Trump calls for McConnell to be ousted as GOP leader ‘immediately’

The reason you got 3 Supreme Court justices is because of McConnell...the reason Trump got the only major piece of legislation he ever had passed (taxcuts) is because of McConnell...
But now yall hate Mitch too?'s a cult
Turtle Boy is 80 years old. I doubt he will be there much longer anyway.
It is about placing a successor.

Even they extreme Senate leader and Democrats take the Senate and house then the filibuster is dead...
You are joshing aren't you? No one does revenge better than a Prog. And Trump haters. McCain hated Trump so much that he screwed over his own voters on the Obamacare vote to remove it. This was the man who was supposed to lead the nation if he won in 2008. Forced on us by the elites. There are elderly now that are worrying about becoming a burden to their Children because of Biden and his agendas.


Living high up there on Bullshit Mountain, altitude is getting into your head....

The supports a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never worked a hard day in his life, biggest legislation was a tax break which 84% went to the rich... Yet everyone else are the Elite...

Wake up... Smell the coffee, sorry your living on Bullshit Mountain..
What? You like McConnell? Or you like the Medicare/Mdicaid fraudster Rick Scott?

Scott’s tenure at Columbia/HCA

During Scott’s 2010 race for governor, PolitiFact fact-checked multiple claims related to his tenure at Columbia/HCA. Now, we’ll recap some of our earlier discussion of the investigation and fine.

Scott started what was first Columbia in 1987, purchasing two El Paso, Texas, hospitals. Over the next decade he would add hundreds of hospitals, surgery centers and home health locations. In 1994, Scott’s Columbia purchased Tennessee-headquartered HCA and its 100 hospitals, and merged the companies.

In 1997, federal agents went public with an investigation into the company, first seizing records from four El Paso-area hospitals and then expanding across the country. The investigation focused on whether Columbia/HCA had committed Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

Scott resigned as CEO in July 1997, less than four months after the inquiry became public. Company executives said had Scott remained CEO, the entire chain could have been in jeopardy.

During his 2010 race, the Miami Herald reported that Scott had said he would have immediately stopped his company from committing fraud -- if only "somebody told me something was wrong." But there were such warnings in the company’s annual public reports to stockholders -- which Scott had to sign as president and CEO.

Scott wanted to fight the accusations, but the corporate board of the publicly traded company wanted to settle.

In December 2000, the U.S. Justice Department announced that Columbia/HCA agreed to pay $840 million in criminal fines, civil damages and penalties.

Among the revelations from the 2000 settlement:

• Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or had not been ordered by physicians;

• The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;
• The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;
• Columbia billed the government for home health care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.

The government settled a second series of similar claims with Columbia/HCA in 2002 for an additional $881 million. The total for the two fines was $1.7 billion.
On Scott’s 2010 campaign website, he admitted to the $1.7 billion fine, though the link is no longer on the site.

The reason you got 3 Supreme Court justices is because of McConnell...the reason Trump got the only major piece of legislation he ever had passed (taxcuts) is because of McConnell...
But now yall hate Mitch too?'s a cult
They hate him because Mitch doesn’t kiss the Ring, and anyone that does not kiss the Ring must be silence and removed from public eye…

I’ve been watching McConnell ever since he became a senator. He was anti-Reagan. He has consistently fought hard to keep conservative candidates out of the senate. He is more responsible for the 30 trillion dollar debt than any other active legislative leader including Schumer and Pelosi. Trump is right.


If and when the GOP loses their bid to take the Senate in 2022 who will you blame?




Let remember Trump cost the Republicans the Senate in 2020, and the way it is going now he will cost the Republicans again but you are so blinded by your stupidity you will not see it until it is years down the road and even then I doubt you will see it!
What? You like McConnell? Or you like the Medicare/Mdicaid fraudster Rick Scott?

Scott’s tenure at Columbia/HCA

During Scott’s 2010 race for governor, PolitiFact fact-checked multiple claims related to his tenure at Columbia/HCA. Now, we’ll recap some of our earlier discussion of the investigation and fine.

Scott started what was first Columbia in 1987, purchasing two El Paso, Texas, hospitals. Over the next decade he would add hundreds of hospitals, surgery centers and home health locations. In 1994, Scott’s Columbia purchased Tennessee-headquartered HCA and its 100 hospitals, and merged the companies.

In 1997, federal agents went public with an investigation into the company, first seizing records from four El Paso-area hospitals and then expanding across the country. The investigation focused on whether Columbia/HCA had committed Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

Scott resigned as CEO in July 1997, less than four months after the inquiry became public. Company executives said had Scott remained CEO, the entire chain could have been in jeopardy.

During his 2010 race, the Miami Herald reported that Scott had said he would have immediately stopped his company from committing fraud -- if only "somebody told me something was wrong." But there were such warnings in the company’s annual public reports to stockholders -- which Scott had to sign as president and CEO.

Scott wanted to fight the accusations, but the corporate board of the publicly traded company wanted to settle.

In December 2000, the U.S. Justice Department announced that Columbia/HCA agreed to pay $840 million in criminal fines, civil damages and penalties.

Among the revelations from the 2000 settlement:

• Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or had not been ordered by physicians;

• The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;
• The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;
• Columbia billed the government for home health care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.

The government settled a second series of similar claims with Columbia/HCA in 2002 for an additional $881 million. The total for the two fines was $1.7 billion.
On Scott’s 2010 campaign website, he admitted to the $1.7 billion fine, though the link is no longer on the site.

Those that kiss the ring are Republicans and those that do not are Communist Pinko Nazi’s that shall be shun!!!

( For those that will chime in just note I wouldn’t kiss the ring either! )

Funny part is Trump was once good friends with Clinton and donated to Democrats but now Trump is the most conservative person in the history of the Universe…

Living high up there on Bullshit Mountain, altitude is getting into your head....

The supports a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never worked a hard day in his life, biggest legislation was a tax break which 84% went to the rich... Yet everyone else are the Elite...

Wake up... Smell the coffee, sorry your living on Bullshit Mountain..
When the bills are charged, it goes to the peasants. I am paying for Biden's Prog agendas. I and tens of millions of others and tens of millions more are poorer today. Much poorer then when the evil jit bag Biden and his let them eat cake wife was installed as potentate.
Regardless of what progs think of internal Republican politics, as if they had a say anyway, Mitch throwing up the White flag 90 days before the election is nor a winning strategy, and Republicans need to win if we are to save the US from a prog agenda bent on destroying the nation.
Oh really...... Do tell about these soooo important roles McConnell plays when he isn't undermining the republican's by playing both sides of the isle for his political life..
Because it was Mitch who stole a Supreme Court pick from Obama by creating a made up rule of Presidents can't pick Supreme Court judges a year before election-- and then immediately turned around and broke his own made up rule when he nominated Amy Barret just weeks before an election

The reason you even ask this question further tells me the problem with Trumpers..yall have no understanding of how legislation gets passed because in your stupid little mind, you think your cult leader is King and controls all...
Regardless of what progs think of internal Republican politics, as if they had a say anyway, Mitch throwing up the White flag 90 days before the election is nor a winning strategy, and Republicans need to win if we are to save the US from a prog agenda bent on destroying the nation.
He did that to lul Democrat voters into a false place of complacency and cause some Dem voters not to come out because they think they have it in the bag... ...he tried to do this before......
I’ve been watching McConnell ever since he became a senator. He was anti-Reagan. He has consistently fought hard to keep conservative candidates out of the senate. He is more responsible for the 30 trillion dollar debt than any other active legislative leader including Schumer and Pelosi. Trump is right.


This is the best thing Trump has ever said. Ever.





Mushmouth should be fucking executed.
He did that to lul Democrat voters into a false place of complacency and cause some Dem voters not to come out because they think they have it in the bag... ...he tried to do this before......
I don't believe any of them are smart enough to do that.
I don't believe any of them are smart enough to do that.
He has already done it just backfired because they actually did lose more than he thought..........

But the point still stands......McConnell is the one who got 3 Supreme Court picks thru the Senate...not Trump.....

Mitch has pushed the same ole so called Conservative policies, Republicans have always pushed...this is why I say Trumpers are a cult..they do not care about policy, they only care about worshiping a politician
When an Uber rich person gives advice generally I believe the direct opposite and party affiliation means zilch
Too busy with his rallies and needing adoration. I want him back as POTUS, yes. He did a great job...except he trusted the wrong people and let his guard down when they groveled believing they would be loyal. Big mistake. I think he learned from that lesson.
Trump cares more about loyalty to himself than about competence, and loyalty to the American people. As a businessman, he should be concerned about what is best for him. As a president, the country has to come first.
He has already done it just backfired because they actually did lose more than he thought..........

But the point still stands......McConnell is the one who got 3 Supreme Court picks thru the Senate...not Trump.....

Mitch has pushed the same ole so called Conservative policies, Republicans have always pushed...this is why I say Trumpers are a cult..they do not care about policy, they only care about worshiping a politician
Yes, yes, we know the maligning, pejorative nonsense you progressives push...Mitch, has always done what's best for Mitch...He doesn't like Trump, and the nominees Trump put up would have passed anyway...You are only defending Mitch, because you know he doesn't like Trump...

Besides, conservatives don't give a shit what you leftist think about our internal politic...Stay in your lane...
I’ve been watching McConnell ever since he became a senator. He was anti-Reagan. He has consistently fought hard to keep conservative candidates out of the senate. He is more responsible for the 30 trillion dollar debt than any other active legislative leader including Schumer and Pelosi. Trump is right.


I knew something was wrong in DC

knew there were rinos giving the Ds everything they wanted

I guess I should have learned more about McConnell.. Where are the news reporters when you need them?

oh, that's right.. most "news sources" are part of the game...

What? You like McConnell? Or you like the Medicare/Mdicaid fraudster Rick Scott?

Scott’s tenure at Columbia/HCA

During Scott’s 2010 race for governor, PolitiFact fact-checked multiple claims related to his tenure at Columbia/HCA. Now, we’ll recap some of our earlier discussion of the investigation and fine.

Scott started what was first Columbia in 1987, purchasing two El Paso, Texas, hospitals. Over the next decade he would add hundreds of hospitals, surgery centers and home health locations. In 1994, Scott’s Columbia purchased Tennessee-headquartered HCA and its 100 hospitals, and merged the companies.

In 1997, federal agents went public with an investigation into the company, first seizing records from four El Paso-area hospitals and then expanding across the country. The investigation focused on whether Columbia/HCA had committed Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

Scott resigned as CEO in July 1997, less than four months after the inquiry became public. Company executives said had Scott remained CEO, the entire chain could have been in jeopardy.

During his 2010 race, the Miami Herald reported that Scott had said he would have immediately stopped his company from committing fraud -- if only "somebody told me something was wrong." But there were such warnings in the company’s annual public reports to stockholders -- which Scott had to sign as president and CEO.

Scott wanted to fight the accusations, but the corporate board of the publicly traded company wanted to settle.

In December 2000, the U.S. Justice Department announced that Columbia/HCA agreed to pay $840 million in criminal fines, civil damages and penalties.

Among the revelations from the 2000 settlement:

• Columbia billed Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs for tests that were not necessary or had not been ordered by physicians;

• The company attached false diagnosis codes to patient records to increase reimbursement to the hospitals;
• The company illegally claimed non-reimbursable marketing and advertising costs as community education;
• Columbia billed the government for home health care visits for patients who did not qualify to receive them.

The government settled a second series of similar claims with Columbia/HCA in 2002 for an additional $881 million. The total for the two fines was $1.7 billion.
On Scott’s 2010 campaign website, he admitted to the $1.7 billion fine, though the link is no longer on the site.

Ok, so how does a person like this get into government to serve the people ?? Are election's being rigged or the people just being lied too ? How ?
He has already done it just backfired because they actually did lose more than he thought..........

But the point still stands......McConnell is the one who got 3 Supreme Court picks thru the Senate...not Trump.....

Mitch has pushed the same ole so called Conservative policies, Republicans have always pushed...this is why I say Trumpers are a cult..they do not care about policy, they only care about worshiping a politician
No, Trump voters want change in the Republican party because they've become the rhino party of compromise for their power, and for their party to sustain power by doing the rhino's dance for the crumb's to be throwed at them in hopes to remain somehow relevant.. The electorate has become to smart to turn back now, so the rhino's got hell on their hands trying to stick with their cuddling of the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden for a piece of their pie.

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