Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Reminds me of a quote I heard - I think it it was actually Nixon...but, you don't attack down - you attack up. Trump keeps attacking down. Why does he need to attack this fellow? :dunno:

Because assholes like that need to be called out on their bullshit.

Correll - The US Constitution is not "bullshit". At least its not to American patriots.

Coyote -- I heard that too and its true that trump is the most at home trying to pull people down into the gutter where he lives.

His job is to uphold the US Constitution. Doesn't matter if he agrees with it. He swore to uphold the Constitution, period.

Nothing in calling for the firing of anti-American assholes is against the Constitution.

And a lefty claiming to be a "patriot" is quite funny.

President Dotard Bum has a right to his opinions, but he should keep his filthy mouth shut.


Thanks for not even pretending to make a rational or reasonable argument in defense of your position.

Much more honest of you.

That being said.

A grown man calls honorable women bitches. And he happens to be the leader of a country....can you believe that?

Trump has been very harsh, verbally, with his political opponents.

His political opponents have not only been just as harsh with him, but also to half the country.

Point, Trump.
The awesome thing about America, is that millions of people fought for your right to wrap yourself in the flag and jump up and down with pride, every time the national anthem is played, as well as, the right to sit through the national anthem talking with your friends about your day, paying it no attention!

It’s up to you what you want to do, everyday of your life in this country, as long as it’s legal!

So let’s stop listening to the crazy rants of Trump, who’s nothing more than a zoo keeper who throws red meat to his followers!

Does anyone truly believe, that a man, who would tell Billy Bush from Access Hollywood, that he likes to move on women like a bitch, and that he likes to grab them by their private parts, and just start kissing them, actually gives a damn about our flag, this country, or our national anthem?

Do you think a man who got several deferments, to keep from serving that flag, this country and its citizens, truly cares for those that did?

Get real!

Funny, I thought that America forgave people that didn't want to fight in Vietnam?

And your lies about what he said on that radio show should embarrass you.
It do me more good then their "exercising their first amendment rights" will do them.

I'm not undermining the very sport that has made me rich and famous, and insulting the majority of my fan base, like they are.

They're not undermining anything. What 'majority' fan base? I see a lot of their fan base supporting them.

When they insult this country, they insult the percentage of their base that love this country.

IMO, that is a solid majority of their fan base.

A "lot"? I'm sure.

WHat business can afford to insult a majority of their customers?

This is idiocy on the part of the owners.
Everyone already knows that the Democrat Bigots hate America.
These Racist NFL Player's protest is waste of time.
Trump chose the worst possible manner he could to express his opinion on this,

a choice at this point no one who's been paying attention should find surprising.
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.
It's a notable coincidence that at the same time PBS has been running the Ken Burns documentary on Vietnam,

the rightwing mob has been fully engaged in demonizing protesters, with a willing accomplice in the Whitehouse.
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
given how i *NEVER SAID STFU* - you sir, need to shut the fuck up. that's twice in this thread you chose to take what i did say and extremefy it and try to tell me i said something i didn't.
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.

Or, you could ask why a billionaire would see fit to become president, so he can himself desecrate our flag by wrapping himself in it and demanding that his version of 'patriotism' be the only version we allow.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

You need someone to list all the countries that have millionaire soccer players?

Actually there is no protected right of the player for free speech while they are playing.
NFL teams are private enterprises and the owners could if they wanted to require players to stand for the anthem and they can suspend or yes even fire them for kneeling.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye

And they were roundly booed when they came on the field.
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.

Or, you could ask why a billionaire would see fit to become president, so he can himself desecrate our flag by wrapping himself in it and demanding that his version of 'patriotism' be the only version we allow.

It would be nice if you people would approach any version of patriotism.
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
how unjust is the world you live in when you are given the opportunity to play a fucking game and make millions?

name another country where you can do that. go ahead.

and if they want to protest on their own time - great. have at it. hold a rally on a saturday night and invite whoever the hell wants to show up and see that shit. but as is pretty easy to tell right now, most people are fed up with the constant bitching and politics being shoved down down our throats in the one place you would think you could get away from that shit.

Or, you could ask why a billionaire would see fit to become president, so he can himself desecrate our flag by wrapping himself in it and demanding that his version of 'patriotism' be the only version we allow.

It would be nice if you people would approach any version of patriotism.
so - are you saying i'm not patriotic?
this cracked me up. NFL is losing ratings like roaches scurrying when the lights come on and they want to say the NFL is bringing people together?

does it LOOK like we're together?


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