Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Yeah, I don't care what you have to say, liar.

I've demonstrated that the state you smeared as "White Supremacist State" voted against Obama LESS than it voted against Kerry or HIllary.

ANd you are too much of a coward to admit that.

You would rather smear millions of good Americans, than admit that you were wrong.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Admit?? Facts are facts but it voted LESS against obama because more blacks came out to vote NOT because the people of Alabama are any more than racists

Got it.

Lib logic.

Blacks turn out in record numbers to vote FOR black guy.

Whites turn out in same numbers to vote against black guy (as against white dems).

Whites are racist.

Great logic, lefty.

This is where, if you had an once of human decency, you would admit that you were wrong to smear the good white people of Alabama.

But you won't. because, lefty.
Whats your excuse for white women voting for Hillary ?? They're not smarter than men?

So, instead of admitting the the voting history of Alabama makes a lie of your race baiting smear, you want to turn the subject to gender issues in voting.

You request to dodge is noted and dismissed.
Speaks for itself
Alabama largely abandoned the Democrats during the 1960s. The initial shift was largely in response to white conservative voter uneasiness with the civil rights legislation that was passed in the mid-1960s, which was effectively exploited by the Republicans’ “southern strategy.” Republican nominees have won the state by over 20 points since 2004, including Donald Trump's nearly 28% margin in 2016. Alabama has had nine electoral votes since 1972; that may drop to eight after the 2020 election.

2016 POLLS (Clinton vs. Trump)



Washington Post / Survey Monkey

34.4% 62.1%
38.4% 60.6%
38.7% 60.3%
36.8% 62.5%
41.6% 56.5%


Last 10 Elections (
State voted with the overall winning candidate)








You called Alabama a "White Supremacist State" and I have linked you to voting records that show that, once you factor in the huge surge in black turnout for the black guy,

that white voters in Alabama were effected by the black guy on the ticket to the underwhelming tune of a ONE PERCENTAGE POINT in voting.

That reveals your vile race baiting smear to be nothing but a vile race baiting smear, just like I said it was.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
It's not America It's the AH trump they disrespect

Actually, it had nothing to do with Trump. It had everything to do with Justice. Trump made it about him. It's the only way he cares about an issue.
He served Trump punked out and now he talks about patriotism?? The man is a joke a sick joke

people who don't serve aren't allowed to talk about patriotism?

That's not a very American sentiment.
Man trump talking about patriotism is just LIP SERVICE The man is a fraud A real estate cheat and probably a money launderer

Do you have anything to base that on other than your hatred and bile?
There have been a few buy and sells that Mr Mueller and his 17 experts in fraud are going over

If they had shit, it would have already been leaked.

So, other than your hatred and bile, you've got nothing to support your personal attacks on the President.

IMO, Americans are allowed to be and talk about patriotism without having served in the military.

Limiting patriotism only to military vets is more something one would expect in a fascist "utopia".

"If they had shit, it would have already been leaked."

And sure nuff, that's exactly what's been leaked all over the place.
Should we either fine players or threaten them with suspension for kneeling the way they do when players show their patriotism?

Wait, a president doesn't have the right to express himself?

Where in the constitution does it say Presidents do not have free speech.


He does have the right to express himself. He is still an American citizen. He is expressing opinions. He is not a politician and it pisses people off.

All of those people are nothing but hypocrites. Yes, the OP is not seeing the irony of his claim. What he cannot handle is the paradigm shift. He expects his politicans, especially the republican ones to be a punching back. Like Bush and the rest of them. Just allow the left wing to say whatever they want in whatever way they want. Just don't ever respond to them. If you do, then you are of course a racist.

Of course.

Oh what ironies.

Of course he does. But pino trump took an oath to protect the US Constipation and he's done nothing but attack it.

He's also hot the right to constantly trash US businesses but is that reall what the US president should bee doing?

He has the right to be a racist prick but is that helpful? Same with telling cops to rough up presumed innocent people they put in their cars.

FACT is, trump really is the pino.

He's trailer trash with money.
Should we either fine players or threaten them with suspension for kneeling the way they do when players show their patriotism?


Do you understand that there's (still) a different between police brutality in the US against US citizens and a pair of shoes with a 9/11 message on it?

And, I'm sure you know pino trump and the Repubs have shit on first responders and other related orgs. Right?
It would be helpful if you alt right/RWNJ traitors made a list of what they consider to be protected speech although its not hard to figure out what you would put on that list.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Reminds me of a quote I heard - I think it it was actually Nixon...but, you don't attack down - you attack up. Trump keeps attacking down. Why does he need to attack this fellow? :dunno:

Because assholes like that need to be called out on their bullshit.

Correll - The US Constitution is not "bullshit". At least its not to American patriots.

Coyote -- I heard that too and its true that trump is the most at home trying to pull people down into the gutter where he lives.

His job is to uphold the US Constitution. Doesn't matter if he agrees with it. He swore to uphold the Constitution, period.
Colin Kaepernick had a rape charge that was against him that it was dropped. But he claims that Blacks doesn't get a fair deal. But Bill Cosby has a rape charge that was against him, that the statues of limitation has past, I guess except for one. But I sees that no one is protesting against how they are treating Bill Cosby. Colin could of have went to all of these BLM protest. But I guessed that he went to them all, that he was afraid of being robbed, and will be needing the police assistance. Colin has gotten paid to protest. But he is too lazy to go out with the protesters and fight for the cause. They hushed Paris Jackson when she had made a comment about the DAPL. And so it shows that all of these protest is to offend Pres. Trump. If his supporters still goes to these games that condones disrespecting the veterans. That it will shows that they doesn't care about this country, and that no one really care about Pres.Trump, and whatever he says. And so.. If his supporters still attends these games, are hypocrites. Just all talk, but no show. They should look towards a new sport like fishing and big game hunting. And then, there is the Grand Prix races and boxing.

Miami authorities won't charge 49ers' Colin Kaepernick

We could really use this kind of excitement at a pipeline protest. The daughter of Michael Jackson references the Dakota Access oil pipeline protests in her introduction of the Weeknd.


The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Perhaps you are offended too easily.

When people refuse to salute our flag that represents all our fallen veterans, others who have also served, the Republic which gives us so much freedom, and the people of this nation it is not 'too easily offended' to get pissed off and turn off the damned television.

Perhaps you are not offended easily enough.
This is all about upsetting the Vets and the President that whom supports the Vets. If Hillary says something, that it is okay. But whatever Pres.Trump says anything, they will put it down. And so if Pres.Trump's supporters better do whatever Pres.Trump tells them to do, or else, that these fools (Hillary's people) will be stroking their children and grandchildren before their reached the first grade. These Hillary's people wants a lawless society that they can do whatever they want to others. This shadow government doesn't has an army, but a small group. But they uses the people, to cause conflict. To get them to do what they want them to do. By having them to fight among each other. That is how they fight their battles. They uses others like the military and civilians.


Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.


The VA and the FBI target veterans, send ATF to disarm them

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S. Napolitano stands by controversial report

Genesis 19:4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

President Dotard Bum has a right to his opinions, but he should keep his filthy mouth shut.


Thanks for not even pretending to make a rational or reasonable argument in defense of your position.

Much more honest of you.

That being said.

A grown man calls honorable women bitches. And he happens to be the leader of a country....can you believe that?
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Isnt it funny how liberals cannot understand how American people get upset over disrespect to a flag that symbolizes the American people?

Fuck the NFL.
What's beyond the pale are the bastards running a unity ad.

Exclusive: NFL airing unity ad in prime time on Sunday

They want unity? Amazing. Let them stay on their knees and think about unity.

How dare they say the word after what they did.

President Dotard Bum has a right to his opinions, but he should keep his filthy mouth shut.


Thanks for not even pretending to make a rational or reasonable argument in defense of your position.

Much more honest of you.

That being said.

A grown man calls honorable women bitches. And he happens to be the leader of a country....can you believe that?
Those women raised those anti American bastards. Do any of them have fathers? Calling those women bitches is an insult to bitches.

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