Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.

Sure, they have a right to protest.

And we have a right to point out that their complaints are bullshit, and that they are overpaid performers with over inflated egos, and to say FUCK THEM.
You sure do But the President should keep his blabbermouth shut Let him keep getting Iran and NK pissed off Not Americans
So that is how you handle protest, order them to shut up. Well how about ordering the NFL to STFU?
Donald Trump has done a favor to NFL Brought owners and players together and made it ""odds on "" he won't be around after 2020,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm taking 2 knees FOR America
Of course, I assume you taking two knees is not out of the ordinary.

I will bet you never served a day in your life. You have never given anything to anyone, except for the above mentioned two knees.
WRONG Not overseas but put in 22 months at Ft Bliss in beautiful El Paso Where I and a black friend got kicked out of a bar because when asked he said he was african
Wow, can it get more stewpyd. Raising a fuss about players exercising their first amendment rights during the national anthem and nobody has once bitched about beer sales going on during the national anthem. And I would pay good money to see Trump call even the smallest NFL player an SOB to their face.
Good to see you Winston.

You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.
Synth you crack me up And I need a pick up after losing all my NFL games
Football sucks. Baseball is far superior. Gramps should be yelling GO ROYALS!!!
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
The clock doesn't start until the whistle blows.

Ask Michael Vick!
Wow, can it get more stewpyd. Raising a fuss about players exercising their first amendment rights during the national anthem and nobody has once bitched about beer sales going on during the national anthem. And I would pay good money to see Trump call even the smallest NFL player an SOB to their face.
Good to see you Winston.

You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.
Synth you crack me up And I need a pick up after losing all my NFL games
Football sucks. Baseball is far superior. Gramps should be yelling GO ROYALS!!!
GO Royals!

Sadly we're pretty much done but I love our hometown boys.
Before they start playing, they are free to not stand for the anthem if they want to. You really want to compel patriotism?

That smells like Nazi spirit.

and your post sounds like idiocy.

are they free?

only because their employers aren't fining them for their actions.

they are on the field, they are in uniform, they are required to abide by the rules and guidelines set by those who pay them.

If they are off the field, in 'civilian' activities, they have the freedom you claim
UNLIKE basketball there is NO RULE stating FB players have to stand for the anthem

if they are on the clock, they have to follow the employers rules.

when/if the employers make a rule that bending a knee is a finable offense, will you protest?

As a veteran and a patriot, I'd set up a "Go Fund Me" to offset the fines.

Veterans defend Kaepernick on social media - CNN

Feel free to donate your entire paycheck.


The NFL has never received a dime from me, to my knowledge, and never will
Have you EVER paid for cable television? I mean ever.

Because if you have then the package you received included sports channels and some of that money goes to the NFL.

Unfortunately true - virtually everyone has paid the NFL in one way or another.
Good to see you Winston.

You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.
Synth you crack me up And I need a pick up after losing all my NFL games
Football sucks. Baseball is far superior. Gramps should be yelling GO ROYALS!!!
GO Royals!

Sadly we're pretty much done but I love our hometown boys.
Yeah, you don't see me yelling Go Braves too much this season, either.
Maybe a new requirement is in order to gain entree into the NFL...2 years in uniform first. They can select the branch and the level of duty but to play in major league professional sports one must serve his two years....Fuck the thick neck babies, overpaid overcompensated POS...
It was disrespectful to MCCAIN, and McCain had it coming for being an asshole.

You lefties are the ones who have tried to make is about ALL vets.
He could have criticized him without bringing up his service record which was disrespectful to him as a veteran. Nice tap dancing routine you have there but you're not winning this one

John McCain insulted ME for supporting Trump.

This is after I supported McCain, (albeit it reluctantly) in HIS presidential bid.

I'm GLAD that Trump called him on his bullshit, and if I had been there I would have been even harsher with the asshole old man.


McCain's service was a long time ago, and does not give him a pass for being an ass.
Then criticize him on other merits. Don't attack his service record you fucking piece of shit

Do you think it was unfair of McCain to insult the millions of republicans that supported him, and then later supported Trump?

What? I asked a simple question about the exchange that you are so concerned about.

McCain started it by insulting Trump supporters, many of which, if not most, who voted for McCain when he ran for President.

Was that "fair" of him? To repay our support with insults?
Good to see you Winston.

You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.
Synth you crack me up And I need a pick up after losing all my NFL games
Football sucks. Baseball is far superior. Gramps should be yelling GO ROYALS!!!
GO Royals!

Sadly we're pretty much done but I love our hometown boys.
chiefs looking good
You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.
Synth you crack me up And I need a pick up after losing all my NFL games
Football sucks. Baseball is far superior. Gramps should be yelling GO ROYALS!!!
GO Royals!

Sadly we're pretty much done but I love our hometown boys.
chiefs looking good
Maybe a new requirement is in order to gain entree into the NFL...2 years in uniform first. They can select the branch and the level of duty but to play in major league professional sports one must serve his two years....Fuck the thick neck babies, overpaid overcompensated POS...
You Republicans sure love your government-enforced regulations, don't you?
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.
Are the democrats breaking his fingers?

Fuck McCain
You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.
Of course they do.

You just forget that everyone else has a right to protest those statements as well and that includes calling for the removal of those players or boycotting the NFL until such time that the political statements they disagree with are ended.

Free speech works on both ends.

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