Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

Libtards that support Princess Liesalot should be ashamed.

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears - Breitbart

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears

But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee–the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.
Calling out Warren's blatant hypocrisy is perfectly reasonable, though I agree, less than the presidential. Then again, Americans didn't send Trump to Washington to be presidential, they sent him to drain the swamp. In this regard, I would argue he's failed, but that's another conversation.

Stated differently, couldn't care less if Trump calls out Warren's lying ass.

This was a non-political event. There was no reason for doing this.

You can't understand how taking a notable Mative American's name and using it as an insult can be insulting?

It is not used as an insult because Pocahontas was not a bad person.

It is mocking Warren.

Maybe one day when those two lonely synapses in your brain finally fire at the same time, you might have a thought.
Let's say you're in England speaking before a group of British educators.

"Ya know, back in Dayton there's a woman on the school board we hate. She's dishonest, she's a thief and she is incompetent. We call her Queen Elizabeth."

Do you understand now?

No. That makes no sense and cannot compare. You libs just don't have any sense of humor.

You apparently don't have any sense of humor. There was nothing funny about what he said. When Ronald Reagan used humor, most of the time he made fun of himself.

As someone whose grandmother is a Native American, I take great offense at Warren's fakery.

I think it was funny. You don't. Guess who needs a sense of humor transplant?

I take great offense at her politics more t5han I do what she calls herself.

I don't have to guess. I am not a Trump sycophant. If Trump shot someone and called it a joke, you would say it was funny. Go listen to a few Ronald Reagan speeches.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
What's the problem here? He's been calling her that before the election. She lied about her identity which should be a big insult to the social justice party of women left.

The left still thinks their pre election rhetoric is going to work.

There were 2 problems. First he brought politics to a non-political event just as he did when he spoke to the Scouts. Second, he got it wrong. It is FAUXocahantas not Pocahontas.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
What's the problem here? He's been calling her that before the election. She lied about her identity which should be a big insult to the social justice party of women left.

The left still thinks their pre election rhetoric is going to work.

There were 2 problems. First he brought politics to a non-political event just as he did when he spoke to the Scouts. Second, he got it wrong. It is FAUXocahantas not Pocahontas.
He was also honoring them by letting them know there's a scumbag totally white politician aka Pocohantes who falsely claimed her race to be the same as theirs.
Libtards that support Princess Liesalot should be ashamed.

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears - Breitbart

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears

But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee–the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.
You aren't going to convince anyone with stories from the tabloid press Breibart. In any case, as your own link states, though Ms. Warren's ancestor was in the militia, it is "unlikely" he would have been involved in the movement of native Americans as ordered by Andrew Jackson.

It is Trumpettes who should be ashamed that he honors Andrew Jackson to the point of making his racial slur against native Americans with a huge portrait of Jackson just behind him. Jackson was responsible for the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the consequent Trail of Tears. And he did it to appease people like you, people who voted for and supported his populist platform just like you do in supporting Trump.

The men he was honoring are WWII heroes. Trump has insulted them as well as insulting gold star families and POWs. He is the scummyist of the scummy. This is the scumbag who had multiple deferments so he didn't have to serve. You people support a loud mouthed , cowardly buffoon. You should be ashamed.
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Warren is a nut. Certifiable. Can you imagine had Sarah Palin got a free ride to college and a $340,000 job claiming "Eskimo cheekbones"?
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
The point of the thread is about Trump's poor taste, not Warren.
Poor taste? Since when is telling the truth "poor taste"? Warren is a fake Indian who real Indians laugh at (including the ones there when he said it!).
It was very inappropriate to bring in his political animosity toward Warren during a ceremony honoring WWII veterans and heroes. Very inappropriate. The ceremony is about THEM, not about Trump's anger with liberals. It was supposed to be about the men who served during WWII; but I suppose bonespur Trump can't really understand the idea of serving your country during a time of war.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."

I watched the clip and didn't hear any gasps of disbelief after he referred to the fake injun. I think I even heard a chuckle or two.

Seriously, I would have called a hell of a lot worse names than that.
You didn't hear any gasps because the entire place went silent because everyone was in shock. Shocked at the boorishness and insensitivity of our buffoon of a pressident.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
Elizabeth Warren is 100% fake in every way, the fucking bitch deserves that
How does that excuse Trump's stupidity?
President Trump "misspoke", and it is humiliating.
Humiliating? For who?

This racial sensitivity nonsense has reached a nauseating extreme. There is absolutely nothing offensive about what Trump said. Calling Warren, Pocahontas, is a perfectly benign tease, one which Warren has earned by her patronizing and highly questionable association with Native Americans.

Political Correctness has become a political cancer.
Actually, it is people who believe like you who are a cancer. Eating away at the human decency and diversity that have made the US a great and strong country. You want everyone who doesn't look like you and who is not culturally, religiously, and politically just like you outsted from the country, If Trump had the power Jackson had in 1830, we'd have a modern day Trail of Tears with Muslims, Mexicans, and Afro-Americans being driven out of the country because of your zenophobia and just plain overriding fear of not being at the top of all races and communities in the US.
Warren is a nut. Certifiable. Can you imagine had Sarah Palin got a free ride to college and a $340,000 job claiming "Eskimo cheekbones"?
She never tried to get any government support for her education, at all. So why do you even bring this up? It's just slurring someone for doing something they didn't do. Base, really base of you.
They think that if Trump lies, it's OK for them to lie.
In his book, that someone else wrote, Trump admits to lying.
Oh for those halcyon days when everyone CNN called a racist cried, apologized and beat a quick retreat from public life.
Those days aren’t coming back lefties. You’ve been left behind to wallow in nostalgia.
Libtards that support Princess Liesalot should be ashamed.

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears - Breitbart

Elizabeth Warren Ancestor Rounded Up Cherokees For Trail of Tears

But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee–the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.
Did James O'Keefe do the research on this? :rolleyes:
Read some history of the Trail of Tears.

Trail of Tears - Wikipedia

How about you take your own advice. Trail of Tears has nothing to do with Navajo.

Unless you're talking about Long Walk of Navajo. That has nothing to do with Jackson.

Pocahontas had nothing to do with the Navajo
Why did Trump bring it up ?

To make leftists heads explode.

And it worked.

Trump humiliated himself once again

The only one humiliated here is Warren.

It's on her to prove she is who she said she is.
No, the entire country of America and all people of decency were humiliated by what Trump did, and pretty much everything he does.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
What's the problem here? He's been calling her that before the election. She lied about her identity which should be a big insult to the social justice party of women left.

The left still thinks their pre election rhetoric is going to work.

There were 2 problems. First he brought politics to a non-political event just as he did when he spoke to the Scouts. Second, he got it wrong. It is FAUXocahantas not Pocahontas.
He was also honoring them by letting them know there's a scumbag totally white politician aka Pocohantes who falsely claimed her race to be the same as theirs.

You are so much bullshit. You people are just as fake as Warren.
There is no end to Trump's idiocy.

Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native Americans

President Trump used a racially insensitive nickname for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday during an Oval Office event honoring Native American code talkers, the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale reports.

"You were here long before any of us were here," Trump told the assembled group after initially declining to give a speech. "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas."
What's the problem here? He's been calling her that before the election. She lied about her identity which should be a big insult to the social justice party of women left.

The left still thinks their pre election rhetoric is going to work.

There were 2 problems. First he brought politics to a non-political event just as he did when he spoke to the Scouts. Second, he got it wrong. It is FAUXocahantas not Pocahontas.
He was also honoring them by letting them know there's a scumbag totally white politician aka Pocohantes who falsely claimed her race to be the same as theirs.

You are so much bullshit. You people are just as fake as Warren.

busybee01... hello .. :)

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