Trump Calls for End of Filibuster


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I agree. Just a few years ago the NY Times was telling us the filibuster was racist.

President Trump on Tuesday called for the Senate to end the filibuster and allow legislation to pass with a simple majority, saying it would help his agenda to pass “fast and easy.”

“The U.S. Senate should switch to 51 votes, immediately, and get Healthcare and TAX CUTS approved, fast and easy. Dems would do it, no doubt!” Trump tweeted. In fact, the GOP can pass healthcare bills and tax reform with a 51-vote majority if Republicans can reach agreements among themselves.

Trump called earlier this month for the end of the filibuster, which essentially requires 60 votes for a bill to pass the Senate.

Trump calls for end to filibuster
I agree

Filibuster was once a quaint Senate procedure where you had to continue speaking to hold the floor

Now it has been watered down to just declaring it and demanding cloture. While once a rarely used Senate procedure, it has now become the norm

The tool is being abused by the minority. Time to take it away
Trump is making excuses. They are trying to pass both with 51 votes but do not have it. The healthcare bill the House passed is extremely partisan. Joe Manchin campaigned against it but there is no chance he could support the bill because many of his constituents would lose their healthcare coverage. On the tax bill, Republicans believe that you have to pay for tax cuts and they are stuck on where to get the money from.
it doesn't really do anything. the past filibusters are unmemorable. they used it as a vehicle to run for president.
nobody cares.
I disagree with ending it but I do think it should be returned to what it was if you want to filibuster you have to stand up there and keep talking.

I agree. If you want to filibuster, you have to stay at the podium while doing it.

Too bad the Republicans are the ones that watered down the filibuster rules. That crap started when Obama was elected and the Dems had the majority.

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