Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

Exercising one's Constitutional right also means suffering the consequences.

The vast majority of American's, on both sides of the aisle, are tired of having their entertainment served up with a healthy dose of politics.

See the behinds in the seats at theaters, stadiums and TV ratings.
Sure, they have a right to protest.

And we have a right to point out that their complaints are bullshit, and that they are overpaid performers with over inflated egos, and to say FUCK THEM.

For all the good that will do you. And they're saying FUCK YOU and they'll still be pulling in millions a stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
IN honor of the idiots in this, and other threads, I've changed my signature.


Perhaps they will be able to understand that, if they see it enough.

That signature does nothing but confirm your ignorance. Those protesting are not disrespecting veterans. In fact, they are doing the exact opposite. Every single individual that served in the armed forces swore an oath to a constitution that GIVES THOSE ATHLETES THE RIGHT TO PROTEST. Hoss, YOU ARE THE ONE DISRESPECTING THE ARMED FORCES, by complaining about those athletes exercising their constitutional rights and then attempting to include yourself with the brave individuals that DID SERVE, you denigrate their service and expose yourself as a total idiot.
I disagree. I think the internal strife that is tearing this nation apart because of asshole race baiters like you, is more important than foreign affairs.

FUck you.
The strife is caused by blind ah's like you

I attacked a few players for their actions.

You attacked me and by extension, everyone who doesn't "understand" why the idiot players are doing what they do. And I realize that by "understand" you mean "support". That is the majority of this nation.

I attacked a few people. YOu attacked the majority of this nation and called them a very serious slur in our culture.

So, who is tearing this nation apart?
What majority did I attack?? Because I believe MOST trump voters are racists means I and others like me are tearing the nation apart?

The majority of this nation does not "understand" why the players are doing this.

And you called them a very bad slur in our culture.

ONe of the very worse.

More and more, people are tired of being called names by people like you for complete bullshit "reasons".

Really, fucking tired...
Yeah the moron had to open his yapper about players taking a knee?? You have an idea why he targets certain people?

I've seen him tweet about just about everyone from Jeb Bush to Kim to Putin, and now some idiot football players.

That's hardly targeting "certain people".

But I see where you are going, and I want to say, that you are a race baiting asshole.
I've had A LOT to drink while watching FOOTBALL today. Please reserve your criticism of my posts until I am sober. If you do not don't blame me for the wrath you incurr
Finally we have a president that will take a stand for AMERICA!!!!

Go Trump Go.
I've had A LOT to drink while watching FOOTBALL today. Please reserve your criticism of my posts until I am sober. If you do not don't blame me for the wrath you incurr
Screw the NFL, you are un-American if you watch the shyt they put out.
Wow, can it get more stewpyd. Raising a fuss about players exercising their first amendment rights during the national anthem and nobody has once bitched about beer sales going on during the national anthem. And I would pay good money to see Trump call even the smallest NFL player an SOB to their face.
Good to see you Winston.

You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
Sure, they have a right to protest.

And we have a right to point out that their complaints are bullshit, and that they are overpaid performers with over inflated egos, and to say FUCK THEM.

For all the good that will do you. And they're saying FUCK YOU and they'll still be pulling in millions a stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

It do me more good then their "exercising their first amendment rights" will do them.

I'm not undermining the very sport that has made me rich and famous, and insulting the majority of my fan base, like they are.
You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.

Sure, they have a right to protest.

And we have a right to point out that their complaints are bullshit, and that they are overpaid performers with over inflated egos, and to say FUCK THEM.
You sure do But the President should keep his blabbermouth shut Let him keep getting Iran and NK pissed off Not Americans
Trump has repeatedly disrespected veterans. I guess he's lost your support

No, he hasn't. Why are you such a liar?
So saying McCain isn't a hero because he was captured isn't disrespectful?

It was disrespectful to MCCAIN, and McCain had it coming for being an asshole.

You lefties are the ones who have tried to make is about ALL vets.
He could have criticized him without bringing up his service record which was disrespectful to him as a veteran. Nice tap dancing routine you have there but you're not winning this one

John McCain insulted ME for supporting Trump.

This is after I supported McCain, (albeit it reluctantly) in HIS presidential bid.

I'm GLAD that Trump called him on his bullshit, and if I had been there I would have been even harsher with the asshole old man.


McCain's service was a long time ago, and does not give him a pass for being an ass.
Then criticize him on other merits. Don't attack his service record you fucking piece of shit
My hero, the rest that hid in the locker room can go to Hell.


Those who never served will never understand.
I've had A LOT to drink while watching FOOTBALL today. Please reserve your criticism of my posts until I am sober. If you do not don't blame me for the wrath you incurr
Screw the NFL, you are un-American if you watch the shyt they put out.
I am an unamerican asshole then! So be it.... until you thank my next dis in a leftist morons thread that is.
I've had A LOT to drink while watching FOOTBALL today. Please reserve your criticism of my posts until I am sober. If you do not don't blame me for the wrath you incurr

Any AMERICAN that can't debate politics just because he is drunk is no REAL AMERICAN!!!

You right wing 'patriots' get too caught up in being patriotic. They have a right to protest however they want. It was what your country was founded on.

Sure, they have a right to protest.

And we have a right to point out that their complaints are bullshit, and that they are overpaid performers with over inflated egos, and to say FUCK THEM.
You sure do But the President should keep his blabbermouth shut Let him keep getting Iran and NK pissed off Not Americans
So that is how you handle protest, order them to shut up. Well how about ordering the NFL to STFU?
represent your employer in their uniform and make political statements all the time.

let me know how that goes.

Comparing apples with oranges. The players have all the power. Walmart workers don't. Your comparison is asinine....
so is bitching about the unfairness of a country where you make millions to play a game.

and i didn't say wal mart fucktard. let's not go all extreme and pretend, m'kay? it could be any job. try working for microsoft and on a microsoft function pull shit like this.
Wow, can it get more stewpyd. Raising a fuss about players exercising their first amendment rights during the national anthem and nobody has once bitched about beer sales going on during the national anthem. And I would pay good money to see Trump call even the smallest NFL player an SOB to their face.
Good to see you Winston.

You to you Handsome Tramp. Have you ever seen a message board so plagued with idiots? If I had the time I would clean this place up a little. As it is, I just drop in once in a while for some shits and giggles.
It used to be a decent place, albeit infested by wingnuts and neo-cons defending Bush and bashing Obama. But they recently invited in the stormfront types and the Alex Jones retards, so along with all the Trumpy sheep, it's gone in the shitter since then.

Hey, while you're here find one of PoliticalChic's threads and have yourself a laugh. She thinks she's smart.

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