Trump calls for McConnell to be ousted as GOP leader ‘immediately’

Ok, so how does a person like this get into government to serve the people ?? Are election's being rigged or the people just being lied too ? How ?
They campaign, and you vote for them based on your research. If you are too lazy to check out who you vote for, it doesn't matter what he has or hasn't done before.
They campaign, and you vote for them based on your research. If you are too lazy to check out who you vote for, it doesn't matter what he has or hasn't done before.
Most people vote based on a person's political positions touted, and upon their established record in government, but the hidden stuff isn't usually known about until an opponent be it from either side challenges the candidate to either not be reelected or during reelection time where the candidate is trying to get elected.

How stuff gets buried or ignored during time's of election's is really amazing, because it's either hidden or the people figure it was just lie's drummed up by an opponent. How a person guilty of fraud qualifies for elected office boggles the mind really, uhhh unless the fraud wasn't proven maybe. Any how you are right, the people have got to become more aware these days, because bad goings on has become rampant.
Ok, so how does a person like this get into government to serve the people ?? Are election's being rigged or the people just being lied too ? How ?
People believing in politician's lies, because they've been taught to hate the opposition so much, they've been trained to just call the illegallities of their own tribe, fake news and witch hunts, blindly, without research to discern the truth.
People come on, it's politicians like Biden and McConnell who are the problem in Washington. They have been screwing over the American people for decades while lining their own pockets at our expense.
People believing in politician's lies, because they've been taught to hate the opposition so much, they've been trained to just call the illegallities of their own tribe, fake news and witch hunts, blindly, without research to discern the truth.
Sounds like the Democrat's to me.
It never fails. The fat former guy gets salty about someone and his MAGA-cultists all snap to.
Do you even have a damned clue as to what's going on in the real world ? You best snap to also before it's to late. All this bull crap will come back to haunt even worse than it already has. Did Biden get to you too or are you a Biden supporter ?

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