPE!

I will NEVER watch another game as long as this goes on and as long as Goodell is head of NFL.
boohooo, get a grip.

Fuck you.
Only a handful of sons of bitches were kneeling before Trump spoke. After his speech? HUNDREDS ARE NOW KNEELING.

Good job Trump?

If percentage of Americans are that easily moved to be anti-American assholes, they were already anti-American assholes, and it is a good thing that they are now open about it.

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