Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Isnt it funny how liberals cannot understand how American people get upset over disrespect to a flag that symbolizes the American people?

Fuck the NFL.
What's beyond the pale are the bastards running a unity ad.

Exclusive: NFL airing unity ad in prime time on Sunday

They want unity? Amazing. Let them stay on their knees and think about unity.

How dare they say the word after what they did.

I agree. They don't want unity. The entire left seems intent on keeping people divided and angry.

Hillary insulted half the country by calling them deplorables. These guys are SOBs for disrespecting our flag and anthem. Our flag does not stand for racism but you'd think the majority of Americans are racist if you listen to the left. They love to keep the division going and they'll keep coming up with more shit.

I think the players should be fired. People get fired everyday for saying something that their boss doesn't like or posting something on social media. How many people in the media have been fired because they uttered something that the network didn't like? Teachers and other people have been fired for posting an opinion on social media that pisses off people.

Yet these millionaires are kneeling because they think they are treated unfairly. Well, give back the money and go live in a Dem-controlled city if you think they are so great. Why do you need to earn millions playing ball when you can go to Detroit, Ferguson or Chicago and have big government take care of you. Live in one of those places where you are at the mercy of liberals and then you'll have something to bitch about.
The awesome thing about America, is that millions of people fought for your right to wrap yourself in the flag and jump up and down with pride, every time the national anthem is played, as well as, the right to sit through the national anthem talking with your friends about your day, paying it no attention!

It’s up to you what you want to do, everyday of your life in this country, as long as it’s legal!

So let’s stop listening to the crazy rants of Trump, who’s nothing more than a zoo keeper who throws red meat to his followers!

Does anyone truly believe, that a man, who would tell Billy Bush from Access Hollywood, that he likes to move on women like a bitch, and that he likes to grab them by their private parts, and just start kissing them, actually gives a damn about our flag, this country, or our national anthem?

Do you think a man who got several deferments, to keep from serving that flag, this country and its citizens, truly cares for those that did?

Get real!

President Dotard Bum has a right to his opinions, but he should keep his filthy mouth shut.


Thanks for not even pretending to make a rational or reasonable argument in defense of your position.

Much more honest of you.

That being said.

A grown man calls honorable women bitches. And he happens to be the leader of a country....can you believe that?
Those women raised those anti American bastards. Do any of them have fathers? Calling those women bitches is an insult to bitches.
They make millions you wish you were like them Mr nobody.
What the Establishment are doing to Pres.Trump, that they has done it to a lot of other Presidents in the past. Like JFK. He was trying to stop inflation from rising. But the Establishment chuckled at what he said. And so they had raised the price on steel, which means that it will inflate the prices of everything all over the world. JFK had gotten upset when they had done that to him, by them making a liar out of him in front of the whole nation.


My father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed it till now. -- (Comment made 10 April 1962 in reaction to news that U.S. Steel was raising prices by $6 per ton, right after the unions negotiated a modest new contract under pressure from JFK to keep inflation down.)
John F. Kennedy, "A Thousand Days," by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. [1965]


It do me more good then their "exercising their first amendment rights" will do them.

I'm not undermining the very sport that has made me rich and famous, and insulting the majority of my fan base, like they are.

They're not undermining anything. What 'majority' fan base? I see a lot of their fan base supporting them.
I agree. They don't want unity. The entire left seems intent on keeping people divided and angry.
The hardcore Left, the Regressives, yes, correct. None of them are putting any effort whatsoever into healing, communication or understanding.

HOWEVER, they've got a guy in the White House right now who's making things much easier for them, playing right into their hands.
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.

Right. So just because you make $1 million in a country you should just STFU if you perceive injustice? interesting...

Change it out from Walmart to Microsoft then shithead. My point remains. The players have the power.
so we agree people have the right to speak their mind.

where is it written when someone does i must agree or i'm the bad guy? never have seen that part.

funny how people are so quick to take away the rights of those who don't agree. i mean, their right too. right?

Do you even believe the shit you type? Seriously? I'm not the one telling the players to STFU. You are. What was that about rights, again?
You do not have the right to speak your mind.

The first amenement keeps the government from passing laws to prevent free speech, against the government.

You can't yell fire.
You can't slander someone
You can't libel someone.

There are lots of places where you can't speak your mind, and the work place is one of them. If they were outside work then have at it.

Then sack the players. See what happens to the NFL after that. You did see some of the owners agree with them, right?
Of course they do.

You just forget that everyone else has a right to protest those statements as well and that includes calling for the removal of those players or boycotting the NFL until such time that the political statements they disagree with are ended.

Free speech works on both ends.

True. Let's see how it works out.
Yes...The American flag represents the right of free speech, by not standing for it's anthem is protesting that right of free speech. The kneelers are only proving what dolts they are.

I think you need to bone up on what they are protesting....

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