Trump calls for prison rape for journalists who won't give up their 1st Amendment rights.

So he calls for imprisoning people who simply won't reveal their sources and suggests prison rapes may change their mind.

There is something dangerously wrong with this guy.

It's incredibly sad that people cheered this

Crowd Cheers and Laughs When Trump Threatens Journalists With Prison Rape
Lying traitors deserve the harshest punishments.

Seruously, though...

I personally believe anyone who cites 'un-named sources' are admitting they just made the shit up and shoild be kicked in the crotch until they admit it or pass out.

Hillary, Comey, and Obama should have been forced by any means necessary to admit to admit their failed Russian Collusion scandal source was Steele and Danchanko

And his cult cheers and applauds. Has the man lost his mind? This is something you hear in Authoritarian countries.
He might be right - they probably would. Then again different people have different tolerance / resistance levels.

Are we talking about whether he was technically right, or are you making a social analysis about the morality of such a statement?

If so, this reminds me how liberals publicly declared how they wished Trump's son would be ripped from his mother's arms and raped by a bunch of men.

Considering that comment by leftists, what makes snowflakes believe Democrats have some moral high ground that excuses their condemnation of Trump for saying something similar?

I am not defending Trump - if he said this he should be rebuked for it.

I am just saying 'partisans' in glass houses should not throw stones...'

trump says leaker journalists will fess up is they face rape in prison​

Coming next: prison terms for editors and closing of all media outlets used by the left to spread obvious leftwing lies, propaganda and misinformation to effect political control over people!

16 days.
This is something you hear in Authoritarian countries.

No asshole, what you hear in authoritarian countries is state run media spreading carefully scripted lies and propaganda to the masses to keep them ignorant just as the left uses the MSM for here!
I'm sure there were Republicans who were disgusted by Trump's vulgar remarks.
One of the worst parts of this whole ugly episode has been the way they have chosen to keep their mouths shut.

All that has done is enable the whole thing. They sold their soul to one awful creature, and sold the rest of us out.
Hillary, Comey, and Obama should have been forced by any means necessary to admit to admit their failed Russian Collusion scandal source was Steele and Danchanko

Paul Singer the Republican hedge fund billionaire ordered the dossier. He was opposed to Trump.
Lying traitors deserve the harshest punishments.

Seruously, though...

I personally believe anyone who cites 'un-named sources' are admitting they just made the shit up and shoild be kicked in the crotch until they admit it or pass out.


You're as violent as Trump. Are you also a fat coward?
You're as violent as Trump. Are you also a fat coward?


You have no idea what or who I am.

Your punk ass could not have gone where I have gone, done what I did, and gone through what I have in the last 34 years of serving this country in the miliary.

You are a badass in obscurity on a keyboard, trolling and gaslighting from tbe shadows. You like to insult those who don't ageee with your opinion.

You wouldn't say a damn word to my face were we to meet, because your bravery comes from your anonymity.

I am not violent but am and have been proven to be capable of much violence when called upon to protect my country.

Fat coward...?!... Says the greasy-haired, orange cheeto-covered finger, keyboard-typing troll.

Coward? You would pee yourself just putting on my gear preparing to go on missions I have regularly been on.

LIMA NOVEMBER, snowflake.
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You have no idea what or who I am.

Your punk ass could not have gone where I have gone, done what I did, and gone through what I have in the last 34 years of serving this country in the miliary.

You are a badass in obscurity on a keyboard, trolling and gaslighting from tbe shadows. You like to insult those who don't ageee with your opinion.

You wouldn't say a damn word to my face were we to meet, because your bravery comes from your anonymity.

I am not violent but am and have been proven to be capable of much violence when called upon to protect my country.

Fat coward...?!... Says the greasy-haired, orange cheeto-covered finger, keyboard-typing troll.

Coward? You would pee yourself just putting on my gear preparing to go on missions I have regularly been on.

LIMA NOVEMBER, snowflake.

I'm not a badass at all. Why would I be?
he was joking. kind of a weird joke though for a person in power to make. i don't like such bullying antics
The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Florida Republicans Want To Make It Easier To Sue Journalists — And Even Right-Wing Outlets Are Nervous​

But if DeSantis and his Republican allies are imagining these bills as a glorious war against the so-called liberal media, they may be in for a rude surprise: Publishers from right-wing outlets are growing concerned that the new legislation would also damage their own operations.

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