Trump Calls for DirecTV Boycott Over 'Communist' Plot to Drop OAN

Yeah, like calling the 5,000 people around the capitol on 1/6 all insurrectionists!
Like calling the Trump followers all domestic terrorists!
Like calling patriots all America's #1 domestic threat.
Like cancelling the president's Twitter account.
Like attacking everyone who works for Fox News trying to take them off the air.
Like attacking Chic-Fil-A for closing on Sunday.
Like attacking Joe Rogan.
Like attacking General Flynn.
Like attacking Baron Trump.
Like attacking Melania Trump for being a model.
Like attacking the entire GOP.

When has a commie like you EVER known what you were talking about?

Say Hi to Xi!
I would invite you to provide examples of my posts doing all that.

But we both know you can't.

You're a liar, a coward, and a child.

I would invite you to provide examples of my posts doing all that.

Hey asshole, are you an idiot too? I know that is a redundant statement. I simply gave you examples of conservatives being attacked vociferously while you whine like a little dog shitting yourself because Trump may have stood up for one tiny attack against a minor news outlet.

CRY bitch CRY.

And STILL, not one bit of proof that Trump actually said anything at all to justify this fake thread of false news and misinformation. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao:
LOL! Your world may be falling to shit, I dunno, but mine is doing quite well thank you.

This is news dumb-ass--it has political relevance--and speaks to the failure of Trump's grand plan.
I don't suppose you have anything cogent to say about the link?

I thought not~

BTW...I'm totally amazed that you give Biden the power to turn your world to shit..he's an non-entity to me--a President whose main function is to repair the damage Trump and his supporters left us with.
There wasn't any damage. He had the right programs. Biden has turned our infrastructure of providing goods and services into the Soviet model. and we have the means to get it all done. It is the stage in front of the audience. The Prog stage of self-importance. That without them, it just cannot be done.
And the Trumpsters run like scared little bunnies again.

Every single time.

Hows the Burn Loot and Murder riot training going??

Communist will Lie cheat and steal. Kill even.

They will burn businesses in over 200 cities and call it Peaceful. They will send Federal agencies and attack you and your family. IRS, FBI

Good example m Guys little girl raped in school and brought it up in the school board meeting. They sent the FBI after him.

Yes Communist do that kind of Bs.

Amyway. Good luck on Riot Season for Class Warfare for votes.
Dang those pesky Commies!

Former President Donald Trump has called on his supporters to "boycott and cancel" DirecTV if it follows through on a "Communist" plot to drop the right-wing One America News Network (OAN).
The satellite service provider announced last month that it would no longer be carrying OAN after its contract with parent company Herring Networks Inc. expires in April.
In a Tuesday statement, Trump insisted that DirecTV and AT&T, which owns 70 percent of DirecTV, were making the decision to drop the "very popular channel" in service to the "Communist movement."
"If AT&T/DirecTV cancels OAN, I hope that everyone will boycott and cancel DirecTV," Trump said. "It is a very popular channel, far more popular than most would understand, and they are being treated horribly by the Radical Left lunatics running the networks.
"Instead of being allowed to grow, their voice is being shuttered," added the former president. "Don't let it happen, cancel DirecTV. If you feel infringed by what this Communist movement is doing, cancel DirecTV!"

It is not clear that OAN is "very popular." Although ratings company Nielsen does not currently track OAN since the network does not subscribe to its service, it was found to average only 14,000 daily viewers when it was tracked for a brief time in the spring of 2019
OAN may have gained some new viewers since the 2020 presidential election, as it increasingly aired false claims of massive election fraud and became heavily promoted by and associated with Trump.
A number of "high-profile" OAN staffers left the network for fellow conservative network Newsmax, in pursuit of larger audience, better pay and less "extremism" in its pro-Trump coverage, according to a May report from The Daily Beast.
The network is available in roughly 30 million out of 121 million U.S. TV households, according to Reuters. The outlet reported that DirecTV is OAN's largest single carrier by far and accounts for about 90 percent of the network's revenue.

Trump is a loon. He's senile.
I would invite you to provide examples of my posts doing all that.

But we both know you can't.

You're a liar, a coward, and a child.

Did BLM murder police? Did they burn businesses? Did they terrorize citizens and beat old ladies with 2 by 4s? Did they attack Federal building and throw Feces and piss at Federal agents?

Did the DNC gaslight the fuck out of it and people died?

Why yes they did.
Did BLM murder police? Did they burn businesses? Did they terrorize citizens and beat old ladies with 2 by 4s? Did they attack Federal building and throw Feces and piss at Federal agents?

Did the DNC gaslight the fuck out of it and people died?

Why yes they did.
I would ask what in the world this has to do with the claim that I'm a communist.

But I know that there is no answer for that, because you people are ignorant cavemen.
I would ask what in the world this has to do with the claim that I'm a communist.

But I know that there is no answer for that, because you people are ignorant cavemen.
You support them all the time. Does the DNC use Violence on pretty much every election cycle?? You know they do??

Using force and threat of violence for political gain is actually Terrorism by definition. But im being nice calling them Communist instead.

Covid brought out the Tyrants in them. Did you see it? Or did you ignore it?
You support them all the time. Does the DNC use Violence on pretty much every election cycle?? You know they do??

Using force and threat of violence for political gain is actually Terrorism by definition. But im being nice calling them Communist instead.

Covid brought out the Tyrants in them. Did you see it? Or did you ignore it?
I support them all the time?

Example, please, of me supporting BLM.

I won't hold my breath, caveman.

I would ask what in the world this has to do with the claim that I'm a communist.

But I know that there is no answer for that, because you people are ignorant cavemen.

Ignorant cavemen. Because I call out your side for using violence for power. Because you use Federal agencies to attack political enemies.

Basically Tyrants. Why should I give a damn about them. I dont. Im out of Fucks to give them.
Hey asshole, let’s quote you when the Hunter Biden story (proven true) broke. The fact that Joe Xiden NEVER denied that true story meant nothing to you. You threw a tantrum and melted down. Now all of a sudden no denial means the story is true because you suffer from TDS. Amusing that making you look like the moron you are is so easy.
Do link my 'meltdown' we all can have a laugh.

BTW..I've linked several places where Trump is saying what the OP alleges, several of them Conservative sites--and response from the odd....not~

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