Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

When hes convicted let me know....I love how lefties think an indictment is hard...

yeah this is the Mueller team

Mueller team seeks delay in Russia indictments case: docs

It's unlikely that the individuals charged in the case will ever appear in U.S. court. The companies were also largely expected to ignore the proceedings.

But they didn' they have to PROVE it.........I cant wait.
For those keeping score at home...

Obama -- Russian Reset -- Bad

Trump -- Russian Blow Job -- Good
By 'RESET' you obviously mean....

Hiding their associated crimes and aiding them in acquiring Uranium One and US uranium...

Hiding their attempts to hack the power grid, successfully manipulating snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, paying liberal groups to spread racial division and violence for them, and hid their attempts to hack the tp elected officials in the US BUT NEVER DID ANYTHING ABOUT ANY OF IT because he was trying NOT to upset Putin because Barry needed Putin's approval before Un-Constitutionally invading Syria...

Doing NOTHING, except renig on the US promise to help protect an ally's sovereign borders, allowing Putin to simply annex part of their country...

Hillary taking over $100 million from the KGB Bank while her hubby took $500k per speech from them then met personally with Putin....


And what a way to celebrate their 'Russian RESET' - the woman who took over $100 million from the Russian KGB giving a Russian Ambassador a plastic 'reset' button with the Russian words 'OVERCHARGE' incompetently placed upon it. (I am sure the Russian Ambassador was laughing tso hard at it because the thought - after they gave Hillary that $100 Million - 'OVER-CHARGE' was quite APPROPRIATE, especially after she LOST the election.


You sure did force a lot of stupid in that comment -- but I will leave aside for the moment all of what you said has been debunked by Fox News of all places -- let's say all of that is true -- that Russia got all of these goodies from Obama -- why is that bad if Trump is going one step further by asking them to be a member of the G7?

That is far more lucrative to Putin and his oligarchs than that made up shit you just typed...

but like I said before -- Trump supporters don't care about anything as long as they think it makes libs mad
And that has what to do with Trump????

Nothing, nothing......put your head right back up your ass...
All is well in the Trump
So nothing....ok, you're becoming rdean, getting destroyed in your own thread....

you said Manafort's indictments proves trump colluded with Russians.....but you cant cite anything....good luck

He never cites anything. It's like "it is because I said so".
Nat's never ending butt hurt over Hillary losing.

For an eternal moron like you surely are, the ONLY way to "defend" your orange hero is.......................bring up Hillary as Hannity has instructed you to do.......Sad but funny.
you are really dumb....Hillary keeps bringing herself up......she wont let it go...just like's over Trump won....He will be President for the next 6 years and will not be impeached or indicted......just get over it.
And that has what to do with Trump????

Nothing, nothing......put your head right back up your ass...
All is well in the Trump
So nothing....ok, you're becoming rdean, getting destroyed in your own thread....

you said Manafort's indictments proves trump colluded with Russians.....but you cant cite anything....good luck

Careful, he'll "funny" you. I think he must be like 10 or something.
Why is it that with everyone of your posts I hear circus music?
It's not 'circus music'...and it is because if you looked in the mirror you would see yourself wearing a little hat and jacket, holding a tin cup, a tether around your neck, and notice you are standing on Organ Grinder Obama's / the DNC's organ, lil' monkey....

Getting Russia back in the G8 is a further necessary undoing of what shitstain obama did.

Obama didn’t throw Russia out of the G8. ALL of the other leaders did it and Putin has done nothing since to be allowed back it.

Perhaps if shitstains like you would learn their facts before posting, you would come off like a Russian troll so often.
If it was done during the shitstain obama years it must be undone. Everything he did must be unravelled.

The Russians are better for the US than democrats. If Putin sent an army here to purge the country of democrats we would be much better off. We would have the wall already built.

Thank you for revealing that you are in fact a Russian troll farmer. Something I’ve long suspected.

No American would ever want Russia taking over the USA.
Nat's never ending butt hurt over Hillary losing.
Wow, only took the third post before someone cried Hillary.

Whatthefuckever, you jackwads cried Bush for eight years.
Bush, Bush, what was it he did?

Two unpaid for wars.

Trillions lost in tax cuts for the rich.

The beginning of the great deficit.

A terrible recession lasting years.

A ruined economy.

Tens of thousands of American soldiers dead and maimed.

Letting Bin Laden go.

And this was while HE WAS STILL PRESIDENT.

So yes, we did cry Bush for years. Starting with the eight disastrous years he was in office.

Who could possibly be stupid enough to defend such a debacle. Even Trump attacks his disterous two terms.
So the Trump supporters now support globalism meeting on the economy, which then has financial assets to help all nations in the world that follow their rules..In other words a worldwide federal reserve for the ultra rich.
it's called trade. and reconciling the trade imbalance to amercian companies. still american.
Unless you are brain dead you now know that Trump is Putin's bitch.

Trump calls for Russia to be reinstated into G7

An epidemic of brain deaths seems to have afflicted the callous conservative's who spend their days posting "Trump is Great".
------------------------------------------------ mostly i post the things that The TRUMP is DOING rather than worshipping The TRUMP . I think that there is a difference . Hey , TRUMP calls for possible reinstatement of Russia to the 'G7' Gang of Elite , Effete Euros . Thats not Worship , thats a report of a practical matter Wry Catcher .
you mean you post facts? how dare you.

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