Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
The clock doesn't start until the whistle blows.

Lol, there's a pregame clock too, dimwit. Warmups? Stretches? You're required to be on that field if you are under contract with that team. The moment you step foot into the arena or stadium you're playing in, you're on the clock.

Shows how much you know.
The great state of Alabama thanks you

Elections in Alabama - Wikipedia

2004, bush vs kerry, votes for GOP 62%

2008 McCain vs black Obama, votes for GOP, only 60% despite black guy on ticket.

2012 Romeny vs black Obama, votes for GOP, only 60% despite black guy on ticket.

2016 Trump vs Hillary, votes for GOP, 62%.

YOu are an asshole for so readily smearing an entire state of this nation.

And I have proven your wrong. If Alabama was a "White Supremacy State" they would not have voted AGAINST Obama less then they voted against Kerry and Hillary.

YOu are an asshole.

Fuck you.
A national disaster
When Alabama FB team doesn't show up for a game

If Alabama is soooo racist, why were they voting against Obama, LESS then they voted against Kerry and Hillary?

This is where, if you had an once of human decency and self respect, you would admit that you were just being a race baiting asshole when you insulted Alabama,

instead you will double down on your vile mistake.

SO, I double dog dare you to answer the question, coward.

If Alabama is soooo racist, why were they voting against Obama, LESS then they voted against Kerry and Hillary?
I can't explain the voting choices of Alabama I just know that you've got 2 strikes against you if you're black and live there

NYcarbineer had no problem explaining it.

HIllary and kerry were both weaker candidates and the state's white votere were thus more motivated to vote against them.

Obama, being a much stronger candidate, did not motivate them as much to vote against him, despite his supposed "two strikes against him".

Thus crushes your bullshit smear of a whole state.

This is where you would admit you were wrong, if you were a good person.

It is GOOD news that Alabama, a state of the DEEP SOUTH, is not a "White Supremacist State" like you thought.

The world is a better place for you now.

Why can't you admit that and be happy?
I'm happy living in the great state of NY and the world will be a far better place in 2020
The players feel that kneeling is spitting in Trump's eye. The public feels that not buying a ticket is spitting in the player's eyes.

See how that works out.

So who do you think will win? I'm betting on the NFL, yes a few folks will sell or burn their season tickets and a few folks will stop watching on TV but my bet is they won't lose enough money to make a difference.
It was making a difference long before Trump said anything. It only has to make enough of a difference for the shareholders to squeak.
Correll ""NO ONE has more respect for women than I do""?? Trump and people like you are killin me
The players feel that kneeling is spitting in Trump's eye. The public feels that not buying a ticket is spitting in the player's eyes.

See how that works out.

So who do you think will win? I'm betting on the NFL, yes a few folks will sell or burn their season tickets and a few folks will stop watching on TV but my bet is they won't lose enough money to make a difference.
It was making a difference long before Trump said anything. It only has to make enough of a difference for the shareholders to squeak.
Most are season tickets Already got your money Wait till next year
I've had A LOT to drink while watching FOOTBALL today. Please reserve your criticism of my posts until I am sober. If you do not don't blame me for the wrath you incurr

Did KC win?
Still on but I just discovered an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet. We have 3 3 year olds here playing the not me game right now and someone gets to go fishing
You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.
so we agree people have the right to speak their mind.

where is it written when someone does i must agree or i'm the bad guy? never have seen that part.

funny how people are so quick to take away the rights of those who don't agree. i mean, their right too. right?
You do not have the right to speak your mind.

The first amenement keeps the government from passing laws to prevent free speech, against the government.

You can't yell fire.
You can't slander someone
You can't libel someone.

There are lots of places where you can't speak your mind, and the work place is one of them. If they were outside work then have at it.

So you can't speak your mind if the workplace doesn't have a rule against it?

Can a business deny you entry if you're in an open carry state?

Was anyone offended when Tim Tebow was exercising his 1st Amendment rights?

Very quickly after the war, and for 5 generations afterwards, the Confederate Battle Flag was accepted by the nation as a whole as a symbol of regional pride, within the greater nation.


Who are you to rescind an acceptance granted by the very veterans who paid the price to win that war?

Rhetorical question. YOu are no one.
It's accepted worldwide as a symbol of treason.
Notice what state the moron gave his latest speech ? The great state of alabama ,the white supremacy state

Where I've seen women shove their big fat ass into daisy dukes none other made out to be the flag and fat redneck men in their flag shirts. Now, this shit is disrespectful.
The players feel that kneeling is spitting in Trump's eye. The public feels that not buying a ticket is spitting in the player's eyes.

See how that works out.

So who do you think will win? I'm betting on the NFL, yes a few folks will sell or burn their season tickets and a few folks will stop watching on TV but my bet is they won't lose enough money to make a difference.
It was making a difference long before Trump said anything. It only has to make enough of a difference for the shareholders to squeak.

Won't happen just like obamacare will not be repealed.
If Alabama is soooo racist, why were they voting against Obama, LESS then they voted against Kerry and Hillary?

This is where, if you had an once of human decency and self respect, you would admit that you were just being a race baiting asshole when you insulted Alabama,

instead you will double down on your vile mistake.

SO, I double dog dare you to answer the question, coward.

If Alabama is soooo racist, why were they voting against Obama, LESS then they voted against Kerry and Hillary?

Because, for now, black people can still vote in Alabama

Alabama is over 70% white.

Sure, I'm sure that Obama running got more blacks to turn out.

BUT, the point is, that that increase in turnout by the dems and/or blacks, was NOT matched by an increase in republicans/whites, who, according to eddies, are sooooooo horribly racist.





You got any proof of that assertion? I doubt it.

I linked to the numbers. The state went for Bush and Trump by more than it went for McCain and Romney despite the black guy on the ticket.

The evidence suggest that eddy just smeared a whole state of innocent people.

Lefties are assholes like that.

Your numbers indicated a difference of two percentage points. If blacks turned out at just a ten percent greater rate for Obama's election it would indicate a THREE PERCENT difference. Your numbers do not prove your assertion.

So, what are you saying?

That black turn out surge for Obama, was responsible for more than the observed difference?

That that masked a possibly racist "Surge" of ONE WHOLE PERCENTAGE POINT?

And that's the power of white racism in the Deep South,


And you think that does NOT make my point?

Elections in Alabama - Wikipedia

2004, bush vs kerry, votes for GOP 62%

2008 McCain vs black Obama, votes for GOP, only 60% despite black guy on ticket.

2012 Romeny vs black Obama, votes for GOP, only 60% despite black guy on ticket.

2016 Trump vs Hillary, votes for GOP, 62%.

YOu are an asshole for so readily smearing an entire state of this nation.

And I have proven your wrong. If Alabama was a "White Supremacy State" they would not have voted AGAINST Obama less then they voted against Kerry and Hillary.

YOu are an asshole.

Fuck you.
A national disaster
When Alabama FB team doesn't show up for a game

If Alabama is soooo racist, why were they voting against Obama, LESS then they voted against Kerry and Hillary?

This is where, if you had an once of human decency and self respect, you would admit that you were just being a race baiting asshole when you insulted Alabama,

instead you will double down on your vile mistake.

SO, I double dog dare you to answer the question, coward.

If Alabama is soooo racist, why were they voting against Obama, LESS then they voted against Kerry and Hillary?
I can't explain the voting choices of Alabama I just know that you've got 2 strikes against you if you're black and live there

NYcarbineer had no problem explaining it.

HIllary and kerry were both weaker candidates and the state's white votere were thus more motivated to vote against them.

Obama, being a much stronger candidate, did not motivate them as much to vote against him, despite his supposed "two strikes against him".

Thus crushes your bullshit smear of a whole state.

This is where you would admit you were wrong, if you were a good person.

It is GOOD news that Alabama, a state of the DEEP SOUTH, is not a "White Supremacist State" like you thought.

The world is a better place for you now.

Why can't you admit that and be happy?
I'm happy living in the great state of NY and the world will be a far better place in 2020

Dodge the truth that crushes your lies, with a completely off topic nonsense post.

Good little lefty.
Correll ""NO ONE has more respect for women than I do""?? Trump and people like you are killin me

Listen liar. You smeared the good people of Alabama and stood by your smear even after I demonstrated you were full of shit with hard numbers.

You don't have the credibility to comment on sky color, or water dampness.
The players feel that kneeling is spitting in Trump's eye. The public feels that not buying a ticket is spitting in the player's eyes.

See how that works out.

So who do you think will win? I'm betting on the NFL, yes a few folks will sell or burn their season tickets and a few folks will stop watching on TV but my bet is they won't lose enough money to make a difference.
It was making a difference long before Trump said anything. It only has to make enough of a difference for the shareholders to squeak.
Most are season tickets Already got your money Wait till next year

Yeah, let's see how those season ticket holders like being told they are racist assholes.
You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.
so we agree people have the right to speak their mind.

where is it written when someone does i must agree or i'm the bad guy? never have seen that part.

funny how people are so quick to take away the rights of those who don't agree. i mean, their right too. right?
You do not have the right to speak your mind.

The first amenement keeps the government from passing laws to prevent free speech, against the government.

You can't yell fire.
You can't slander someone
You can't libel someone.

There are lots of places where you can't speak your mind, and the work place is one of them. If they were outside work then have at it.

So you can't speak your mind if the workplace doesn't have a rule against it?

Can a business deny you entry if you're in an open carry state?
In the work place the company decides policy, to which the employee has two choices, comply or quit.

Yes, businesses should have the right to deny access to anyone especially carrying a weapon.

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