Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.
Synth you crack me up And I need a pick up after losing all my NFL games
Football sucks. Baseball is far superior. Gramps should be yelling GO ROYALS!!!
GO Royals!

Sadly we're pretty much done but I love our hometown boys.
chiefs looking good
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.
Are the democrats breaking his fingers?

Fuck McCain
No, but I don't have to attack his record or his stamens under duress to disagree with his politics.
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.

NO, the libs don't care about shit like that.

If someone is useful, they get a pass. If not, they get dogpiled by the lefty vermin.

You can see that by the way the vile media turned on McCain during his Presidential run.

He stopped being useful and became a problem.

Suddenly instead of being a "maverick" he was a "old hot head", who had anger issues and might not live to fill out his term.

Now that he is useful again, suddenly he gets a pass for everything.
Do you think it was unfair of McCain to insult the millions of republicans that supported him, and then later supported Trump?
What does fair have to do with it?

You are right. I should have said, "disrespectfull".
What had Trump done to that point that warranted any respect?

Did you really miss that I was talking about the joint McCain/Trump supporters?

Or are you just being a lib?
They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
/end thread

This is it right there - they have the right to protest and everyone else has a right to respond. That is how freedom of speech works - the ideas presented are brought into the public space and debated until one comes out on top.
and your post sounds like idiocy.

are they free?

only because their employers aren't fining them for their actions.

they are on the field, they are in uniform, they are required to abide by the rules and guidelines set by those who pay them.

If they are off the field, in 'civilian' activities, they have the freedom you claim
UNLIKE basketball there is NO RULE stating FB players have to stand for the anthem

if they are on the clock, they have to follow the employers rules.

when/if the employers make a rule that bending a knee is a finable offense, will you protest?

As a veteran and a patriot, I'd set up a "Go Fund Me" to offset the fines.

Veterans defend Kaepernick on social media - CNN

Feel free to donate your entire paycheck.


The NFL has never received a dime from me, to my knowledge, and never will
Have you EVER paid for cable television? I mean ever.

Because if you have then the package you received included sports channels and some of that money goes to the NFL.

Unfortunately true - virtually everyone has paid the NFL in one way or another.
The NFL has never received a dime from me, to my knowledge, and never will

if there were any way possible to get rid of the Sports Package, without ending cable, I would.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.
The clock doesn't start until the whistle blows.
If they are on the field, in uniform, they are on the clock.

(wonder if you believe they don't get paid for practice?)
They get paid to play football not stroke your patriot hard on.
Actually, they are paid for whatever the fans are looking for.

That may or may not include 'stroking your patriot hard on.'
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.

NO, the libs don't care about shit like that.

If someone is useful, they get a pass. If not, they get dogpiled by the lefty vermin.

You can see that by the way the vile media turned on McCain during his Presidential run.

He stopped being useful and became a problem.

Suddenly instead of being a "maverick" he was a "old hot head", who had anger issues and might not live to fill out his term.

Now that he is useful again, suddenly he gets a pass for everything.
I don't really care what the partisan hacks state. I am not one of them. I do not give McCain a pass on any of his politics but I do give him a pass on any of the vile claims that have been made about his service record.
Pittsburg stayed in the locker room All football spits in trumps eye
"America's eye."
NO They love America and those who keep us safe It's the dirty SB racist killers the few cops getting away with murder that they take a knee for. Me and Stevie Wonder take 2 knees

Actually, if the flag was SPECIFICALLY JUST FOR bad cops, then you point would make sense.

As it is a flag that represents AMERICA, then you point is nonsense.
UNLIKE basketball there is NO RULE stating FB players have to stand for the anthem

if they are on the clock, they have to follow the employers rules.

when/if the employers make a rule that bending a knee is a finable offense, will you protest?

As a veteran and a patriot, I'd set up a "Go Fund Me" to offset the fines.

Veterans defend Kaepernick on social media - CNN

Feel free to donate your entire paycheck.


The NFL has never received a dime from me, to my knowledge, and never will
Have you EVER paid for cable television? I mean ever.

Because if you have then the package you received included sports channels and some of that money goes to the NFL.

Unfortunately true - virtually everyone has paid the NFL in one way or another.
The NFL has never received a dime from me, to my knowledge, and never will

if there were any way possible to get rid of the Sports Package, without ending cable, I would.
LOL. And I agree. There is little choice however because of the way government has regulated the industry and because of technological limitations in the system itself. Changes are coming though because those tech limits are going away and the industry is starting to operate outside of the areas the government is controlling.
Do you think it was unfair of McCain to insult the millions of republicans that supported him, and then later supported Trump?
What does fair have to do with it?

You are right. I should have said, "disrespectfull".
What had Trump done to that point that warranted any respect?

Did you really miss that I was talking about the joint McCain/Trump supporters?

Or are you just being a lib?
I just don't understand how John McCain being against the election of Trump is "insulting" Trump/McCain voters?

Is he supposed to also be a sheep like you?
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.

NO, the libs don't care about shit like that.

If someone is useful, they get a pass. If not, they get dogpiled by the lefty vermin.

You can see that by the way the vile media turned on McCain during his Presidential run.

He stopped being useful and became a problem.

Suddenly instead of being a "maverick" he was a "old hot head", who had anger issues and might not live to fill out his term.

Now that he is useful again, suddenly he gets a pass for everything.
I don't really care what the partisan hacks state. I am not one of them. I do not give McCain a pass on any of his politics but I do give him a pass on any of the vile claims that have been made about his service record.
He served Trump punked out and now he talks about patriotism?? The man is a joke a sick joke
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.
Of course they do.

You just forget that everyone else has a right to protest those statements as well and that includes calling for the removal of those players or boycotting the NFL until such time that the political statements they disagree with are ended.

Free speech works on both ends.

Yes...The American flag represents the right of free speech, by not standing for it's anthem is protesting that right of free speech. The kneelers are only proving what dolts they are.
Do you think it was unfair of McCain to insult the millions of republicans that supported him, and then later supported Trump?
What does fair have to do with it?

You are right. I should have said, "disrespectfull".
What had Trump done to that point that warranted any respect?

Did you really miss that I was talking about the joint McCain/Trump supporters?

Or are you just being a lib?
I just don't understand how John McCain being against the election of Trump is "insulting" Trump/McCain voters?

Is he supposed to also be a sheep like you?

Oh, are you really unaware that McCain insulted McCain/Trump supporters to start the exchange?

Jeez, it's almost like you are a moron who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Do you think it was unfair of McCain to insult the millions of republicans that supported him, and then later supported Trump?
What does fair have to do with it?

You are right. I should have said, "disrespectfull".
""I like my heroes that didn't get caught""

So, what do you think about the way McCain talked about his supporters?
How did he talk about Trump's supporters?
"In the propaganda recording, Lt. Commander McCain said he was “guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people.” He confessed that he bombed “their cities, towns, and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.”

He praised the medical care and kindness of his communist captors even though he came to North Vietnam as “an aggressor.” McCain said he wished to express his “deep gratitude” for their “kind treatment” and that he “will never forget” the kindness extended to him by the communist North Vietnamese."

John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released

If Trump would have done that the MSM and Democrats would be having a field day calling him a traitor.

McCain gets a pass cause he is useful.
No, McCain gets a 'pass' because he was fucking tortured. Until you have someone breaking your fingers with pliers one at a time there really is not much you can say about him breaking.

NO, the libs don't care about shit like that.

If someone is useful, they get a pass. If not, they get dogpiled by the lefty vermin.

You can see that by the way the vile media turned on McCain during his Presidential run.

He stopped being useful and became a problem.

Suddenly instead of being a "maverick" he was a "old hot head", who had anger issues and might not live to fill out his term.

Now that he is useful again, suddenly he gets a pass for everything.
I don't really care what the partisan hacks state. I am not one of them. I do not give McCain a pass on any of his politics but I do give him a pass on any of the vile claims that have been made about his service record.
He served Trump punked out and now he talks about patriotism?? The man is a joke a sick joke

people who don't serve aren't allowed to talk about patriotism?

That's not a very American sentiment.

they get paid to play football.

Not protest,

Not drop a knee.


Before they start playing, they are free to not stand for the anthem if they want to. You really want to compel patriotism?

That smells like Nazi spirit.

and your post sounds like idiocy.

are they free?

only because their employers aren't fining them for their actions.

they are on the field, they are in uniform, they are required to abide by the rules and guidelines set by those who pay them.

If they are off the field, in 'civilian' activities, they have the freedom you claim
UNLIKE basketball there is NO RULE stating FB players have to stand for the anthem

if they are on the clock, they have to follow the employers rules.

when/if the employers make a rule that bending a knee is a finable offense, will you protest?

Again -- the national anthem is not "on the clock". It's not related to the game at all. I invited you to answer how it is, and you ran away. Not that there IS an answer but you ran away without acknowledging that there isn't one.

So no, it's not "on the clock", and standing or sitting or squatting or lying or striking a yoga posture during a national anthem is personal expression. That's what you're trying to "enforce" here with your puerile threats of "fines" and "being fired". It's thought control, and that's all it is. And that's indefensible.
Actually, those players are not just paid to play a game - they are paid to represent the team and its brand as well. That is why they have things like morality clauses in their contracts and can be fined for not speaking with the press. There is a LOT more to the players than simply the game itself.

The team has the complete ability to terminate the player if they feel that they are not representing the tram properly or that they are an overall detriment to the teams ability to sell tickets. This is not the only place that such is the case either. It is more cut and dry in many other cases but an employee being fired for taking a political position that the company is not pleased with is not unusual at all.

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